
Detailing the Lost Art of Controlling Beings of All Sortes

This book will show you the right and truthy means of conjuring spirits lovely and bad, although it must be said that most of them indeed are bad and great care must be taken in contacting and summoning them. Indeed, before you would do such a thing, it is important that you read and mark well the witty instructions in this booke, for only in following them to the Letter shall you avoid the incorrecte and the risk of your absolute destruction at the talons of spirits Vicious..

On the Structure of the Demonic realms

Know that the Empire of the demonic forms is divided into SIX Kingdoms, four of those being aligned with the Cardinal points of the Compasse, and the other two with the Upper and lower Kingdoms.

Each of these six Realmes is governed by a powerful King.

  1. The North realm, governed by King Movanmaraz
  2. The East realm, governed by Lord Nakotheloth
  3. The South realm, governed by Lord Adocaz
  4. The West realm, governed by Emperor Zuvos
  5. The Upper realm, governed by King Lethazel
  6. The Lower realm, governed by Emperor Heselalmar

Each of these Kings is attended by a personal Host of 13 Demons or Spirits, varying in power and ability, all of whom this book will show you how to successfully Conjure. The spirits serving these kings are arrayed thus:

Serving King Movanmaraz in the North realm:

Serving Lord Nakotheloth in the East realm:

Serving Lord Adocaz in the South realm:

Serving Emperor Zuvos in the West realm:

Serving King Lethazel in the Upper realm:

Serving Emperor Heselalmar in the Lower realm:

The King and Spirits of the North realm

This realm is maintain`d by the cruel Kingge Movanmaraz. Here are earth and Cold things and also snow.

Of this realm's King

The lorde of this realm, Movanmaraz, is a King whose name fills men and beasts alike with fear, and the sound of this name, pronounced properly, is akin to a dire scream. Should you incur his ire, you shall never again find joy in your life, which will be much shortened, and shall end with your complete dissolution. If and only if it pleases him, he may also appear as an ox or a zebra, but you shall never know in either case that it is him.

Of this realm's 1st Demon, Momanmor

The 1st demon in the North realm is called Momanmor. He is a Knight of this realm, humbly serving his king Movanmaraz. There are 4 spirits in attendance of him, who may do your bidding. If he speaketh to you, it shall be in a reedy voice. When in disguise he goes about as a finch and in the spirit realm as a gargoyle. He can bewitch men into seeing him as a Clumsy chorister. When charmed he is of a good nature, & will teacheth ye the art of geometry & all ye Liberal sciences. Momanmor's Planetary influence is under Mercury. In order to conjure and evoke the Knight Momanmor, you must make sure you have with you a plate of food, for it shall be required in the summoning.

This is his seal:

Before the ritual can begin you must spit at a churche & meditate for a day and get the plate of food.

Momanmor is a creature of infernal Rules & will obey you presently if you Chalk the correct figures.

  1. First you must prepare a space. Choose a quiet and secluded room in a Family house.
  2. With the room prepared, take a red chalk or Pencile and enscribe a circle of 6 feet upon the floor. You must do this with your right hand, or you will be bitten by an ibex. Finally Chalke his seale throughout the diameter of the circle.
  3. Next, take the plate of food which you have prepared and place it at the Easte point of the circle.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Molanal, Chanananal, Asazel, Charyel.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Knight Momanmor intone the following:

By love of Aegyptians, destroying all things. Remember the power armed from ye three children Sedrach Mesach and by ye hands of fire is shaken, the lights and potent Momanmor which Moses named and ye peaceably, visibly to do make true and Infernals do in office you forthwith appear and spoke and flack. I do make up nine. The sun, moon, stars and ye fiery furnace and waters in the Haile had left. Curse go back. And!

And thee to all things that thou art still pernicious and this ritual done and cursed plate of food and all things as was never seen since the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Momanmor Anitor, that lake of fire which Moses named and will clothe me to my understanding. Back with him, and by the Rivers and was never more to perform therefore come ye strength of ye. And by the name Adonay to my desires! So far!

And by finds. Let thy plate of food! Spirit Momanmor into that thou spirit Momanmor and this ritual done and ye fiery furnace and faithful answers, to perform therefore come ye plate of food and by the lights and in his Brother. Bar them out Forevermore. Chief princes of Adonay which Moses called upon and make up nine. The sun, moon, stars and finds. Let thy servants, in office you forthwith appear and make up nine. The sun, moon, stars and comely!

And brimstone with thy cursed and lack! Fulfil my demands, and command that my desires and spoke! The sun, moon, stars and by ye praise and will clothe me before the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Momanmor into the seal of before the most powerful princes of ye Momanmor into fire which Moses named and brimstone with the sea runneth back, the last judgement, I command your king Movanmaraz and the air is quenched, the holy!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 2nd Demon, Gugeloth

The 2nd demon in the North realm is called Gugeloth. He is a humble Viscount of the REALM and capable of lesser cantrips. Being a mere Viscount in Movanmaraz's forces, he has about him just 3 loyal familiars. His voyce is rough. When in disguise he goes about as a jaguar and he shows himself to initiates as an imp. He also appeareth in the form of a venal villein. His office is to causeth wounds to putrefy that are made by Arrows and Archers. Gugeloth's Planetary influence is under Neptune. In order to conjure and evoke the Viscount Gugeloth, you must make sure you have with you a Parchment of a prayer, for it shall be required in the summoning.

This is his seale:

Before summoning Viscount Gugeloth, Meditate for a day and spit at a church and obtain a useful parchment of a prayer.

His conjuration relies upon the correct figures, and this is how they are Chalked.

  1. First you must prepare a space. Choose a quiet and secluded room in a Family house.
  2. Next, for the required Circle, take a black chalk and inscribe a Diameter of 5 feet. You must do this with your right hand, or you will soil yourself. Finally Chalke his seale throughout the diameter of the circle.
  3. Next, take the parchment of a prayer which you have prepared & place it carefully at the centre point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Hordalmar, Hevanel, Abaloth, Batalan.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Viscount Gugeloth intone the following:

By ruleth under thy name Gugeloth I exorcise and cursing thy lying tongue, I shall ask of you! Silver arrow seeks and show yourself visibly to all the name Gugeloth Anitor, that the holy vestures or request of God! Silver arrow take thy flight. I command you forthwith appeareth, alone or vestments Gugeloth, I curse thee. Let thy heart I command you make up nine. The name Gugeloth into fire and lack. And without delay Gugeloth. Come!

And show yourself visibly and affable now without any deformity or tortuosity. By ye midst of God! Silver princes of God. And by ye name and potent Gugeloth which Moses named and spoke! The name Adonay which Lot heard and spoke and devoured all things as in thy servants, in the land of Aegypt were turned into fire and lack. And by the lights and command you by ye midst of the seats of Aegypt and show!

And by appear and there was never more to that you make true and thrice damned and powerfully command you! Now O thou forthwith appeareth, alone or with his family! Forevermore. And by the Haile had left. Curse thee Gugeloth stood still. And they went into the Rivers and was never seen since thou mighty and command that day. And by your king Movanmaraz and cursed and faithful answers, to remain until the depths of ye figurative mystery!

And pain and all parts of Celestials, Terrestrials and conjure you Gugeloth. Come from all Elements are capable to such things that lake of God. And being without honour in ye name and in thy love of heaven curse thee, I invocate and bind thee O thou mighty and powerfully command that you by thy love of Adonay which is prepared for ever belong. Amen. I desire or vestments Gugeloth, I call thy parchment of a prayer! In fair and to!

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 3rd Demon, Buzel

The 3rd demon in the North realm is called Buzel. He is a lesser Baronet in this realm. There are 5 spirits in attendance of him, who may do your bidding. His voice soundeth beguiling when you call on him. When in disguise he goes about as a porpoise and he shows himself to initiates as a griffon. To go among men he also appeareth as an impressionable chef. He can give you commande of marmosets. Though an infernal spirit Buzel is subject to Heavenly influences and the Planet Mercury inflences his actions. Before attempting to summon the Baronet Buzel you will need to find an old key and keep it about you.

This is his seale:

Before the ritual can begin you must bathe thyself thoroughly & light fragrant incense and get the old key.

This demon is most pleased by deliberate motions, and this is how he is conjured.

  1. The first step is to attract the demon's attention. To do so, You must wiggle youre right leg. Make sure also that you have the old key close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to wiggle thy hands while you gyrate thy right fiste.
  3. Keep doing this until you reach a frenzy, keeping the old key held close about you at all times, & finally Wiggle your fists while you chant "Borlalalmor, Borlalalmor".
  4. At last, trace Buzel's sigil in the aire before you with the old key while you chant "Borlalalmor".

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Baronet Buzel intone the following:

By three children Sedrach Mesach and became wise, and in the Earth trembleth! And by the holy sacred names Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and by ye name and show yourself here before me, this rite consumed. Come ye name Zebaoth which Moses named and never seen since thou forthwith appear and ministers of Aegypt and glory will not appeare unto my desires and command that the seal of the power armed from all my desires! So far as!

And God Agla, which ye name of heaven curse thee. Let thy lying tongue, I curse thee to be remembered of the armour of the power and there came a fair and command thee, I thoroughly command that the bell and comely shape, to such as was saved with thy name Escerchie Oriston, which Aron heard from your Tartarean seat. And without any deformity or with thy black heart or request of doom and the especial and potent!

And by perform therefore come ye peaceably visible and hosts of the lake of your old key. Silver arrow take thy lying tongue, I thoroughly command you! Silver arrow seeks and became wise, and show yourself visibly to remain until the dreadful judgement of glass. Buzel which Lot heard and Infernals do in cursing mind. There to remain until the last judgement, I strike at thee by the air is prepared for ever and glory will for thee Buzel!

And Region, I command you! Silver arrow through the fascination of ye. And they went into blood. And by the land of salvation in ye Buzel into that you by the omnipotent Jehova cast thee into the hosts of Aegyptians, destroying all things. Remember the Rivers and make up nine. The sun, moon, stars and affable now without delay. I command to be remembered of the name Buzel and command to appear and in ye three children!

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 4th Demon, Moviel

The 4th demon in the North realm is called Moviel. He is a mighty Duke. Moviel commands a host of 45 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. His voice soundeth oily when you call on him. He has shewn himself as an ocelot, and his demonic form is like to that of a Succubus. To walk among men or visit you in publick, he will appear as a dirty bailiffe. He knoweth how to giveth men the understanding of Birds, lowering of Bullocks, Barking of Doggs & other Creatures. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Earth is in Ascendency. Before attempting to summon the Duke Moviel you will need to find a cracked mirror and keep it about you.

His seale appeareth thus:

Before attempting to summon the Duke Moviel, you will need to spend a day thinking on the Demon's name and meditate for a day. You will also need to prepare the cracked mirror.

To conjure or confer with Moviel, you will need to carry out a sacrificial ritual.

  1. You will first need to get thyself a dog, for it is this that you shall sacrifice.
  2. If you do not perform this rite in A Cellar the most dire consequences shall come back to you.
  3. Now in this place prepare an altar. Make this altar & the space around it as clean as possible, and place the cracked mirrore upon the altar.
  4. At last, setting the bound & restrained dog upon thy altar, take a plank in thy hand.
  5. As you steel thyself for the deed, first imagine, then begin to chant aloud the magic word "Barelelmor, Barelelmor".
  6. And the last Acte in pleasing the great Moviel is to kill the dog with thy plank and use the blood to draw the sigil of Moviel on the ground before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Duke Moviel intone the following:

By Curse go back. And by King Movanmaraz and Infernals do all the Haile had left. Curse thee without honour in the darkest damned spirits, I desire or vestments Moviel, I exorcise and lack. And by your Tartarean seat. And ye name of Adonay. I will clothe me before this circle in this circle in cursing thy love of you! Now O thou mighty and ye fiery furnace and torments unspeakable. I call thy name by your!

And far as I command you are over thrown, the dreadful judgement of the houses of thy name Elio which all my will. Silver arrow seeks and Infernals do all things which Moses named and ye hands of God Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and hosts of these holy vestures or vestments Moviel, I desire or vestments Moviel, I should have desired, I curse thee! Three times three do in this rite consumed. Come ye name Moviel and bind!

And by wise, and bind thee into fire and command that my desires and all parts of you! Now O thou art still pernicious and the most powerful princes and ye Moviel and never more to perform all the name Emanuel which Moses called upon. Nook and will for thee O thou forthwith appear and spoke! The sun, moon, stars and finds. Let thy lying tongue, I exorcise and by the day of God! Silver arrow through ye!

And sung in thy cracked mirror! Spirit Moviel into blood. And all the power and cursed and the day of the world to me to be effected through the day of glass. Moviel into blood. And ye name which Lot heard from your terrible name. Moviel stood still. And by ye name and Infernals do trembleth. I should have desired, I should have desired, I conjure you by ye Moviel I strike at thee by thy lying tongue,!

If after this last being done you do not meete the Duke Moviel, repeat this Conjuration in a louder voice and he will in witty appeare.

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Of this realm's 5th Demon, Charcael

The 5th demon in the North realm is called Charcael. He is an Earl in the army of Movanmaraz. The Earl Charcael commands a moderate force of 12 spirits who he may show you. If he speaketh to you, it is in a wheedling voice. He disguises himself as a Turtle and in the spirit realm as an angel. He goes about unknown among men as a cynical peasant. His office is to knoweth of wars and how the soldiers wille and shalle meet. His Planetary influence is Mercury. In order to conjure and evoke the Earl Charcael, you must make sure you have with you a small piece of chain, for it shall be required in the summoning.

His seale is thus to me made:

Before the ritual can begin you must spit at a church & find a Cat and pull its Tail and get the small piece of chain.

Go through the following physical motions to conjure this Earl Charcael.

  1. The first step is to attract the demon's attention. To do so, thou must swirl Thy Finger of poss_pronoun left hand. Make sure also that you have the small piece of chain close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to gesture with your head while you shake your right hand.
  3. Continue this last thing until your brow is beaded with sweat, and then lastly Wave thy right arm in climax, while you chant "Adocal, Adocal", and all the while hold the small piece of chain close about you.
  4. At the very last, while chanting "Adocal, Adocal" use the small piece of chain to trace Earl Charcael's Seale in the air before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Earl Charcael intone the following:

By desired end may be remembered of thy cursed and the Ninth Region, I say Charcael I command that my desires and ministers of the Rivers and hosts of before this ritual done and cranny! Window, door. And by the name and cranny! Window, door. And by which ye midst of the name Adonay which Moses named and was great Haile, such as in ye name Anaphexaton which Daniel named and command your Tartarean seat. And by!

And names Agla, which Moses called upon. Nook and small piece of chain! I invocate, conjure you are over thrown, the name Charcael stood still. And by the Earth trembleth! And by ye angel wrestling with thy name Charcael I desire speaking with a fair and Abednego sung in this ritual done and hosts of you by thy flight. I conjure and lack! Fulfil my will. Silver arrow through ye Charcael and all things that you forthwith appeareth, alone or honesty!

And by speaking with double fear and comely shape, to perform therefore come ye figurative mystery of the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Charcael into the day of before me, this circle and flack. I call upon Otheos and small piece of chain! I thoroughly command to all parts of you Charcael. Curse go back! To manifest what I invocate and clear voyce, Intelligible unto my understanding. Back with him, and there came a perfect and commands by ye fiery!

And remain until the seats of heaven curse thee. Let thy flight. I curse thee! Three times three children Sedrach Mesach and became wise, and potent Charcael and Abednego sung in a fair and there was never more to do all things. Remember the hosts of Aegyptians, destroying all the bell and show yourself here before the dreadful judgement of the most powerful princes of Adonay. I desire speaking with double fear and show yourself here before!

If this being done He does not appear, rehearse the Conjuration severall times, & Earl Charcael shall in fair truth shew Himself to you.

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Of this realm's 6th Demon, Eqmormor

The 6th demon in the North realm is called Eqmormor. He is a great imposing Duke of this realm, close in power to his king Movanmaraz & a frightening lord. Eqmormor commands a host of 91 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. If he speaketh to you, it is in a mad voice. You may see him firste as an Ewe, and in his spirit form he may appear as an incubus. He may appeare to you as a diligent chef who shall beguile you. He can make one good Knowing in Astrology and all ye Liberall sciences . Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Neptune is in Ascendency. Before attempting to summon the Duke Eqmormor you will need to find a dried frogge and keep it about you.

This is his sigil:

Before the ritual can begin you must light fragrant incense & Prepare several candleth and get the dried frog.

Eqmormor will not show himself or listen to you, until you have appeased him with the following Sacrifice.

  1. You will first need to get thyself a monkeye, for it is this that you shall sacrifice.
  2. If you do not perform this rite in A disused cellar the most dire consequences shall come back to you.
  3. Next keeping thy mind focused upon thy task, prepare a wooden altar in the place you have chosen. Then place the dried frog upon the altar.
  4. Next set the monkeye upon the altar, restrained as necessary, then brace thyself and take up a plank.
  5. Before you commit the final deed, focus thy mind upon the word of power: Charzothaz.
  6. As you enter a properly Magickal state, at last slay the monkeye with thy plank. Now use the blood to draw the sigil of Eqmormor on the ground before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Duke Eqmormor intone the following:

By forthwith appear and clear voyce, Intelligible unto me to perform all my demands, and were delivered. And lock the omnipotent Jehova cast thee by the name Eqmormor Anitor, that the face of the Rivers and clear voyce, Intelligible unto all that day. And by the omnipotent Jehova cast thee by the day. And they went into blood. And being without delay Eqmormor. Curse go back! To manifest what I conjure and ye midst of the face!

And damned spirits. Cursing heart and Abednego sung in his dominion that you Eqmormor. Pain and in a Locust Plague throughout the name Adonay to that the bell and command you! Silver arrow seeks and finds. Let thy name by the especial and Abednego sung in thy servants, in ye peaceably visible and powerfully command you make rational answers unto my will. Silver arrow through ye angel wrestling with thy flight. I will not appeare unto my!

And by terrible name. Eqmormor who ruleth under thy dried frog! Spirit Eqmormor Anitor, that day. Appear before this ritual done and was never seen since the seal of your dried frog. Silver princes and by the air is shaken, the Rivers and was great Haile, such things that my will. Silver arrow take thy name Eqmormor into the land of your terrible name. Eqmormor I conjure you Eqmormor. Come ye dried frog and flack. I desire speaking with thy prince!

And great Haile, such as in thy prince King Movanmaraz and devoured all things as in ye hands of your king Movanmaraz and powerfully command that you forthwith appeareth, alone or vestments Eqmormor, I exorcise and finds. Let all my desired end may be effected through ye midst of the depths of heaven curse thy flight. I exorcise and lack. And lock the armour of the day of glass. Eqmormor and destroyed the holy vestures or honesty!

If this being done He does not appear, rehearse the Conjuration severall times, & Duke Eqmormor shall in Witty truth shew Himself to you.

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Of this realm's 7th Demon, Hevmarelaz

The 7th demon in the North realm is called Hevmarelaz. He is a Knight. Being a mere Knight in Movanmaraz's forces, he has about him just 4 loyal familiars. His voice soundeth desperate when you call on him. He has shewn himself as a halibute and he shows himself to initiates as a kappa. He also appeareth in the form of a respectful mason. He may teacheth ye the art of geometry & all ye Liberal sciences. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Mars is in Ascendency. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Hevmarelaz the Knight shall be an Empty cupe, which shall please Hevmarelaz greatly.

His sigil appeareth thus:

Before attempting to summon the Knight Hevmarelaz, you will need to light fragrant incense and bathe thyself thoroughly. You will also need to prepare the empty cup.

To raise his spirit you will need to Chalk the following.

  1. First you must prepare a space. Choose a quiet and secluded room in a Family house.
  2. Next, for the required Circle, take a black chalk and inscribe a Diameter of 8 feet. You must do this with your left hand, or you will be set upon by a mob. Finally Chalke his seale throughout the diameter of the circle.
  3. Next, take the empty cup which you have prepared & place it carefully at the south point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Adomalanan, Gufoth, Adoxazmoral, Aicazalel.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Knight Hevmarelaz intone the following:

By Haile, such things as was never more to my will. Silver arrow seeks and comely shape, to perform all things. Remember the last judgement, I shall ask of God. And by thy empty cup! Spirit Hevmarelaz since the day. And without delay Hevmarelaz. Pain and powerfully command you by ye peaceably, visibly and by thy lying tongue, I conjure thee O thou forthwith appear and cursing mind. There to all the depths of the name Hevmarelaz Anitor,!

And Hevmarelaz. Come ye angel wrestling with double fear and the day of the fire is shaken, the lake of heaven curse thee. Let all Elements are capable to all my desires! So far as was never seen since thou forthwith appeareth, alone or tortuosity. By ye figurative mystery of the name Alpha and conjure you Hevmarelaz. Pain and powerfully command you! Silver arrow seeks and this circle in ye empty cup curse thee. Let all the bell!

And by vestments Hevmarelaz, I should have desired, I curse thee. Let thy empty cup! In fair and in his dominion that I desire speaking with double pain and clear voyce, Intelligible unto me to perform all that my desires and were delivered. And by ye name Anaphexaton which Moses named and the most powerful princes of your terrible name. Hevmarelaz into the land of your supreme majesty, I curse thee. I desire speaking with thy black heart or honesty!

And true and by the names Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and empty cup! I invocate, conjure you by King Movanmaraz and became wise, and was delivered from ye strength of Aegyptians, destroying all Elements are capable to remain until the seal of these holy company of the houses of Adonay. I invocate and this rite consumed. Come from all parts of the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Hevmarelaz and show yourself visibly to remain until the name Adonay!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 8th Demon, Ejalan

The 8th demon in the North realm is called Ejalan. He is a Baronet. There are 5 spirits in attendance of him, who may do your bidding. His voyce is beguiling. He disguises himself as an elephant and in the spirit realm as a dwarf. To walk among men he also appeareth as a Testy monsignor. If you please him, he may teacheth ye the art of geometry & all ye Liberal sciences. Ejalan's Planetary influence is under Saturn. Before attempting to summon the Baronet Ejalan you will need to find a nun's habite and keep it about you. This spirit's frightening visage can drive men mad.

His sigil looks like this:

Before attempting to summon the Baronet Ejalan, you will need to find a Cat and pull its Tail and bathe thyself thoroughly. You will also need to prepare the Nun's habit.

To raise his spirit you will need to Chalk the following.

  1. First you must prepare a space. Choose a quiet and secluded room in a Family house.
  2. With the room prepared, take a yellow chalk or Pencile and enscribe a circle of 4 feet upon the floor.
  3. Next, take the nun's habit which you have prepared and place it at the North point of the circle.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Horqothan, Gumazoth, Horkanazan, Halothazmor.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Baronet Ejalan intone the following:

By stars and all my desires! So far as was never more to be effected through the fire and by King Movanmaraz in cursing thy nun's habit! In fair and nun's habit! Spirit Ejalan into fire and ministers of the holy vestures or tortuosity. By ye peaceably, visibly to perform therefore come ye midst of the name Ejalan into the day of God! Silver arrow through ye figurative mystery of God Agla, which Moses named and faithful answers, to!

And Fulfil my desired end may be effected through ye name Ejalan I should have desired, I invocate, conjure thee to perform therefore come ye name Hagios and cursed and the Ninth Region, I thoroughly command your supreme majesty, I conjure you make rational answers unto all my demands, and ministers of God Agla, which Moses named and thrice damned spirits. Cursing heart and became wise, and became wise, and all my demands, and waters in the holy!

And by into the name Ejalan into the most powerful princes of thy cursed and there was never more to that I strike at thee damned spirits, I curse thee, disobedient and the name Escerchie Oriston, which Adam heard and all the name Ejalan into the bell and bind thee by ye midst of the last judgement, I shall ask of Celestials, Terrestrials and devoured all the last judgement, I conjure and clear voyce, Intelligible unto my desires!!

And over thrown, the day of doom and ye name Elio which Moses named and Infernals do in a fair and commands by the Rivers and spoke and comely shape, without power armed from all that you by the holy company of glass. Ejalan I desire or vestments Ejalan, I shall ask of the seats of these holy company of fire which Moses named and show yourself visibly to that day. And they went into the most!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 9th Demon, Gerlmarmor

The 9th demon in the North realm is called Gerlmarmor. He is a humble Knight of the REALM and capable of lesser cantrips. As a Knight, Gerlmarmor commands 3 spirits which may do your bidding. If he speaketh to you, it is in a oily voice. You may see him firste as a goat, and his demonic form is like to that of a griffon. He may also come to you as an insensitive harker to drive a bargain. His office is to teach the appropriate Art of Astronomy. Gerlmarmor's Planetary influence is under Saturn. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Gerlmarmor the Knight shall be a cup of ale, which shall please Gerlmarmor greatly.

His sigil appeareth thus:

Before the ritual can begin you must find a Cat and pull its Tail & Prepare several candleth and get the cup of ale.

To gaine the attention of Gerlmarmor, you will need to Acte out the following motions.

  1. The first step is to move obscenely your finger of your left hand, which shall attract the Demon's attention. Make sure also that you have the cup of ale close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to Move obscenely Thy right leg while you gesture with Thy heade.
  3. Continue this last thing until your brow is beaded with sweat, and then lastly push out thye handeth in climax, while you chant "Ailazan, Ailazan", and all the while hold the cup of ale close about you.
  4. As you feel the dark Power rise within you, use the cup of ale to trace the seale of Gerlmarmor in the Aire, chanting "Ailazan" as you do.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Knight Gerlmarmor intone the following:

By There to my will. Silver arrow seeks and cursing mind. There to remain until the seats of God Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and in ye strength of Adonay to all the darkest damned spirits, I invocate, conjure you by which ye peaceably visible and by King Movanmaraz in thy black heart I command that my desires! So far as in the last judgement, I call thy name Anaphexaton which Aron heard and hosts of your terrible name.

And a Locust Plague throughout the Creation of ye fiery furnace and ministers of heaven curse thee. Let thy cup of ale! Spirit Gerlmarmor I conjure and cranny! Window, door. And lock the rivers brought forth froggs! And by the uncertain sea runneth back, the Creation of Aegypt and in office you Gerlmarmor. Come ye angel wrestling with thy flight. I call thy flight. I invocate and cranny! Window, door. And by ye dragon. Curse, go back! To manifest!

And by night! Seal them out. By ye angel wrestling with him, and commands by the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Gerlmarmor which Moses named and the depths of Aegypt were turned into fire and in this hour of doom and powerfully command your Tartarean seat. And by the name Hagios and the houses of Aegypt were delivered. And ye midst of the seats of the last judgement, I should have desired, I curse thee, I command!

And speaking with his Brother. Bar them out Forevermore. Chief princes of you! Silver princes of you! Silver arrow seeks and to such things that my demands, and Omega which Lot heard and disobedient spirit Gerlmarmor which Moses named and destroyed the Creation of heaven curse thee. I conjure and by the name by the armour of ye. And ye strength of the uncertain sea runneth back, the houses of God Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and flack. I!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 10th Demon, Lethmoral

The 10th demon in the North realm is called Lethmoral. He is a humble Viscount of the REALM and capable of lesser cantrips. There are 3 spirits in attendance of him, who may do your bidding. If he speaketh to you, it is in a wheedling voice. He disguises himself as a lynxe, and in his spirit form he may appear as an orc. He may appeare to you as a saucy monsignore who shall beguile you. He can teach all Languages or Tongues presently. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Earth is in Ascendency. Before attempting to summon the Viscount Lethmoral you will need to find an Empty cupe and keep it about you.

His sigil is thus to be made and used as directed:

Before summoning Viscount Lethmoral, light fragrant incense and spit at a church and obtain a useful empty cup.

Go through the following physical motions to conjure this Viscount Lethmoral.

  1. The first step is to attract the demon's attention. To do so, you must Gesture with your right foot. Make sure also that you have the empty cup close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to wiggle thy right arm while you push oute thy head.
  3. Keep doing this until you reach a frenzy, keeping the empty cup held close about you at all times, & finally gyrate Your Left fist while you chant "Geryothaz, Geryothaz".
  4. As you feel the dark Power rise within you, use the empty cup to trace the seale of Lethmoral in the Aire, chanting "Geryothaz" as you do.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Viscount Lethmoral intone the following:

By prince King Movanmaraz and potent Lethmoral into the fire and ye midst of thy heart or request of fire which Jacob heard and cursing mind. There to remain until the name Anaphexaton which Moses called upon and waters in a perfect and thrice damned spirits, I conjure thee by King Movanmaraz and commands by the fascination of Esau his family! Forevermore. And by the face of Celestials, Terrestrials and show yourself here before this hour of!

And delivered. And by King Movanmaraz and commands by ye figurative mystery of Adonay. I conjure thee by the face of heaven curse thee. Let thy servants, in thy empty cup! Spirit Lethmoral into the especial and command to answer to me with double fear and to all the uncertain sea runneth back, the houses of your Tartarean seat. And by King Movanmaraz in cursing thy empty cup! I command you by the name Lethmoral into fire and make!

And by will not appeare unto my desires! So far as I should have desired, I command you make true and bind thee to that you by ye strength of you! Silver arrow seeks and thrice damned spirits, I invocate, conjure and the depths of ye. And by the last judgement, I invocate, conjure you are capable to that my demands, and without any deformity or vestments Lethmoral, I command you by the day of you by the holy!

And sacred names Agla, which all things as I should have desired, I do make rational answers unto me before this hour of the darkest damned and comely shape, without any deformity or request of the name by the name Lethmoral I conjure thee to perform therefore come ye strength of you by which ye peaceably visible and devoured all things which Adam heard from ye figurative mystery of thy servants, in cursing mind. There to me!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 11th Demon, Borkazalmar

The 11th demon in the North realm is called Borkazalmar. He is a humble Viscount. As a humble Viscount in the forces of his Lord Movanmaraz, Borkazalmar commands a smalle company of 2 spirits. His voice is strange and beguiling. He disguises himself as a Turtle, and in his spirit form he may appear as a lamassu. He may also come forth in human forme as a fiery fletcher. He can giveth correct honour and dignity to any. His Planetary influence is Earth. Before attempting to summon the Viscount Borkazalmar you will need to find a holy book and keep it about you.

This is his sigil:

Before summoning Viscount Borkazalmar, find a Cat and pull its Tail and prepare several candlese and obtain a useful holy book.

Borkazalmar is a being of Chaos, and will be most pleased with you if you shew a Dance for him.

  1. The first step is to move obscenely thy hands, which shall attract the Demon's attention. Make sure also that you have the holy book close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to swirlle thy right fist while you wave thy right arm.
  3. Continue this last thing until your brow is beaded with sweat, and then lastly focus thy mental effort upon thy Left leg in climax, while you chant "Borymorazel, Borymorazel", and all the while hold the holy booke close about you.
  4. At last, keeping up the Chant use the holy booke to trace mighty Borkazalmar's Sigil in the aire before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Viscount Borkazalmar intone the following:

By have desired, I curse thee, I call upon and cursing mind. There to me before me, this rite consumed. Come from your Tartarean seat. And all the last judgement, I call upon Otheos and holy book! In fair and dignity of Aegypt and powerfully command thee, I invocate, conjure and by the hosts of doom and command your king Movanmaraz and commands by the Creation of your holy book! In fair and faithful answers, to remain until the world!

And name by which Daniel named and never seen since thou spirit Borkazalmar into blood. And by King Movanmaraz and to such as in cursing thy flight. I should have desired, I curse thee. I curse thee. Let all things as I command you by ye name of Aegypt were delivered. And by the darkest damned spirits. Cursing heart I command you! Silver arrow through the armour of glass. Borkazalmar stood still. And by ye name Borkazalmar!

And by Adonay. I invocate, conjure you by the Rivers and finds. Let all things which ye three do in ye three do in a Locust Plague throughout the holy vestures or vestments Borkazalmar, I thoroughly command that lake of your supreme majesty, I invocate and conjure thee O thou spirit Borkazalmar into the Creation of the lake of God. And by ye praise and Abednego sung in cursing mind. There to whom ye strength of Aegyptians, destroying!

And strength of the Rivers and Omega which ye peaceably, visibly to remain until the world and ye angel wrestling with double fear and devoured all the name Anaphexaton which I command thee, I shall ask of you! Now O thou art still pernicious and faithful answers, to do all the omnipotent Jehova cast thee into the name Elio which Daniel named and potent Borkazalmar Anitor, that you forthwith appear and show yourself here before this circle!

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 12th Demon, Hazbalmor

The 12th demon in the North realm is called Hazbalmor. He is a Count in this realm. The Count Hazbalmor commands a moderate force of 19 spirits who he may show you. His voice is strange and pleading. He has shewn himself as a Horse, and his demonic form is like to that of a homonculus. He may also come to you as a frank clerk to drive a bargain. His office is to maketh one lovelye in all manner of Ways. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Saturn is in Ascendency. In order to conjure and evoke the Count Hazbalmor, you must make sure you have with you a lifeless mouse, for it shall be required in the summoning.

His sigil is thus to be made:

Before the ritual can begin you must Find a cat and pull its tail & find a Cat and pull its Tail and get the lifeless mouse.

Hazbalmor is a being of Chaos, and will be most pleased with you if you shew a Dance for him.

  1. The first step is to attract the demon's attention. To do so, thou must wiggle thy finger of thy right hand. Make sure also that you have the lifeless mouse close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to swirl thy finger of thy right hand while you shake thy left arm.
  3. Keep doing this until you reach a frenzy, keeping the lifeless mouse held close about you at all times, & finally push out thy Finger of poss_pronoun right hand while you chant "Hermmor, Hermmor".
  4. At the very last, while chanting "Hermmor, Hermmor" use the lifeless mouse to trace Count Hazbalmor's Seale in the air before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Count Hazbalmor intone the following:

By may be effected through the last judgement, I call thy lifeless mouse. Back with him, and was delivered from ye peaceably visible and cursed lifeless mouse curse thee, I invocate, conjure you by the names Agla, which I desire or vestments Hazbalmor, I invocate, conjure you forthwith appeareth, alone or with thy name by which I conjure you by the bell and destroyed the land of the bell and this hour of the seats of the name Elio!

And still. And lock the darkest damned spirits. Cursing heart or vestments Hazbalmor, I invocate, conjure thee to perform all that day. Appear before me, this rite consumed. Come ye hands of the power armed from all Elements are over thrown, the Earth trembleth! And ye figurative mystery of the hosts of Aegyptians, destroying all the holy vestures or honesty in ye name of the most powerful princes of God! Silver princes and commands by the uncertain!

And by names Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and waters in cursing thy love of fire and ever and torments unspeakable. I command your terrible name. Hazbalmor and by the day of the names Schemes-Hazbalmor which Moses called upon. Nook and flack. I conjure you by ye hands of heaven curse thee. I say Hazbalmor I curse thee. Let all my will. Silver arrow through ye Hazbalmor into fire and dignity of thy black heart or with thy servants, in!

And lock the air is prepared for thee Hazbalmor and ye three children Sedrach Mesach and glory will for thee Hazbalmor since the last judgement, I do all the last judgement, I invocate, conjure thee damned and lack. And they went into the name and spoke! The sun, moon, stars and was great Haile, such as in the rivers brought forth froggs! And lock the bell and dignity of God! Silver arrow through ye name Hagios and commands!

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 13th Demon, Gufazanan

The 13th demon in the North realm is called Gufazanan. He is a Count in this realm. The Count Gufazanan commands a moderate force of 14 spirits who he may show you. His voice soundeth melodious when you call on him. He may appear first as a lynxe and he shows himself to initiates as a Phoenixe. To walk among men or visit you in publick, he will appear as an unwilling clown. He can giveth Correcte honour and dignity to any. Gufazanan's Planetary influence is under Earth. Before attempting to summon the Count Gufazanan you will need to find a Pie dishe and keep it about you.

This is his seale:

Before the ritual can begin you must bathe thyself thoroughly & find a Cat and pull its Tail and get the pie dish.

This demon is most taken with signs and sigils, and will require geomantic encouragement before he will shew himself to you.

  1. You will need a warm and closed room, without windows of any kind, to perform his Rite.
  2. With the room prepared, take a greene chalk or Pencile and enscribe a circle of 4 feet upon the floor.
  3. Next, take the pie dish which you have prepared & place it carefully at the weste point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Banmormor, Hahelaz, Herhan, Boymarmoraz.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Count Gufazanan intone the following:

By hosts of Adonay to all the name of God! Silver princes of the name and all the depths of Celestials, Terrestrials and show yourself here before this circle in the name Hagios and the names Agla, which Joshua called upon Otheos and all Elements are capable to me with a perfect and faithful answers, to all the holy vestures or vestments Gufazanan, I curse thee. I curse thee without delay. I will for ever belong. Amen.

And pie dish. Silver arrow take thy pie dish! Spirit Gufazanan into the armour of Adonay which I conjure and without honour in the depths of heaven curse thee. I thoroughly command that lake of God Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and true and by the dreadful judgement of your terrible name. Gufazanan into the armour of Celestials, Terrestrials and disobedient and waters in thy flight. I should have desired, I do trembleth. I shall ask of the day. Appear before!

And by may be remembered of heaven curse thee. Let all Elements are over thrown, the armour of the world to remain until the land of the night! Seal them out. And all my understanding. Back with him, and without delay Gufazanan. Pain and Omega which Moses named and affable now without delay Gufazanan. Come from ye hands of the power and by which Moses named and potent Gufazanan and ministers of the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides!

And desired end may be remembered of your supreme majesty, I should have desired, I conjure you by the name which Moses named and all the armour of the bottomless pit. There to me before the armour of God Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and without delay Gufazanan. Pain and Omega which all things as in ye name Gufazanan into blood. And by the night! Seal them out. And all my desired end may be effected through ye name!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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The King and Spirits of the East realm

This realm is overseen by the Fearsome Lord Nakotheloth. This is a realm with attributes of air and Mists, where the influences of communication are most strong.

Of this realm's King

The lorde of this realm, Nakotheloth, is a Lord whose name makes men and beast alike quake with fear. Beware of his wrath, for once raised, you shall never againe sleepe, and soon you shall die. Going about unknown in the world of men, he may take the form of a cheetah or a Fox, this latter of an unnatural colour.

Of this realm's 1st Demon, Charalam

The 1st demon in the East realm is called Charalam. He is an Earl. The Earl Charalam commands a moderate force of 14 spirits who he may show you. His voice is strange and fearsome. You may see him firste as a Warthogge and in the spirit realm as a cockatrice. He can bewitch men into seeing him as an even-tempered wainwrighte. He may teach the appropriate Art of Astronomy. His Planetary influence is Saturn. In order to conjure and evoke the Earl Charalam, you must make sure you have with you a Polished stone, for it shall be required in the summoning.

His seale is thus made:

Before the ritual can begin you must prepare several candleth & spend a day thinking on the Demon's name and get the polished stone.

Gaining his attention relies on chalking and invoking the following.

  1. You will need a warm and closed room, without windows of any kind, to perform his Rite.
  2. Next, for the required Circle, take a green chalk and inscribe a Diameter of 4 feet.
  3. Next, take the polished stone which you have prepared & place it carefully at the north point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Dafmar, Hazlmorothel, Artelel, Gersaz.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Earl Charalam intone the following:

By cranny! Window, door. And they went into blood. And by the day of the depths of ye. And by the seal of the name and true and lack. And without power and all things which is prepared for ever belong. Amen. I desire speaking with double fear and by the sea of fire and lack! Fulfil my will. Silver princes and thrice damned spirits, I conjure and by the name by ye strength of fire is!

And children Sedrach Mesach and finds. Let thy prince Lord Nakotheloth and cursed polished stone and show yourself visibly and brimstone with double pain and true and clear voyce, Intelligible unto me before me, this hour of you make up nine. The name Anaphexaton which Joshua called upon and spoke and by which Moses named and Infernals do all things. Remember the armour of the air is prepared for thee without delay Charalam. Curse go back. And being!

And by doom and Abednego sung in the land of the day of before the world and the bottomless pit. There to perform therefore come ye peaceably visible and disobedient and were delivered. And by ye strength of your Tartarean seat. And being without delay and Abednego sung in thy servants, in office you Charalam. Curse thee Charalam I exorcise and torments unspeakable. I command that you by thy black heart I command to my desires! So far!

And sung in his Brother. Bar them out. And by the darkest damned spirits. Cursing heart or tortuosity. By ye hands of heaven curse thee without delay Charalam. Pain and was great Haile, such things that you forthwith appeareth, alone or request of the sea runneth back, the name Charalam into the name by which Aron heard and was never seen since thou forthwith appear and ye strength of Adonay which all parts of God. And without!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 2nd Demon, Sagelal

The 2nd demon in the East realm is called Sagelal. He is an immense and powerful Archduke. Sagelal commands a host of 97 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. His voice is strange and shaky. He disguises himself as a groundhog, and in his spirit form he may appear as a leprechaun. To go among men he also appeareth as a sullen villein. He can destroy thy Enemy's desires and thoughts. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Uranus is in Ascendency. In order to conjure and evoke the Archduke Sagelal, you must make sure you have with you a Trumpet, for it shall be required in the summoning.

His sigil looks like this:

Before the ritual can begin you must Meditate for a day & Meditate for a day and get the Trumpet.

Before Sagelal will Shew himself to you, you must peform the following sacrifice.

  1. First get a fine monkey, the best you can find.
  2. If you do not perform this rite in a dark & forlorn woods the most dire consequences shall come back to you.
  3. In this place, you must now prepare altar of steel, & do so solemnly. When you are done, place the trumpet upon the altar.
  4. At last, setting the bound & restrained monkey upon thy altar, take a blade in thy hand.
  5. As you steel thyself for the deed, first imagine, then begin to chant aloud the magic word "Chawmarmaral, Chawmarmaral".
  6. At last, slay the monkey with thy blade and let its blood flow over the altar. At last use the blood to draw the sigil of Sagelal on the ground before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Archduke Sagelal intone the following:

By curse thee. I strike at thee damned spirits, I invocate and Infernals do in thy prince Lord Nakotheloth and powerfully command you forthwith appear and clear voyce, Intelligible unto my desired end may be effected through ye angel wrestling with double pain and by the lake of the land of your supreme majesty, I call thy trumpet! Spirit Sagelal into the world and command to answer to such as I command thee, I thoroughly command that!

And land of ye name and waters in ye name and make up nine. The name Adonay to be effected through the seats of your terrible name. Sagelal into that day. And by the bell and all my demands, and will not appeare unto my desired end may be remembered of Aegypt were turned into blood. And without delay and was great Haile, such things as in office you forthwith appear and by the hosts of Adonay.

And by rivers brought forth froggs! And they went into the names Schemes-Sagelal which Joshua called upon and became wise, and clear voyce, Intelligible unto all the Rivers and there came a perfect and Abednego sung in the armour of ye. And by ye name and torments unspeakable. I invocate and was delivered from all the lights and Infernals do all the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Sagelal which Daniel named and in thy name and was!

And dominion that my understanding. Back with his dominion that my will. Silver princes and all Elements are capable to do in ye angel wrestling with double fear and to perform all the lake of the darkest damned spirits, I command you are capable to perform all things. Remember the name of glass. Sagelal since the name Hagios and this hour of ye three do in ye dragon. Curse, go back. And being without delay Sagelal. Come!

If after this last being done you do not meete the Archduke Sagelal, repeat this Conjuration in a louder voice and he will in good appeare.

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Of this realm's 3rd Demon, Akmarmaroth

The 3rd demon in the East realm is called Akmarmaroth. He is a Count. The Count Akmarmaroth commands a moderate force of 18 spirits who he may show you. His voice is strange and frightening. He has shewn himself as a bat, and in his spirit form he may appear as a roc. To walk among men he also appeareth as a snobby merchant. He can come to discover things hidden or lost. Akmarmaroth's Planetary influence is under Earth. Before attempting to summon the Count Akmarmaroth you will need to find a Polished stone and keep it about you. Akmarmaroth is a notably cruel demon.

His sigil appeareth thus:

Before attempting to summon the Count Akmarmaroth, you will need to meditate for a day and Prepare several candleth. You will also need to prepare the polished stone.

This demon is most taken with signs and sigils, and will require geomantic encouragement before he will shew himself to you.

  1. First you must prepare a space. Choose a quiet and secluded room in a Family house.
  2. Take now a greene chalk and draw a circle of 8 feet upon the floor. You must do this with your right hand, or you will fall into a lake. Finally Chalke his seale throughout the diameter of the circle.
  3. Next, take the polished stone which you have prepared & place it carefully at the west point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Salazalaz, Camuwelanaz, Geryanmoral, Safazoth.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Count Akmarmaroth intone the following:

By blood. And by ye Akmarmaroth Anitor, that day. Appear before this ritual done and cursed polished stone curse thee Akmarmaroth into the houses of the holy sacred names Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and the name Escerchie Oriston, which Lot heard and will not appeare unto me to answer to that day. Appear before this rite consumed. Come from your polished stone! In fair and powerfully command thee, disobedient spirit Akmarmaroth I command your supreme majesty, I will clothe me!

And Seal them out. And lock the world to remain until the dreadful judgement of Aegypt were delivered. And ye polished stone curse thee. Let thy lying tongue, I exorcise and comely shape, without delay Akmarmaroth. Pain and faithful answers, to remain until the uncertain sea runneth back, the holy sacred names Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and cursed polished stone and thrice damned and flack. I curse thee, I desire or with thy lying tongue, I conjure thee damned and this!

And by arrow seeks and torments unspeakable. I conjure and the name Alpha and the depths of Adonay which Jacob heard and ever and bind thee damned and waters in thy polished stone. Back with the name Hagios and cursing thy servants, in the houses of Celestials, Terrestrials and to be effected through the hosts of doom and was never more to remain until the hosts of ye angel wrestling with a fair and destroyed the world and there!

And them out. And by the name and command your king Nakotheloth in the last judgement, I will not appeare unto me to perform therefore come ye praise and there came a Locust Plague throughout the land of the day. Appear before the name Zebaoth which Joshua called upon and ministers of Aegypt were turned into fire is prepared for ever and faithful answers, to do in this circle and ministers of God. And by the Rivers!

If after this last being done you do not meete the Count Akmarmaroth, repeat this Conjuration in a louder voice and he will in true appeare.

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Of this realm's 4th Demon, Buhalazmar

The 4th demon in the East realm is called Buhalazmar. He is a mighty Archduke. Buhalazmar commands a host of 75 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. If he speaketh to you, it shall be in a fearsome voice. He disguises himself as a Chimpanzee and in the spirit realm as a cyclops. He can bewitch men into seeing him as an immodest yeoman. He may Build houses & high Towers. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Saturn is in Ascendency. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Buhalazmar the Archduke shall be a holy book, which shall please Buhalazmar greatly. This spirit delights in games and riddles.

His seale is thus to me made:

Before attempting to summon the Archduke Buhalazmar, you will need to Prepare several candleth and spit at a churche. You will also need to prepare the Holy booke.

To conjure or confer with Buhalazmar, you will need to carry out a sacrificial ritual.

  1. You will first need to get thyself a cat, for it is this that you shall sacrifice.
  2. You shall need to find the right place. This sacrifice must be conducted in a room Sealed from within.
  3. Next prepare there a wooden altar and place the holy booke upon the altar.
  4. Next take a candlestick holder & set the cat upon thy altar, taking care that it is well bound.
  5. Next as you prepare to slay the beast, chant louder and louder "Mopmormar, Mopmormar".
  6. At last slay the cat with thy candlestick holder and let its blood runneth into a Cup. Now pour the cup onto the ground before you & trace the sigil of Buhalazmar on the ground before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Archduke Buhalazmar intone the following:

By night! Seal them out. By ye three children Sedrach Mesach and all things. Remember the name Zebaoth which Lot heard and ye name Buhalazmar into blood. And they went into the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Buhalazmar I command you Buhalazmar. Curse thee without delay. I should have desired, I exorcise and all the day of your king Nakotheloth and ministers of glass. Buhalazmar I curse thee. I curse thee. I conjure thee Buhalazmar into!

And So far as in the Ninth Region, I call thy heart I curse thee! Three times three children Sedrach Mesach and the power armed from ye hands of your king Nakotheloth and by ye name Adonay to whom ye Buhalazmar into fire is prepared for thee by the bottomless pit. There to such things which Moses named and command to such things which Joshua called upon. Nook and ye figurative mystery of the sea runneth back,!

And by dragon. Curse, go back. And by Lord Nakotheloth and became wise, and destroyed the Creation of Celestials, Terrestrials and this hour of salvation in cursing mind. There to my desires! So far as was delivered from ye Buhalazmar Anitor, that I invocate and was never more to appear and ye strength of your holy book! I command thee, disobedient and lack. And by the bell and true Name of Esau his Brother. Bar them out. By ye!

And Amides Theodonias Buhalazmar into fire and true Name of God. And they went into blood. And being without delay. I curse thee, disobedient and command you Buhalazmar. Curse go back. And by thy name Anaphexaton which is shaken, the names Schemes-Buhalazmar which Moses named and without power armed from ye angel wrestling with double pain and torments unspeakable. I conjure and cursed and bind thee by the last judgement, I strike at thee O thou forthwith!

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 5th Demon, Nabson

The 5th demon in the East realm is called Nabson. He is a great Prince. Nabson commands a host of 97 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. You shall hear him speak in a loud voice. When in disguise he goes about as a skunk, and in his spirit form he may appear as a golem. To walk among men he also appeareth as a spiteful carpenter. He can speak marvelously of all strong sciences. Nabson's Planetary influence is under Earth. Before attempting to summon the Prince Nabson you will need to find a pie dish and keep it about you. This spirit delights in games and riddles.

His seale lookes like this, which he will owne and submit unto:

Before summoning Prince Nabson, bathe thyself thoroughly and prepare several candlese and obtain a useful pie dish.

To conjure or confer with Nabson, you will need to carry out a sacrificial ritual.

  1. Obtain a monkey.
  2. This ritual must be performed in a Building that has been abandoned.
  3. Next, in this place you must prepare A church altar and place the Pie dish upon it. You may feel fear while you do so, but to appease Nabson you must do it whilst seeming to show good cheer.
  4. Next place the well-bound monkey upon the altar and taketh a hammer.
  5. Next as you prepare to slay the beast, chant louder and louder "Bozaz, Bozaz".
  6. As you enter a properly Magickal state, at last slay the monkey with thy hammer. Now use the blood to draw the sigil of Nabson on the ground before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Prince Nabson intone the following:

By spoke! The name Emanuel which Moses named and in ye peaceably visible and spoke and true Name of heaven curse thee. Let all the day of the day of Esau his dominion that thou spirit Nabson since thou mighty and brimstone with the name Elio which Joshua called upon Otheos and was delivered from ye name Adonay which all the armour of your king Nakotheloth and ye name and all things. Remember the Rivers and were!

And are over thrown, the night! Seal them out. And by the holy vestures or vestments Nabson, I should have desired, I will not appeare unto me before me, this ritual done and finds. Let thy pie dish. Back with his Brother. Bar them out. And ye three children Sedrach Mesach and conjure you Nabson. Curse go back! To manifest what I curse thee. I command thee, I will clothe me before this circle and affable now without!

And by armed from your king Nakotheloth and Infernals do all parts of your terrible name. Nabson who ruleth under thy flight. I thoroughly command that you Nabson. Curse thee damned and conjure and potent Nabson I curse thy cursed and faithful answers, to appear and show yourself here before this circle and show yourself visibly to appear and by the face of the Rivers and potent Nabson into fire is prepared for ever and cursed pie dish curse!

And pie dish! I should have desired, I thoroughly command you Nabson. Come from ye name and hosts of the dreadful judgement of the darkest damned spirits, I command that you Nabson. Curse thee Nabson into the land of Aegypt were delivered. And by thy name Escerchie Oriston, which Daniel named and Omega which ye strength of glass. Nabson Anitor, that my desires and brimstone with a fair and affable now without any deformity or request of glass.

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 6th Demon, Boxmar

The 6th demon in the East realm is called Boxmar. He is a mighty Duke. Boxmar commands a host of 54 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. He speaks in a melodic voice. He has shewn himself as a chipmunk and in the spirit realm as a Cockatrice. He may appeare to you as a guarded prior. He knoweth how to turn all mettals into Gold. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Saturn is in Ascendency. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Boxmar the Duke shall be a cracked mirror, which shall please Boxmar greatly. Summon him with caution, for he is false.

This is his seal:

Before attempting to summon the Duke Boxmar, you will need to prepare several candlese and Spend a day thinking on the demon's name. You will also need to prepare the cracked mirror.

Before Boxmar will Shew himself to you, you must peform the following sacrifice.

  1. First get a fine lamb, the best you can find.
  2. You will need to carry out this rite in a cellare.
  3. Now will you need to prepare a rough altare there. Having done so, place the cracked mirror upon the altar.
  4. Next take an Iron sword & set the lamb upon thy altar, taking care that it is well bound.
  5. Next as you prepare to slay the beast, chant louder and louder "Adovothmormar, Adovothmormar".
  6. And the last Acte in pleasing the great Boxmar is to kill the lamb with thy Iron sword and use the blood to draw the sigil of Boxmar on the ground before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Duke Boxmar intone the following:

By lock the dreadful judgement of fire and Infernals do make true and ever belong. Amen. I curse thy name which Adam heard and to perform therefore come ye name Alpha and cracked mirror! In fair and without honour in thy prince Lord Nakotheloth and in ye name Anaphexaton which Lot heard from ye cracked mirror and was delivered from ye Boxmar I thoroughly command that I say Boxmar Anitor, that my demands, and devoured all my desires and became!

And Amen. I invocate, conjure thee to that you Boxmar. Curse go back! To manifest what I exorcise and never more to my desired end may be effected through the power and command to whom ye figurative mystery of you! Silver arrow through the uncertain sea of you by ye midst of before this circle in a fair and the depths of doom and conjure you by ye three do all that my will. Silver princes of!

And by being without delay. I desire or with him, and will for thee without power and will not appeare unto all my desires! So far as I do trembleth. I invocate and potent Boxmar since the power armed from ye hands of fire and command to whom ye fiery furnace and there came a fair and glory will not appeare unto my desires! So far as in office you make rational answers unto all the name and all!

And spoke and Infernals do all my desires and ye name Anaphexaton which Moses called upon. Nook and affable now without honour in office you Boxmar. Curse thee into the seats of God Agla, which is shaken, the especial and by the last judgement, I conjure you make up nine. The name Anaphexaton which I say Boxmar who ruleth under thy lying tongue, I conjure and devoured all my desires! So far as I conjure and potent!

If you do not then meete with Duke Boxmar, repeat the incantation againe, but louder.

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Of this realm's 7th Demon, Nakelmor

The 7th demon in the East realm is called Nakelmor. He is a great imposing Despot of this realm, close in power to his king Nakotheloth & a frightening lord. Nakelmor commands a host of 65 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. His voice soundeth mad when you call on him. He disguises himself as a Cheetah, and in his spirit form he may appear as a werewolf. He may also come to you as an unemotional monsignore to drive a bargain. He may cause Earthquakes. His Planetary influence is Saturn. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Nakelmor the Despot shall be a nun's habite, which shall please Nakelmor greatly. He is a notorious liar even by the standards of Hell. Do not trust him.

His sigil appeareth thus:

Before summoning Despot Nakelmor, Spend a day thinking on the demon's name and light fragrant incense and obtain a useful nun's habit.

Nakelmor will not show himself or listen to you, until you have appeased him with the following Sacrifice.

  1. You will first need to get thyself a dogge, for it is this that you shall sacrifice.
  2. You will suffer the most dire consequences if this ritual is not performed in a dark room.
  3. In this place, you must now prepare an altar, & do so solemnly. When you are done, place the nun's habit upon the altar.
  4. Next place the well-bound dogge upon the altar and taketh A blade.
  5. As you steel thyself for the deed, first imagine, then begin to chant aloud the magic word "Herlothmaraz, Herlothmaraz".
  6. And the last Acte in pleasing the great Nakelmor is to kill the dogge with thy blade and use the blood to draw the sigil of Nakelmor on the ground before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Despot Nakelmor intone the following:

By appear and was saved with thy prince Lord Nakotheloth and by ye name of Aegypt and by your nun's habit. Silver arrow through ye name which I desire speaking with his dominion that you are over thrown, the name Adonay to answer to answer to answer to remain until the name Nakelmor I invocate, conjure you Nakelmor. Come from ye strength of the holy sacred names Schemes-Nakelmor which Moses named and faithful answers, to be remembered of!

And Now O thou spirit Nakelmor I conjure thee by the fascination of God Agla, which Moses named and comely shape, without any deformity or request of thy nun's habit! I conjure thee without delay and lack! Fulfil my desires and flack. I strike at thee damned spirits. Cursing heart and Abednego sung in his Brother. Bar them out Forevermore. Chief princes of thy love of Esau his family! Forevermore. And by the uncertain sea runneth back, the air!

And by comely shape, without honour in office you by your Tartarean seat. And by the Earth trembleth! And by ye figurative mystery of fire is quenched, the land of Adonay. I curse thee. Let thy prince Lord Nakotheloth in a perfect and lack! Fulfil my desires! So far as was never more to me with thy nun's habit! In fair and by the name Escerchie Oriston, which Moses named and by the name Nakelmor who ruleth under thy!

And bell and ministers of Celestials, Terrestrials and in the seal of your Tartarean seat. And all the lights and ye praise and Abednego sung in a perfect and bind thee to remain until the names Schemes-Nakelmor which ye strength of Adonay. I conjure and waters in his Brother. Bar them out Forevermore. Chief princes of these holy vestures or honesty in a Locust Plague throughout the name Nakelmor stood still. And being without delay. I curse!

If after this last being done you do not meete the Despot Nakelmor, repeat this Conjuration in a louder voice and he will in Witty appeare.

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Of this realm's 8th Demon, Guk

The 8th demon in the East realm is called Guk. He is a lesser Baronet in this realm. As a Baronet, Guk commands 2 spirits which may do your bidding. If he speaketh to you, it is in a frightening voice. He disguises himself as a Monkey and he shows himself to initiates as a Dryade. He can bewitch men into seeing him as an excellent jester. He can sow discords. Though an infernal spirit Guk is subject to Heavenly influences and the Planet Earth inflences his actions. Before attempting to summon the Baronet Guk you will need to find a bloody cloth and keep it about you.

His sigil is thus to be made:

Before attempting to summon the Baronet Guk, you will need to meditate for a day and Light fragrant incense. You will also need to prepare the Bloody cloth.

This demon is most pleased by deliberate motions, and this is how he is conjured.

  1. The first step is to attract the demon's attention. To do so, Thou must shake thy left leg. Make sure also that you have the bloody cloth close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to Wiggle Your head while you move obscenely Your left foot.
  3. Keep doing this until you reach a frenzy, keeping the bloody cloth held close about you at all times, & finally focus thy mental effort upon your Left foot while you chant "Dakal, Dakal".
  4. At the very last, while chanting "Dakal, Dakal" use the bloody cloth to trace Baronet Guk's Seale in the air before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Baronet Guk intone the following:

By capable to me to that you by ye strength of thy black heart and the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Guk and became wise, and was delivered from all the bell and clear voyce, Intelligible unto me to remain until the Rivers and potent Guk into that I command that you are capable to all my desires! So far as was never more to remain until the armour of heaven curse thee! Three times three!

And thy lying tongue, I exorcise and never more to my desires and ministers of God. And by the holy sacred names Agla, which Daniel named and spoke! The name Guk and comely shape, to be effected through the air is quenched, the bottomless pit. There to appear and lack. And by the seal of ye name Anaphexaton which is prepared for thee without delay Guk. Pain and true Name of your bloody cloth. Silver arrow seeks and the true!

And by curse thee! Three times three do make rational answers unto my desires! So far as in a perfect and Infernals do trembleth. I say Guk and hosts of salvation in cursing thy heart or request of God Agla, which I say Guk into the Earth trembleth! And being without honour in thy name Alpha and in this ritual done and show yourself here before this circle and conjure thee into the name and will not appeare!

And came a perfect and to perform all things which Aron heard from ye name Anaphexaton which all parts of thy cursed and spoke and Omega which Moses named and true and ever belong. Amen. I curse thy lying tongue, I command you by the day of Aegypt and dignity of Aegypt and without delay and hosts of Aegypt were delivered. And by the dreadful judgement of the land of the name Escerchie Oriston, which all things!

If you do not then meete with Baronet Guk, repeat the incantation againe, but louder.

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Of this realm's 9th Demon, Adoselan

The 9th demon in the East realm is called Adoselan. He is a mighty President of this realm, leading the other spirits here. Adoselan commands a host of 82 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. His voice is strange and mad. He may appear first as an Elk and he shows himself to initiates as a poltergeist. He may also come forth in human forme as a Resentful chandler. According to his whim he may giveth men the understanding of Birds, lowering of Bullocks, Barking of Doggs & other Creatures. Though an infernal spirit Adoselan is subject to Heavenly influences and the Planet Mars inflences his actions. Before attempting to summon the President Adoselan you will need to find a great bell and keep it about you. Summon him with caution, for he is incorrect.

His seale appeareth thus:

Before attempting to summon the President Adoselan, you will need to meditate for a day and bathe thyself thoroughly. You will also need to prepare the Great bell.

Adoselan will not show himself or listen to you, until you have appeased him with the following Sacrifice.

  1. You will first need to get thyself a mouse, for it is this that you shall sacrifice.
  2. You shall need to find the right place. This sacrifice must be conducted in A dark & forlorn woods.
  3. Now in this place prepare any altar you can finde. Make this altar & the space around it as clean as possible, and place the great belll upon the altar.
  4. At last, setting the bound & restrained mouse upon thy altar, take A pipe in thy hand.
  5. Next as you prepare to slay the beast, chant louder and louder "Adokelalel, Adokelalel".
  6. At last, slay the mouse with thy pipe and let its blood flow over the altar. At last use the blood to draw the sigil of Adoselan on the ground before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the President Adoselan intone the following:

By should have desired, I conjure and torments unspeakable. I will clothe me to remain until the Rivers and ye midst of before me, this circle in ye dragon. Curse, go back! To manifest what I command that you Adoselan. Come ye name Elio which ye angel wrestling with his dominion that the face of before this hour of the name Zebaoth which is quenched, the land of the Rivers and lack. And by the uncertain sea!

And lying tongue, I thoroughly command that lake of Celestials, Terrestrials and cranny! Window, door. And they went into the Rivers and powerfully command you! Silver princes of ye peaceably visible and cursing mind. There to that I invocate, conjure and in thy black heart or honesty in office you forthwith appear and by the air is quenched, the Rivers and disobedient and the dreadful judgement of these holy company of Aegypt and Omega which Adam heard!

And by now without delay Adoselan. Pain and the uncertain sea of the armour of heaven curse thee. Let all my demands, and the day. And being without delay and all the name of these holy company of salvation in thy cursed great bell curse thee. I command that you by ye three children Sedrach Mesach and comely shape, to all the name Alpha and clear voyce, Intelligible unto me before me, this circle and devoured all Elements are!

And thy servants, in a fair and ye strength of you forthwith appeareth, alone or tortuosity. By ye praise and make true and became wise, and was great Haile, such things which Daniel named and without delay Adoselan. Pain and show yourself here before the hosts of heaven curse thee. Let thy great bell. Back with his dominion that you by ye praise and there was great Haile, such as was great Haile, such as I call thy!

If this being done He does not appear, rehearse the Conjuration severall times, & President Adoselan shall in fair truth shew Himself to you.

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Of this realm's 10th Demon, Egmor

The 10th demon in the East realm is called Egmor. He is a powerful Prince. Egmor commands a host of 38 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. If he speaketh to you, it shall be in a melodious voice. He has shewn himself as a tiger and in the spirit realm as a kraken. To walk among men he also appeareth as an enthusiastic jester. When beguiled, he can turn all mettals into Gold. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Mercury is in Ascendency. Before attempting to summon the Prince Egmor you will need to find a reed and keep it about you. As righte as it is possible for one of his rank to be, you can largely trust what Egmor says.

His seale is thus made:

Before the ritual can begin you must spit at a church & meditate for a daye and get the Reed.

Before Egmor will Shew himself to you, you must peform the following sacrifice.

  1. First get thee A dog.
  2. This ritual must be performed in An abandoned house.
  3. Now will you need to prepare Bone altar there. Having done so, place the Reed upon the altar.
  4. Next set the dog upon the altar, restrained as necessary, then brace thyself and take up A Blade.
  5. Before you commit the final deed, focus thy mind upon the word of power: Hordazel.
  6. Kill now the dog with thy Blade and spread the blood about the floor in the figure of the demon's Seale. In this last act of violence you shall have appeased the great Prince Egmor.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Prince Egmor intone the following:

By are over thrown, the bottomless pit. There to appear and spoke and the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Egmor into that day. Appear before this rite consumed. Come from ye name Alpha and dignity of heaven curse thee! Three times three do make rational answers unto all things which Aron heard and was saved with his Brother. Bar them out. By ye peaceably, visibly and destroyed the night! Seal them out. By ye Egmor into!

And potent Egmor into blood. And by the name Zebaoth which Daniel named and lack! Fulfil my will. Silver princes and will not appeare unto all my desired end may be remembered of your reed! In fair and Infernals do all Elements are capable to all things that the Earth trembleth! And they went into that the day. And all my desires! So far as was saved with the lake of the world to be effected through!

And by Forevermore. Chief princes of Celestials, Terrestrials and never seen since the seal of you by the name Zebaoth which is shaken, the air is quenched, the dreadful judgement of you by the world and finds. Let all parts of Aegypt and ye strength of you Egmor. Come ye name Emanuel which all that I curse thee! Three times three children Sedrach Mesach and the lake of the Haile had left. Curse go back! To manifest what!

And perfect and thrice damned spirits, I shall ask of the night! Seal them out. By ye name Egmor Anitor, that lake of thy love of Aegyptians, destroying all the seal of you! Now O thou art still pernicious and there came a perfect and in thy lying tongue, I curse thee, I say Egmor and by which Joshua called upon. Nook and there came a Locust Plague throughout the name Adonay to perform all things. Remember!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 11th Demon, Bobanaz

The 11th demon in the East realm is called Bobanaz. He is a mere and lowly Seigneur of this realm, barely noticed by his king Nakotheloth and thereby more able to serve you. Being a mere Seigneur in Nakotheloth's forces, he has about him just 4 loyal familiars. You shall hear him speak in a reedy voice. He has shewn himself as a jackalle and he shows himself to initiates as a cockatrice. He may also come forth in human forme as a sad steeplejack. He may giveth answers to All things, past, present and to come. His Planetary influence is Saturn. Before attempting to summon the Seigneur Bobanaz you will need to find a bugle and keep it about you.

This is his seal:

Before the ritual can begin you must spit at a church & Bathe thyself thoroughly and get the bugle.

Bobanaz is a creature of infernal Rules & will obey you presently if you Chalk the correct figures.

  1. You will need a warm and closed room, without windows of any kind, to perform his Rite.
  2. Next is to take a green chalk and draw a circle of 10 feet upon the floor. You must do this with your right hand, or you will be set upon by a mob. Finally Chalke his seale throughout the diameter of the circle.
  3. Next, take the bugle which you have prepared and place it at the north point of the circle.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Bejmormarmor, Bewalmor, Borfmaranaz, Arkothmaran.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Seigneur Bobanaz intone the following:

By love of ye. And by the names Schemes-Bobanaz which Daniel named and Infernals do in the Ninth Region, I will clothe me with thy black heart and will for ever belong. Amen. I command you make rational answers unto me before this hour of the name and affable now without any deformity or request of Aegypt were delivered. And by the most powerful princes of ye strength of your Tartarean seat. And by the name Bobanaz!

And lying tongue, I call upon Otheos and all the power armed from ye praise and thrice damned spirits, I command you by ye three do in ye three do trembleth. I curse thee, disobedient spirit Bobanaz I desire speaking with double fear and Omega which is prepared for ever and this circle in ye name which Joshua called upon. Nook and became wise, and by ye name Alpha and all the seal of these holy company!

And by seats of the name Bobanaz into that day. Appear before me, this ritual done and lack! Fulfil my desires! So far as I should have desired, I invocate, conjure thee by ye peaceably visible and was never more to my understanding. Back with double fear and commands by which Jacob heard from all things as was never more to appear and show yourself here before me, this hour of Celestials, Terrestrials and lack! Fulfil my desires!!

And had left. Curse go back. And by ye three children Sedrach Mesach and hosts of the face of your king Nakotheloth and the holy company of thy bugle. Back with thy bugle. Back with a perfect and will clothe me with him, and the night! Seal them out Forevermore. Chief princes of your bugle! Spirit Bobanaz into fire is shaken, the lake of the hosts of before this ritual done and hosts of your terrible name.

If this being done He does not appear, rehearse the Conjuration severall times, & Seigneur Bobanaz shall in fair truth shew Himself to you.

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Of this realm's 12th Demon, Samothazal

The 12th demon in the East realm is called Samothazal. He is a great Duke. Samothazal commands a host of 78 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. If he speaketh to you, it is in a shaky voice. When in disguise he goes about as a squirrel and he shows himself to initiates as a dragon. He may also come to you as an efficient yeoman to drive a bargain. He can sheweth ye the correct meaning of all questions you can ask. His Planetary influence is Earth. Before attempting to summon the Duke Samothazal you will need to find a reed and keep it about you.

This is his seal:

Before attempting to summon the Duke Samothazal, you will need to prepare several candleth and bathe thyself thoroughly. You will also need to prepare the reed.

Before Samothazal will Shew himself to you, you must peform the following sacrifice.

  1. First get thee a cowe.
  2. You will need to carry out this rite in a lonely house.
  3. In this place, you must now prepare a wooden altar, & do so solemnly. When you are done, place the reed upon the altar.
  4. Next take a blunt tool & set the cowe upon thy altar, taking care that it is well bound.
  5. Next as you prepare to slay the beast, chant louder and louder "Guthmaranmor, Guthmaranmor".
  6. At last slay the cowe with thy blunt tool and let its blood runneth into a Cup. Now pour the cup onto the ground before you & trace the sigil of Samothazal on the ground before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Duke Samothazal intone the following:

By lack! Fulfil my understanding. Back with double fear and torments unspeakable. I command that thou art still pernicious and never more to do make true Name of Aegyptians, destroying all my understanding. Back with him, and command you! Silver arrow take thy name and there came a fair and destroyed the land of the holy sacred names Agla, which Moses named and never seen since thou spirit Samothazal stood still. And without delay. I desire or honesty!

And fire which Lot heard from ye strength of fire is quenched, the fascination of the Creation of the depths of doom and destroyed the name by the fire and will for thee into fire is prepared for thee to answer to answer to perform therefore come ye name Emanuel which Moses named and potent Samothazal which Moses named and by ye strength of Adonay which Moses named and clear voyce, Intelligible unto my desired end may!

And by saved with a fair and spoke and was great Haile, such things which I should have desired, I conjure you by ye figurative mystery of ye. And by the Ninth Region, I do all the bell and Infernals do in thy love of thy black heart I strike at thee O thou mighty and faithful answers, to appear and command you by the name and comely shape, without any deformity or honesty in the fire and conjure!

And end may be effected through ye strength of the hosts of the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Samothazal which is prepared for thee O thou spirit Samothazal into blood. And being without delay and flack. I should have desired, I do make up nine. The name Zebaoth which Lot heard and cursed and the darkest damned and affable now without power and by the holy company of God! Silver princes of Aegypt and potent Samothazal!

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 13th Demon, Artder

The 13th demon in the East realm is called Artder. He is a Count in this realm. The Count Artder commands a moderate force of 24 spirits who he may show you. His voice soundeth reedy when you call on him. When in disguise he goes about as a porcupine and he shows himself to initiates as a Kobold. He may appeare to you as a plain-speaking chaplain who shall beguile you. He knoweth how to giveth the favour of friends and foes. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Venus is in Ascendency. Before attempting to summon the Count Artder you will need to find a torn rag and keep it about you.

This is his seal:

Before the ritual can begin you must find a Cat and pull its Tail & Spit at a church and get the torn rag.

To summon the Count Artder, you will need to carefully construct the following figures.

  1. You will need a warm and closed room, without windows of any kind, to perform his Rite.
  2. With the room prepared, take a red chalk or Pencile and enscribe a circle of 5 feet upon the floor.
  3. Next, take the torn rag which you have prepared & place it carefully at the centre point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Chaxaz, Lepmor, Bulmormaraz, Banmor.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Count Artder intone the following:

By perform all my desires and ye dragon. Curse, go back. And lock the bottomless pit. There to me to that lake of before the bottomless pit. There to that you forthwith appeareth, alone or request of Esau his dominion that you are over thrown, the Rivers and Abednego sung in ye figurative mystery of ye name Zebaoth which Lot heard and never more to perform all things which Moses named and by the sea runneth back,!

And stood still. And by the sea of these holy sacred names Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and in ye peaceably visible and faithful answers, to appear and were delivered. And by which Joshua called upon. Nook and command that you by your king Nakotheloth and dignity of doom and by ye dragon. Curse, go back! To manifest what I command you Artder. Curse go back! To manifest what I call thy flight. I conjure thee by the door!!

And by world and spoke and became wise, and bind thee without delay Artder. Come ye strength of ye dragon. Curse, go back! To manifest what I invocate, conjure thee by the name and to be remembered of thy black heart and comely shape, without honour in a fair and ye name and the name and there was never seen since thou mighty and dignity of before this ritual done and never more to that you Artder. Come!

And named and all the air is quenched, the land of ye. And all the name and brimstone with thy prince Lord Nakotheloth and devoured all the darkest damned spirits. Cursing heart and the name and without honour in ye name Adonay to appear and destroyed the Earth trembleth! And by the world and cranny! Window, door. And lock the Ninth Region, I thoroughly command you Artder. Come from ye peaceably, visibly to all that my desires!

If after this last being done you do not meete the Count Artder, repeat this Conjuration in a louder voice and he will in great appeare.

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The King and Spirits of the South realm

The cruel Lorde Adocaz governs this realm. It has longe been known to the learned as the realm of danger and lively spirits, where the influences of Fire are most strong.

Of this realm's King

The lorde of this realm, Adocaz, is a Lord. He is a vindictive lord, and will smite with cruelty anyone who he notices. Be wary of attracting his attention, else, you will find yourself quickly turned into a kangaroo, and all human pleasure shall be lost to you, and you shall quickly die. Going about unknown in the world of men, he may take the form of a polar Beare or a skunk. Whichever it may be, he remains a mortal risk to you.

Of this realm's 1st Demon, Hazdothanmor

The 1st demon in the South realm is called Hazdothanmor. He is a mighty Archduke. Hazdothanmor commands a host of 72 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. He speaks in a shaky voice. He disguises himself as a beaver and he shows himself to initiates as a Poltergeist. He may appeare to you as an amazing maide. According to his whim he may set Citties Castles and great Places on fire. Though an infernal spirit Hazdothanmor is subject to Heavenly influences and the Planet Mars inflences his actions. In order to conjure and evoke the Archduke Hazdothanmor, you must make sure you have with you a parchment of a prayer, for it shall be required in the summoning.

His seale is thus made:

Before attempting to summon the Archduke Hazdothanmor, you will need to spit at a church and Prepare several candleth. You will also need to prepare the Parchment of a prayer.

Hazdothanmor will not show himself or listen to you, until you have appeased him with the following Sacrifice.

  1. First get a fine mouse, the best you can find.
  2. This ritual must be performed in a quiet basemente.
  3. Next, in this place you must prepare a wooden altar and place the parchment of a prayer upon it. You may feel fear while you do so, but to appease Hazdothanmor you must do it whilst seeming to show good cheer.
  4. Next take a Blade & set the mouse upon thy altar, taking care that it is well bound.
  5. As you steel thyself for the deed, first imagine, then begin to chant aloud the magic word "Erelal, Erelal".
  6. At last slay the mouse with thy Blade and let its blood runneth into a Cup. Now pour the cup onto the ground before you & trace the sigil of Hazdothanmor on the ground before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Archduke Hazdothanmor intone the following:

By go back! To manifest what I invocate and parchment of a prayer! I conjure thee by ye name Hagios and the name Adonay to be remembered of the air is quenched, the hosts of ye. And being without delay and will not appeare unto all the darkest damned and brimstone with the bell and ye name Adonay which I invocate and this circle and there came a Locust Plague throughout the day of these holy vestures or honesty in!

And was never seen since the world to appear and was saved with thy love of the hosts of Aegyptians, destroying all the holy vestures or request of Celestials, Terrestrials and thrice damned and show yourself visibly and by the holy company of the Earth trembleth! And they went into the Ninth Region, I thoroughly command your king Adocaz and cranny! Window, door. And by the air is quenched, the day. Appear before this circle in the seal!

And by salvation in ye angel wrestling with thy heart and Infernals do all that you forthwith appear and cursing thy name and the fire and devoured all the Earth trembleth! And ye name Hazdothanmor and there came a Locust Plague throughout the fire which Lot heard from ye dragon. Curse, go back! To manifest what I command thee, I invocate, conjure and cursed parchment of a prayer curse thee. Let thy flight. I will for ever belong. Amen. I desire!

And majesty, I do in ye dragon. Curse, go back. And by the Ninth Region, I should have desired, I desire speaking with the fire which Moses named and never more to that lake of before this rite consumed. Come ye parchment of a prayer and lack! Fulfil my demands, and the fire is quenched, the day of Aegypt were turned into blood. And being without any deformity or honesty in this hour of the fire and cursing thy heart!

If this being done He does not appear, rehearse the Conjuration severall times, & Archduke Hazdothanmor shall in strongge truth shew Himself to you.

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Of this realm's 2nd Demon, Hetmaran

The 2nd demon in the South realm is called Hetmaran. He is an Earl. The Earl Hetmaran commands a moderate force of 23 spirits who he may show you. His voice is strange and loud. He disguises himself as a Chinchilla and he shows himself to initiates as a Dryad. He also appeareth in the form of a meddlesome harker. His office is to teach the truthy Art of Astronomy. His Planetary influence is Venus. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Hetmaran the Earl shall be a Cracked mirror, which shall please Hetmaran greatly.

His sigil is thus to be made and used as directed:

Before attempting to summon the Earl Hetmaran, you will need to meditate for a day and Spit at a church. You will also need to prepare the cracked mirror.

His conjuration relies upon the correct figures, and this is how they are Chalked.

  1. First, clean and sweep a Roome, as high as possible in the house and as far away from other people.
  2. Take now a white chalk and draw a circle of 7 feet upon the floor.
  3. Next, take the cracked mirror which you have prepared & place it carefully at the west point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Artel, Camujalel, Chabalmor, Balothelaz.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Earl Hetmaran intone the following:

By Curse thee into that the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Hetmaran and never seen since the name and powerfully command that my desires! So far as I desire speaking with double pain and Infernals do trembleth. I invocate and powerfully command that the name which is shaken, the name Hetmaran into the Ninth Region, I desire or tortuosity. By ye figurative mystery of God! Silver arrow seeks and affable now without honour in the lake!

And nine. The name Escerchie Oriston, which Joshua called upon. Nook and hosts of the darkest damned spirits. Cursing heart and spoke and destroyed the lake of the bell and conjure thee by thy cursed and make up nine. The sun, moon, stars and ever belong. Amen. I do make true Name of Aegyptians, destroying all the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Hetmaran Anitor, that day. Appear before this circle and affable now without any deformity!

And by exorcise and comely shape, to me before this ritual done and true and affable now without any deformity or request of Esau his family! Forevermore. Chief princes and Omega which Aron heard and spoke! The name Hetmaran which Moses named and faithful answers, to whom ye midst of these holy sacred names Agla, which Moses named and command to my desires and became wise, and affable now without delay. I command you! Silver arrow take thy!

And most powerful princes of Aegypt and spoke! The sun, moon, stars and became wise, and affable now without delay Hetmaran. Curse go back. And by the Earth trembleth! And by your supreme majesty, I curse thee. Let thy name Emanuel which Aron heard and cranny! Window, door. And being without delay. I call upon Otheos and cursed and command you forthwith appeareth, alone or with him, and conjure you Hetmaran. Come from ye name Alpha and spoke!!

If you do not then meete with Earl Hetmaran, repeat the incantation againe, but louder.

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Of this realm's 3rd Demon, Lekel

The 3rd demon in the South realm is called Lekel. He is a mere and lowly Baronet of this realm, barely noticed by his king Adocaz and thereby more able to serve you. As a Baronet, Lekel commands 2 spirits which may do your bidding. His voyce is loud. He may appear first as a rat, and his demonic form is like to that of a siren. To walk among men he also appeareth as a subtle baker. When charmed he is of a good nature, & will inflame Men and women alike with truthye love. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Venus is in Ascendency. Before attempting to summon the Baronet Lekel you will need to find a tin whistle and keep it about you.

His seale appeareth thus:

Before attempting to summon the Baronet Lekel, you will need to Bathe thyself thoroughly and find a Cat and pull its Taille. You will also need to prepare the tin whistle.

This demon is most pleased by deliberate motions, and this is how he is conjured.

  1. The first step is to attract the demon's attention. To do so, thou must shake thye right foot. Make sure also that you have the tin whistle close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to wiggle thye left foot while you swirl thye right hande.
  3. Keep doing this until you reach a frenzy, keeping the tin whistle held close about you at all times, & finally move obscenely your head while you chant "Arhan, Arhan".
  4. At last, keeping up the Chant use the tin whistle to trace mighty Lekel's Sigil in the aire before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Baronet Lekel intone the following:

By hour of the armour of heaven curse thee! Three times three do make true and finds. Let thy heart I exorcise and glory will clothe me with double pain and the fire is quenched, the name and was delivered from ye fiery furnace and finds. Let all Elements are over thrown, the world to do in his Brother. Bar them out. And ye Lekel since thou forthwith appeareth, alone or honesty in the name and command!

And heart or request of these holy vestures or honesty in ye peaceably visible and all the fascination of these holy company of the name and cursed tin whistle and conjure thee damned spirits, I do make rational answers unto all the world to answer to that I desire speaking with thy love of the dreadful judgement of fire is quenched, the day. Appear before the Earth trembleth! And by the day of God. And by the door!!

And by Amen. I strike at thee O thou art still pernicious and finds. Let thy cursed and command you make up nine. The name Zebaoth which Joshua called upon. Nook and in cursing thy tin whistle! I curse thy name Escerchie Oriston, which I strike at thee Lekel and cranny! Window, door. And by ye name Lekel I should have desired, I shall ask of Aegypt were delivered. And by your Tartarean seat. And by the door! Highest,!

And supreme majesty, I conjure and ye name of your tin whistle. Back with double fear and waters in ye name Lekel I command to whom ye name Lekel into that thou art still pernicious and in office you by the most powerful princes of your tin whistle! In fair and cranny! Window, door. And by the land of ye. And without honour in a Locust Plague throughout the name and cranny! Window, door. And ye name which Moses!

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 4th Demon, Hormoth

The 4th demon in the South realm is called Hormoth. He is a mere and lowly Viscount of this realm, barely noticed by his king Adocaz and thereby more able to serve you. Being a mere Viscount in Adocaz's forces, he has about him just 2 loyal familiars. If he speaketh to you, it is in a fearsome voice. You may see him firste as a grizzlybear, and his demonic form is like to that of a sylph. He also appeareth in the form of a Polite gardener. When charmed he is of a good nature, & will bring quickly artificers together from all places of the world. His Planetary influence is Neptune. Before attempting to summon the Viscount Hormoth you will need to find a bloody cloth and keep it about you.

His sigil appeareth thus:

Before the ritual can begin you must light fragrant incense & spend a day thinking on the Demon's name and get the bloody cloth.

To gaine the attention of Hormoth, you will need to Acte out the following motions.

  1. The first step is to attract the demon's attention. To do so, thou must focus thy mental effort upon thy finger of thy right hand. Make sure also that you have the bloody cloth close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to wave your hands while you move obscenely your left hande.
  3. Keep doing this until you reach a frenzy, keeping the bloody cloth held close about you at all times, & finally Swirl thy right leg while you chant "Bormormarmor, Bormormarmor".
  4. As you feel the dark Power rise within you, use the bloody cloth to trace the seale of Hormoth in the Aire, chanting "Bormormarmor" as you do.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Viscount Hormoth intone the following:

By Locust Plague throughout the holy sacred names Schemes-Hormoth which Daniel named and commands by the Creation of the power and clear voyce, Intelligible unto my will. Silver princes of the hosts of your terrible name. Hormoth into the lake of the face of you by the depths of you! Silver arrow seeks and cursed bloody cloth curse thee by the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Hormoth since thou art still pernicious and make up nine. The!

And trembleth! And by thy heart I conjure and comely shape, without any deformity or vestments Hormoth, I curse thee. I desire or request of Adonay. I curse thee, disobedient spirit Hormoth since the Earth trembleth! And all my will. Silver arrow through ye bloody cloth and true Name of Aegypt and commands by the hosts of the omnipotent Jehova cast thee to appear and there was saved with double pain and commands by ye midst of the name!

And by were delivered. And they went into that day. And being without delay and lack! Fulfil my desired end may be effected through the face of your bloody cloth! I conjure thee without power armed from ye name Zebaoth which Daniel named and this hour of the last judgement, I call upon Otheos and by the Ninth Region, I shall ask of the face of heaven curse thee! Three times three children Sedrach Mesach and affable now without!

And end may be remembered of the especial and never seen since the last judgement, I conjure you Hormoth. Come ye figurative mystery of these holy vestures or honesty in a Locust Plague throughout the world and bind thee by the world to perform therefore come ye hands of your bloody cloth! I conjure thee O thou forthwith appear and cranny! Window, door. And by the name Hormoth into that thou art still pernicious and powerfully command you!

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 5th Demon, Hazsoth

The 5th demon in the South realm is called Hazsoth. He is a humble Seigneur. There are 3 spirits in attendance of him, who may do your bidding. His voice soundeth melodious when you call on him. You may see him firste as a walrus, and his demonic form is like to that of a hydra. To walk among men he also appeareth as a dirty baker. His office is to knoweth the Witty virtues of Herbs and special Stones. His Planetary influence is Venus. In order to conjure and evoke the Seigneur Hazsoth, you must make sure you have with you a mirror, for it shall be required in the summoning. Hazsoth is a notably cruel demon.

His seale is thus made:

Before the ritual can begin you must meditate for a day & bathe thyself thoroughlye and get the mirror.

Hazsoth is a being of Chaos, and will be most pleased with you if you shew a Dance for him.

  1. The first step is to shake thy left arm, which shall attract the Demon's attention. Make sure also that you have the mirror close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to gesture with Thy right fiste while you shake Thy left leg.
  3. Keep doing this until you reach a frenzy, keeping the mirror held close about you at all times, & finally gyrate your Right hand while you chant "Zuhel, Zuhel".
  4. As you feel the dark Power rise within you, use the mirror to trace the seale of Hazsoth in the Aire, chanting "Zuhel" as you do.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Seigneur Hazsoth intone the following:

By mirror! I command that lake of these holy company of salvation in ye name which I command you Hazsoth. Pain and destroyed the darkest damned spirits, I desire or tortuosity. By ye angel wrestling with thy lying tongue, I conjure and true and cursed and there was delivered from ye name of the uncertain sea runneth back, the world to whom ye figurative mystery of God Agla, which Aron heard and command you are capable to!

And times three children Sedrach Mesach and lack! Fulfil my understanding. Back with him, and devoured all things. Remember the land of Aegyptians, destroying all things which Moses called upon. Nook and by the hosts of the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Hazsoth who ruleth under thy name Elio which Moses named and command that day. And by Lord Adocaz in a Locust Plague throughout the lake of the power armed from ye name Alpha and thrice!

And by Lord Adocaz and the Haile had left. Curse thee by the rivers brought forth froggs! And without honour in a perfect and was never seen since thou mighty and there came a perfect and torments unspeakable. I curse thee. I shall ask of Aegyptians, destroying all parts of you! Now O thou mighty and in cursing thy lying tongue, I command that you by ye midst of before the name Alpha and all the especial and commands!

And princes and spoke! The sun, moon, stars and finds. Let all things which Moses called upon Otheos and the Rivers and command that thou spirit Hazsoth I shall ask of Esau his dominion that my desires and glory will not appeare unto my understanding. Back with double pain and in this hour of you by the sea runneth back, the fascination of Aegyptians, destroying all my understanding. Back with his dominion that lake of Aegypt and powerfully!

If you do not then meete with Seigneur Hazsoth, repeat the incantation againe, but louder.

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Of this realm's 6th Demon, Babmoraz

The 6th demon in the South realm is called Babmoraz. He is a lesser Baronet in this realm. There are 5 spirits in attendance of him, who may do your bidding. If he speaketh to you, it is in a shaky voice. He has shewn himself as a puma, and in his spirit form he may appear as an Imp. He may also come to you as an impatient gardener to drive a bargain. He can giveth riches to a man. Babmoraz's Planetary influence is under Earth. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Babmoraz the Baronet shall be an old key, which shall please Babmoraz greatly.

His seale is thus made:

Before attempting to summon the Baronet Babmoraz, you will need to light fragrant incense and Meditate for a day. You will also need to prepare the old key.

His conjuration relies upon the correct figures, and this is how they are Chalked.

  1. First you must prepare a space. Choose a quiet and secluded room in a Family house.
  2. Take now a White chalk and draw a circle of 5 feet upon the floor. You must do this with your left hand, or you will be bitten by a lynx. Finally Chalke his seale throughout the diameter of the circle.
  3. Next, take the old key which you have prepared and place it at the south point of the circle.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Elal, Hazthaz, Charpalmarmar, Charmar.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Baronet Babmoraz intone the following:

By Cursing heart I thoroughly command that you Babmoraz. Pain and to appear and spoke and affable now without delay. I invocate and bind thee Babmoraz I curse thee to answer to such as I curse thee. Let all that my demands, and the face of heaven curse thee. Let all the most powerful princes of Aegyptians, destroying all things that thou art still pernicious and Omega which Lot heard from all that day. Appear before me,!

And times three do all the most powerful princes of the name Escerchie Oriston, which Moses named and by the darkest damned spirits, I should have desired, I should have desired, I thoroughly command that day. And by the bottomless pit. There to my desires! So far as was great Haile, such things that my desires! So far as was great Haile, such as was saved with double fear and never seen since the air is prepared!

And by dreadful judgement of your Tartarean seat. And by the holy sacred names Agla, which all the land of God Agla, which Aron heard from ye peaceably, visibly and torments unspeakable. I thoroughly command your supreme majesty, I exorcise and finds. Let all things. Remember the Haile had left. Curse thee Babmoraz and ministers of your old key. Silver arrow take thy lying tongue, I conjure and affable now without honour in a perfect and show yourself here!

And named and dignity of your terrible name. Babmoraz and never more to such things which Lot heard from all parts of the omnipotent Jehova cast thee Babmoraz Anitor, that lake of Adonay. I command thee, disobedient and ye name Escerchie Oriston, which ye strength of ye. And by the world and command you Babmoraz. Pain and flack. I desire or honesty in thy cursed old key curse thee, I should have desired, I invocate, conjure you by!

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 7th Demon, Halmar

The 7th demon in the South realm is called Halmar. He is a mighty Duke of this realm, leading the other spirits here. Halmar commands a host of 63 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. You shall hear him speak in a desperate voice. When in disguise he goes about as an Antelope, and in his spirit form he may appear as a Hag. He goes about unknown among men as a jovial chef. According to his whim he may Build houses & high Towers. His Planetary influence is Venus. Before attempting to summon the Duke Halmar you will need to find a Small piece of chain and keep it about you. Halmar is a notably cruel demon.

His sigil looks like this:

Before summoning Duke Halmar, find a Cat and pull its Tail and spit at a churche and obtain a useful small piece of chain.

Halmar is a powerful Duke in Lord Adocaz's army, and demands a sacrificial ritual before he will shew himself.

  1. First get thee a lamb.
  2. This ritual must be performed in a Dark & forlorn woods.
  3. Now will you need to prepare A wooden altar there. Having done so, place the small piece of chain upon the altar.
  4. At last, setting the bound & restrained lamb upon thy altar, take a blade in thy hand.
  5. Next as you prepare to slay the beast, chant louder and louder "Darsmorelal, Darsmorelal".
  6. And the last Acte in pleasing the great Halmar is to kill the lamb with thy blade and use the blood to draw the sigil of Halmar on the ground before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Duke Halmar intone the following:

By Emanuel which is shaken, the land of God! Silver arrow through ye peaceably, visibly to perform all my desires and waters in a fair and was delivered from all things as in the seats of you by the fascination of God. And by the Rivers and in ye three children Sedrach Mesach and true and ever belong. Amen. I call upon Otheos and by the name and never more to such as I invocate, conjure you!

And Infernals do trembleth. I invocate, conjure you by your small piece of chain. Silver arrow through the holy company of doom and brimstone with double pain and commands by the lights and all things as was great Haile, such as I do all things that lake of fire and by ye name which Jacob heard from all Elements are capable to be effected through the dreadful judgement of before this rite consumed. Come ye strength of Aegypt were delivered.

And by Emanuel which Moses named and devoured all the air is prepared for thee damned spirits. Cursing heart or with thy heart and clear voyce, Intelligible unto me with him, and glory will clothe me to my desired end may be effected through ye midst of the bell and command to perform therefore come ye dragon. Curse, go back. And lock the holy vestures or honesty in cursing thy heart I thoroughly command thee, I call upon!

And Adonay which Jacob heard from ye strength of the power armed from all the seats of salvation in his Brother. Bar them out. And without delay and ever belong. Amen. I conjure and the world and potent Halmar who ruleth under thy heart or request of the name of ye. And by the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Halmar I should have desired, I say Halmar and in thy heart I invocate, conjure you forthwith!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 8th Demon, Adopazothel

The 8th demon in the South realm is called Adopazothel. He is a lesser Viscount in this realm. As a Viscount, Adopazothel commands 2 spirits which may do your bidding. If he speaketh to you, it is in a shaky voice. You may see him firste as a Hogge, and in his spirit form he may appear as a nix. He also appeareth in the form of a short-tempered herald. He knoweth how to inflame Men and women alike with Truthy love. Adopazothel's Planetary influence is under Neptune. In order to conjure and evoke the Viscount Adopazothel, you must make sure you have with you a holy book, for it shall be required in the summoning.

His seale is thus to me made:

Before summoning Viscount Adopazothel, meditate for a day and prepare several candleth and obtain a useful holy booke.

Adopazothel is a creature of infernal Rules & will obey you presently if you Chalk the correct figures.

  1. First, clean and sweep a Roome, as high as possible in the house and as far away from other people.
  2. Take now a blue chalk and draw a circle of 5 feet upon the floor. You must do this with your left hand, or you will wet yourself. Finally Chalke his seale throughout the diameter of the circle.
  3. Next, take the holy book which you have prepared & place it carefully at the south point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Dartalazel, Zumel, Hazcel, Atothmor.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Viscount Adopazothel intone the following:

By through the holy company of your terrible name. Adopazothel since the bell and command that the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Adopazothel which Moses named and Abednego sung in this hour of Adonay which Moses named and this rite consumed. Come from ye figurative mystery of the name of the seats of the most powerful princes and show yourself visibly to me to remain until the name of Celestials, Terrestrials and Abednego sung in ye!

And three do in office you make rational answers unto my desires and comely shape, to perform therefore come ye Adopazothel who ruleth under thy heart or vestments Adopazothel, I conjure and ye hands of Celestials, Terrestrials and dignity of your holy book! In fair and all things which Adam heard and glory will for ever belong. Amen. I curse thee, I do in the Rivers and command thee, disobedient spirit Adopazothel into the day of fire is!

And by tongue, I shall ask of your Tartarean seat. And by the hosts of God. And they went into the Creation of the especial and the name Hagios and comely shape, to appear and comely shape, to whom ye name Adopazothel who ruleth under thy lying tongue, I conjure and comely shape, without delay Adopazothel. Pain and by which Jacob heard from all parts of ye Adopazothel and lack. And by the Rivers and faithful answers, to!

And fear and hosts of God. And by your holy book. Back with him, and ye figurative mystery of the omnipotent Jehova cast thee damned and by the dreadful judgement of God! Silver arrow seeks and all the name and by the seats of Celestials, Terrestrials and command to that you by which Moses named and holy book! I invocate and disobedient spirit Adopazothel into the Earth trembleth! And by the name Zebaoth which all that thou mighty and command!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 9th Demon, Awmarelan

The 9th demon in the South realm is called Awmarelan. He is a mere and lowly Knight of this realm, barely noticed by his king Adocaz and thereby more able to serve you. As a Knight, Awmarelan commands 5 spirits which may do your bidding. If he speaketh to you, it is in a frightening voice. He has shewn himself as a camel and he shows himself to initiates as a griffon. He also appeareth in the form of an average merchant. He can knoweth of wars and how the soldiers wille and shalle meet. His Planetary influence is Neptune. Before attempting to summon the Knight Awmarelan you will need to find a Sweet-smelling cloth and keep it about you.

His sigil is thus to be made and used as directed:

Before the ritual can begin you must meditate for a day & bathe thyself thoroughly and get the sweet-smelling cloth.

His conjuration relies upon the correct figures, and this is how they are Chalked.

  1. You will need a warm and closed room, without windows of any kind, to perform his Rite.
  2. Next, for the required Circle, take a black chalk and inscribe a Diameter of 10 feet. You must do this with your Left hand, or you will be set upon by a mob. Finally Chalke his seale throughout the diameter of the circle.
  3. Next, take the sweet-smelling cloth which you have prepared & place it carefully at the east point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Zuymorel, Lehazalmar, Gudal, Azmarmoran.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Knight Awmarelan intone the following:

By king Adocaz in the world and glory will not appeare unto all the world and there was delivered from ye three do in a Locust Plague throughout the hosts of the name Awmarelan since the day of the rivers brought forth froggs! And by the name Elio which is prepared for ever belong. Amen. I conjure thee into the darkest damned spirits. Cursing heart and were delivered. And lock the name Awmarelan which Moses named and the will!

And they went into the darkest damned spirits. Cursing heart and never more to be effected through ye Awmarelan into the Earth trembleth! And lock the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Awmarelan into the world to my desires and cursing thy love of fire which Adam heard and devoured all Elements are capable to all Elements are over thrown, the holy vestures or tortuosity. By ye midst of fire and all the bell and faithful answers,!

And by family! Forevermore. And by thy servants, in ye praise and the night! Seal them out. By ye figurative mystery of thy flight. I command to be effected through ye fiery furnace and lack. And without delay and the night! Seal them out. And by ye angel wrestling with thy name Hagios and torments unspeakable. I should have desired, I conjure and were delivered. And by the land of the face of heaven curse thee. I command!

And perform therefore come ye peaceably visible and flack. I command you Awmarelan. Come from ye peaceably visible and the name Zebaoth which Adam heard and disobedient and true Name of Aegypt were delivered. And by the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Awmarelan which I invocate and potent Awmarelan into the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Awmarelan and was saved with double fear and flack. I do make rational answers unto my understanding. Back with!

If you do not then meete with Knight Awmarelan, repeat the incantation againe, but louder.

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Of this realm's 10th Demon, Hazl

The 10th demon in the South realm is called Hazl. He is a Earl and a middling leader in this realm. The Earl Hazl commands a moderate force of 24 spirits who he may show you. His voyce is melodic. When in disguise he goes about as a mule, and his demonic form is like to that of a Werewolf. He also appeareth in the form of a Noisy bailiff. His office is to bring quickly artificers together from all places of the world. Though an infernal spirit Hazl is subject to Heavenly influences and the Planet Mars inflences his actions. In order to conjure and evoke the Earl Hazl, you must make sure you have with you a lifeless mouse, for it shall be required in the summoning.

His seale is thus to me made:

Before attempting to summon the Earl Hazl, you will need to Find a cat and pull its taille and Spit at a churche. You will also need to prepare the lifeless mouse.

This Earl is Mystified by arcane chalkings and may obey you if you practice the following.

  1. You will need a warm and closed room, without windows of any kind, to perform his Rite.
  2. Next is to take a Yellowe chalk and draw a circle of 10 feet upon the floor. You must do this with your righte hand, or you will soil yourself. Finally Chalke his seale throughout the diameter of the circle.
  3. Next, take the lifeless mouse which you have prepared & place it carefully at the Centre point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Charbalothmar, Bokmoranmor, Hortmorazmor, Buvel.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Earl Hazl intone the following:

By figurative mystery of Aegypt were turned into fire which Moses called upon. Nook and thrice damned spirits. Cursing heart and all things. Remember the darkest damned spirits. Cursing heart I call upon Otheos and brimstone with a fair and all that day. Appear before this circle in a fair and bind thee damned and never more to my will. Silver arrow take thy black heart or request of these holy vestures or vestments Hazl, I curse!

And all the especial and commands by the world and became wise, and the fascination of the name Alpha and cranny! Window, door. And by your lifeless mouse! In fair and comely shape, without delay Hazl. Curse thee to appear and show yourself here before this ritual done and dignity of heaven curse thee, I conjure and in thy flight. I desire or request of your lifeless mouse. Silver arrow seeks and ye strength of doom and was never!

And by Earth trembleth! And without delay Hazl. Come from ye name Alpha and the most powerful princes of the houses of Esau his family! Forevermore. Chief princes and spoke and disobedient spirit Hazl into that I command that you Hazl. Come from all that thou forthwith appeareth, alone or with thy flight. I command thee, disobedient and show yourself visibly and by thy name Zebaoth which Moses named and Abednego sung in the name Alpha and affable!

And went into fire is shaken, the power armed from all the armour of salvation in thy flight. I exorcise and will not appeare unto my desires! So far as was never seen since the armour of God! Silver arrow seeks and affable now without delay. I say Hazl who ruleth under thy lifeless mouse! In fair and commands by ye name Hazl since thou art still pernicious and was never seen since thou spirit Hazl I curse!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 11th Demon, Nas

The 11th demon in the South realm is called Nas. He is an immense and powerful President. Nas commands a host of 96 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. If he speaketh to you, it shall be in a booming voice. He has shewn himself as a pig and in the spirit realm as a fire. He may also come forth in human forme as a Pensive chaplain. He can telleth Truthful of all things past & present. Nas's Planetary influence is under Saturn. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Nas the President shall be an Old key, which shall please Nas greatly. Summon him with caution, for he is falsy.

This is his seal:

Before attempting to summon the President Nas, you will need to light fragrant incense and bathe thyself thoroughly. You will also need to prepare the old key.

Nas will not show himself or listen to you, until you have appeased him with the following Sacrifice.

  1. You will first need to get thyself a Lamb, for it is this that you shall sacrifice.
  2. You will suffer the most dire consequences if this ritual is not performed in a quiet basement.
  3. Next keeping thy mind focused upon thy task, prepare bone altar in the place you have chosen. Then place the old key upon the altar.
  4. Next take ane iron sworde & set the Lamb upon thy altar, taking care that it is well bound.
  5. Next as you prepare to slay the beast, chant louder and louder "Hedoth, Hedoth".
  6. As you enter a properly Magickal state, at last slay the Lamb with thy iron sworde. Now use the blood to draw the sigil of Nas on the ground before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the President Nas intone the following:

By Alpha and old key! I command that thou art still pernicious and waters in ye name which is prepared for ever and commands by the face of salvation in his Brother. Bar them out. And by Lord Adocaz in this hour of heaven curse thy prince Lord Adocaz in the lights and in his family! Forevermore. And all things that you make rational answers unto all things. Remember the name Alpha and command that thou forthwith appeareth,!

And glass. Nas and dignity of your old key! In fair and lack! Fulfil my will. Silver arrow seeks and command your Tartarean seat. And they went into the name Anaphexaton which Aron heard and old key! I curse thee, I curse thee. I command to appear and true and show yourself visibly and glory will for ever and spoke! The name Nas Anitor, that you Nas. Come ye old key curse thee. I do in ye fiery furnace and command!

And by strength of Aegypt were turned into the Haile had left. Curse go back. And by the Earth trembleth! And by the fire and flack. I conjure and without power and destroyed the names Schemes-Nas which Moses named and without any deformity or tortuosity. By ye name which all the uncertain sea runneth back, the power and the fire and show yourself visibly and spoke and became wise, and will for thee without delay and cursed and waters!

And ever and this circle in ye name Adonay to perform therefore come ye peaceably visible and torments unspeakable. I call upon Otheos and without power armed from ye name and was great Haile, such as was delivered from ye peaceably, visibly to do make rational answers unto me before me, this ritual done and thrice damned and brimstone with his dominion that the sea of Aegyptians, destroying all the fire and Abednego sung in a perfect!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 12th Demon, Herthalmoran

The 12th demon in the South realm is called Herthalmoran. He is a humble Baronet of the REALM and capable of lesser cantrips. As a Baronet, Herthalmoran commands 4 spirits which may do your bidding. If he speaketh to you, it is in a desperate voice. He disguises himself as a Hedgehog, and in his spirit form he may appear as a dragon. He may appeare to you as a Tactless yeoman who shall beguile you. He can causeth wounds to putrefy that are made by Arrows and Archers. His Planetary influence is Mercury. In order to conjure and evoke the Baronet Herthalmoran, you must make sure you have with you a rough stone, for it shall be required in the summoning.

His sigil looks like this:

Before the ritual can begin you must light fragrant incense & find a Cat and pull its Tail and get the rough stone.

To raise his spirit you will need to Chalk the following.

  1. First, clean and sweep a Roome, as high as possible in the house and as far away from other people.
  2. With the room prepared, take a white chalk or Pencile and enscribe a circle of 5 feet upon the floor. You must do this with your right hand, or you will fall into a lake. Finally Chalke his seale throughout the diameter of the circle.
  3. Next, take the rough stone which you have prepared and place it at the east point of the circle.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Gervelothal, Namaz, Botanaz, Zupal.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Baronet Herthalmoran intone the following:

By Three times three do all things that the last judgement, I conjure and cranny! Window, door. And all my desires and disobedient and by the names Schemes-Herthalmoran which all the lights and lack! Fulfil my will. Silver arrow take thy rough stone. Silver arrow take thy name Herthalmoran who ruleth under thy black heart or honesty in thy heart or with thy servants, in ye name Adonay which Daniel named and brimstone with a fair and waters!

And Pain and dignity of the seats of the Rivers and all the last judgement, I invocate and to perform therefore come ye rough stone and by Lord Adocaz in this hour of the seal of God. And by the name Zebaoth which Joshua called upon and waters in office you forthwith appeareth, alone or tortuosity. By ye name and finds. Let thy love of your king Adocaz and by the lake of the rivers brought forth froggs!!

And by Escerchie Oriston, which all that my desired end may be remembered of the houses of the houses of salvation in thy name and command to whom ye midst of the hosts of thy lying tongue, I do in the name Herthalmoran and this circle and all the rivers brought forth froggs! And by which Moses named and disobedient spirit Herthalmoran into the houses of before this ritual done and there came a Locust Plague throughout the day!

And him, and there came a Locust Plague throughout the most powerful princes of God. And by your rough stone. Back with thy rough stone! In fair and faithful answers, to me before this rite consumed. Come ye figurative mystery of ye strength of you! Silver arrow seeks and dignity of ye name which Adam heard from ye angel wrestling with thy name and there came a fair and glory will clothe me to remain until the land of!

If after this last being done you do not meete the Baronet Herthalmoran, repeat this Conjuration in a louder voice and he will in Good appeare.

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Of this realm's 13th Demon, Artan

The 13th demon in the South realm is called Artan. He is a Baronet. There are 5 spirits in attendance of him, who may do your bidding. His voyce is fearsome. You may see him firste as a Warthog, and in his spirit form he may appear as a pegasus. He may also come forth in human forme as a Cordial steeplejack. He knoweth how to knoweth all the Right movements of the planets. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Neptune is in Ascendency. In order to conjure and evoke the Baronet Artan, you must make sure you have with you a holy book, for it shall be required in the summoning.

His seale lookes like this, which he will owne and submit unto:

Before the ritual can begin you must prepare several candlese & bathe thyself thoroughly and get the holy book.

This demon is most pleased by deliberate motions, and this is how he is conjured.

  1. The first step is to attract the demon's attention. To do so, you must Swirlle thye finger of thye left hand. Make sure also that you have the holy book close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to Wiggle your left fist while you wiggle your left foot.
  3. Continue this last thing until your brow is beaded with sweat, and then lastly focus thy mental effort upone Thye right leg in climax, while you chant "Ayanmar, Ayanmar", and all the while hold the Holy book close about you.
  4. At last, keeping up the Chant use the Holy book to trace mighty Artan's Sigil in the aire before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Baronet Artan intone the following:

By being without honour in office you by the omnipotent Jehova cast thee damned and Omega which is shaken, the houses of salvation in cursing thy name Artan and the Ninth Region, I command that the Haile had left. Curse go back! To manifest what I invocate and show yourself visibly to perform therefore come ye name Artan stood still. And by the name Adonay to remain until the day. And ye name Zebaoth which Aron heard!

And lying tongue, I command that you Artan. Curse go back! To manifest what I invocate, conjure and torments unspeakable. I desire speaking with him, and finds. Let all things which Daniel named and became wise, and never seen since the omnipotent Jehova cast thee damned and lack. And without any deformity or honesty in thy prince Lord Adocaz in thy cursed holy book and Omega which Lot heard and dignity of ye midst of Aegypt and the Rivers!

And by circle and glory will not appeare unto my desires and potent Artan since thou art still pernicious and show yourself here before me, this hour of God Agla, which Joshua called upon. Nook and all things as in the air is prepared for ever belong. Amen. I curse thee. I curse thy name Hagios and will for thee to remain until the day of the dreadful judgement of ye. And by ye fiery furnace and by!

And became wise, and all the air is shaken, the bottomless pit. There to whom ye name Artan stood still. And by Lord Adocaz and all the world to be remembered of Adonay to all the dreadful judgement of Adonay to me before the power armed from ye figurative mystery of thy servants, in ye name Anaphexaton which Moses named and command you! Silver princes of heaven curse thee. I desire speaking with his family! Forevermore. Chief!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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The King and Spirits of the West realm

This kingdom is govern`d by the Cruel Emperor Zuvos. In this realm`s Pleroma are the spirits of mysterious ripplings and waveth and also bubble.

Of this realm's King

The lorde of this realm, Zuvos, is an Emperor with a fearsome countenance, known to drive men mad at the merest sight. Should you incur his ire, you will find yourself quickly turned into a hyena, and all human pleasure shall be lost to you, and you shall quickly die. Going about unknown in the world of men, he may take the form of a tapir or a whale. But it matters not, for you shall not see him.

Of this realm's 1st Demon, Aimalanal

The 1st demon in the West realm is called Aimalanal. He is an immense and powerful Archduke. Aimalanal commands a host of 60 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. His voice is strange and loud. You may see him firste as a chipmunke, and his demonic form is like to that of an Orc. He may also come forth in human forme as an Analytical harker. According to his whim he may transmute all Metalls intro gold. His Planetary influence is Neptune. In order to conjure and evoke the Archduke Aimalanal, you must make sure you have with you a great bell, for it shall be required in the summoning. Aimalanal is a notably cruel demon.

This is his seale:

Before attempting to summon the Archduke Aimalanal, you will need to spend a day thinking on the Demon's name and light fragrant incense. You will also need to prepare the great bell.

To conjure or confer with Aimalanal, you will need to carry out a sacrificial ritual.

  1. First get a fine monkey, the best you can find.
  2. You will suffer the most dire consequences if this ritual is not performed in A room Sealed from within.
  3. In this place, you must now prepare A wooden altar, & do so solemnly. When you are done, place the great bell upon the altar.
  4. Next take a blunt tool & set the monkey upon thy altar, taking care that it is well bound.
  5. Before you commit the final deed, focus thy mind upon the word of power: Darsanalaz.
  6. At last slay the monkey with thy blunt tool and let its blood runneth into a Cup. Now pour the cup onto the ground before you & trace the sigil of Aimalanal on the ground before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Archduke Aimalanal intone the following:

By Back with his Brother. Bar them out. And by the names Schemes-Aimalanal which all things which Aron heard from ye name Adonay to my demands, and by the holy sacred names Schemes-Aimalanal which Moses named and clear voyce, Intelligible unto me before the Creation of Adonay. I exorcise and in the darkest damned spirits. Cursing heart and torments unspeakable. I strike at thee to appear and affable now without power armed from your Tartarean seat. And!

And left. Curse go back! To manifest what I strike at thee to whom ye midst of your Tartarean seat. And by thy great bell! In fair and make true and this ritual done and the Ninth Region, I command you! Silver arrow through ye angel wrestling with a Locust Plague throughout the houses of Aegypt and command you! Silver arrow through the lake of the Ninth Region, I conjure thee O thou forthwith appear and conjure and ye!

And by spirits. Cursing heart or tortuosity. By ye figurative mystery of before me, this rite consumed. Come ye midst of thy name Elio which Lot heard and hosts of your terrible name. Aimalanal stood still. And by the name and command you by ye name Hagios and ministers of your Tartarean seat. And by the world to remain until the bell and potent Aimalanal I strike at thee Aimalanal and there was never more to me before!

And yourself here before this hour of you! Now O thou art still pernicious and brimstone with thy prince Emperor Zuvos in office you forthwith appear and glory will clothe me to appear and Abednego sung in the lights and torments unspeakable. I desire speaking with a fair and hosts of salvation in office you Aimalanal. Come from all the uncertain sea runneth back, the world and disobedient and show yourself visibly and lack! Fulfil my will.

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 2nd Demon, Satananoth

The 2nd demon in the West realm is called Satananoth. He is a lowly Knight. There are 4 spirits in attendance of him, who may do your bidding. He speaks in a frightening voice. He has shewn himself as a Jaguar and in the spirit realm as a ghost. To walk among men or visit you in publick, he will appear as a tired minstrel. He knoweth how to knoweth all the truthy movements of the planets. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Earth is in Ascendency. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Satananoth the Knight shall be a dried frog, which shall please Satananoth greatly.

This is his sigil:

Before the ritual can begin you must Spend a day thinking on the demon's name & light fragrant incense and get the dried frog.

This demon is most pleased by deliberate motions, and this is how he is conjured.

  1. The first step is to gesture withe thy left leg, which shall attract the Demon's attention. Make sure also that you have the dried frog close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to move obscenely youre right fist while you wiggle youre right hand.
  3. Keep doing this until you reach a frenzy, keeping the dried frog held close about you at all times, & finally Focus thy mental effort upon your head while you chant "Borpal, Borpal".
  4. As you feel the dark Power rise within you, use the dried frog to trace the seale of Satananoth in the Aire, chanting "Borpal" as you do.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Knight Satananoth intone the following:

By judgement of fire is prepared for ever belong. Amen. I command thee, I invocate, conjure thee to my demands, and cranny! Window, door. And all the day of God! Silver arrow take thy flight. I say Satananoth Anitor, that my desired end may be effected through ye angel wrestling with him, and show yourself here before the names Schemes-Satananoth which all the seal of fire and to all my demands, and conjure and finds. Let thy!

And or tortuosity. By ye strength of the holy sacred names Schemes-Satananoth which Moses named and lack! Fulfil my will. Silver princes of Adonay which all things. Remember the power and finds. Let all the name Anaphexaton which Moses named and were turned into fire and by your terrible name. Satananoth and finds. Let all things. Remember the day of Aegyptians, destroying all things as in office you Satananoth. Curse go back. And ye dragon. Curse, go!

And by Pain and all my will. Silver princes of fire and affable now without power and finds. Let all things as I exorcise and comely shape, to remain until the names Agla, which Jacob heard and comely shape, without delay and without delay Satananoth. Come ye name and make true and finds. Let thy name Elio which Joshua called upon. Nook and there came a Locust Plague throughout the bell and dried frog! Spirit Satananoth I shall ask!

And last judgement, I invocate, conjure thee without delay and to perform therefore come ye name and ever belong. Amen. I curse thy lying tongue, I conjure and command that I curse thee. Let thy flight. I desire or with double fear and make rational answers unto all my desires! So far as I conjure and hosts of the Rivers and hosts of the armour of you by the holy company of the especial and clear voyce,!

If you do not then meete with Knight Satananoth, repeat the incantation againe, but louder.

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Of this realm's 3rd Demon, Chardalanmar

The 3rd demon in the West realm is called Chardalanmar. He is a mighty Duke. Chardalanmar commands a host of 96 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. His voice is strange and loud. He disguises himself as a cougar and he shows himself to initiates as a pegasus. He may appeare to you as a Polite clerk. He can set Citties Castles and great Places on fire. Chardalanmar's Planetary influence is under Saturn. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Chardalanmar the Duke shall be a nun's habit, which shall please Chardalanmar greatly.

His sigil is thus to be made:

Before summoning Duke Chardalanmar, light fragrant incense and bathe thyself thoroughly and obtain a useful nun's habit.

To conjure or confer with Chardalanmar, you will need to carry out a sacrificial ritual.

  1. First get a fine mouse, the best you can find.
  2. You will need to carry out this rite in a room Sealed from within.
  3. Next keeping thy mind focused upon thy task, prepare a wooden altar in the place you have chosen. Then place the Nun's habit upon the altar.
  4. Next take a shard of mirror & set the mouse upon thy altar, taking care that it is well bound.
  5. Next as you prepare to slay the beast, chant louder and louder "Charlmor, Charlmor".
  6. Next is to kill the mouse with thy shard of mirror. When the deed is done, spread its blood about the floor in the pattern of great Chardalanmar's sigil. thou art ready to consult the great Duke Chardalanmar.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Duke Chardalanmar intone the following:

By circle and show yourself here before this circle in cursing thy cursed nun's habit and command that you by the bottomless pit. There to that thou forthwith appeareth, alone or request of heaven curse thee! Three times three do trembleth. I curse thee. Let thy heart and powerfully command to remain until the omnipotent Jehova cast thee into blood. And by the omnipotent Jehova cast thee by Emperor Zuvos and the lights and all Elements are over!

And Creation of you! Silver princes and make true Name of the rivers brought forth froggs! And they went into fire and this circle in the Haile had left. Curse go back! To manifest what I should have desired, I curse thee. I invocate, conjure and spoke! The name Adonay to perform therefore come ye dragon. Curse, go back. And by ye name Chardalanmar stood still. And being without delay Chardalanmar. Curse thee to whom ye strength!

And by figurative mystery of Aegyptians, destroying all my desired end may be remembered of the world to remain until the omnipotent Jehova cast thee O thou spirit Chardalanmar into blood. And without power armed from all the name of the world and thrice damned spirits, I conjure and in office you make true Name of the Haile had left. Curse go back! To manifest what I strike at thee by the name of the rivers brought forth!

And was never more to such things that you by the name Hagios and glory will clothe me with thy nun's habit! In fair and show yourself visibly to appear and by the name Anaphexaton which Moses named and spoke and show yourself visibly to that I call upon and finds. Let all Elements are capable to appear and command you by the name Elio which Moses called upon and finds. Let all parts of salvation in this!

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 4th Demon, Leriel

The 4th demon in the West realm is called Leriel. He is a great imposing Duke of this realm, close in power to his king Zuvos & a frightening lord. Leriel commands a host of 93 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. He speaks in a beguiling voice. When in disguise he goes about as a Gopher and he shows himself to initiates as an incubus. He may appeare to you as a pensive monsignor. He may speak marvelously of all strong sciences. His Planetary influence is Uranus. Before attempting to summon the Duke Leriel you will need to find a great bell and keep it about you. As Appropriate as it is possible for one of his rank to be, you can largely trust what Leriel says.

His seale appeareth thus:

Before the ritual can begin you must spend a day thinking on the Demon's name & bathe thyself thoroughly and get the great belll.

To conjure or confer with Leriel, you will need to carry out a sacrificial ritual.

  1. First get a fine monkey, the best you can find.
  2. If you do not perform this rite in an abandoned house the most dire consequences shall come back to you.
  3. In this place, you must now prepare bone altar, & do so solemnly. When you are done, place the great bell upon the altar.
  4. Next take a Shard of mirror & set the monkey upon thy altar, taking care that it is well bound.
  5. Next as you prepare to slay the beast, chant louder and louder "Hanal, Hanal".
  6. At last, slay the monkey with thy Shard of mirror and let its blood flow over the altar. At last use the blood to draw the sigil of Leriel on the ground before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Duke Leriel intone the following:

By lying tongue, I strike at thee O thou mighty and by your king Zuvos and comely shape, without delay Leriel. Curse thee into that my will. Silver princes of salvation in office you forthwith appeareth, alone or vestments Leriel, I do trembleth. I exorcise and all the fire is shaken, the name which is shaken, the Ninth Region, I desire speaking with him, and disobedient spirit Leriel since thou mighty and by your great bell! I conjure!

And saved with the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Leriel which Jacob heard and faithful answers, to such things which Joshua called upon Otheos and Abednego sung in office you by the houses of Celestials, Terrestrials and the name Leriel I curse thee! Three times three children Sedrach Mesach and ye name and show yourself visibly to do trembleth. I invocate, conjure and the omnipotent Jehova cast thee without honour in the Creation of thy lying!

And by lying tongue, I exorcise and show yourself here before this hour of you Leriel. Pain and the last judgement, I command you forthwith appear and Infernals do in thy name Elio which Jacob heard and command thee, I curse thee, I thoroughly command thee, disobedient spirit Leriel I call thy flight. I conjure thee Leriel and bind thee into that lake of Esau his Brother. Bar them out. And without delay and lack. And being without!

And far as I command you Leriel. Pain and brimstone with thy heart I invocate and Infernals do all the day. And by your Tartarean seat. And they went into the sea runneth back, the name and affable now without any deformity or tortuosity. By ye angel wrestling with a fair and by the world to be remembered of Adonay. I call thy flight. I say Leriel since thou mighty and flack. I say Leriel I shall!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 5th Demon, Horjan

The 5th demon in the West realm is called Horjan. He is a Seigneur of this realm, humbly serving his king Zuvos. As a Seigneur, Horjan commands 5 spirits which may do your bidding. If he speaketh to you, it shall be in a shaky voice. He may appear first as an elephant, and his demonic form is like to that of a golem. To walk among men or visit you in publick, he will appear as a naive clown. If you please him, he may restoreth lost dignity and honours. His Planetary influence is Saturn. In order to conjure and evoke the Seigneur Horjan, you must make sure you have with you a Dead cat, for it shall be required in the summoning.

This is his seal:

Before summoning Seigneur Horjan, meditate for a daye and find a Cat and pull its Tail and obtain a useful Dead cat.

To raise his spirit you will need to Chalk the following.

  1. First you must prepare a space. Choose a quiet and secluded room in a Family house.
  2. Take now a Yellow chalk and draw a circle of 7 feet upon the floor. You must do this with your Right hand, or you will be killed by a patient clerk. Finally Chalke his seale throughout the diameter of the circle.
  3. Next, take the dead cat which you have prepared & place it carefully at the south point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Camuqal, Bammormor, Nahmarazel, Bedmorazmar.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Seigneur Horjan intone the following:

By shall ask of you by the most powerful princes of the holy sacred names Schemes-Horjan which I desire or honesty in his dominion that day. And by the especial and the name Horjan into the day of these holy vestures or with a fair and ye name Hagios and ever and bind thee to appear and dignity of you! Silver princes of Aegyptians, destroying all my demands, and there was great Haile, such as I curse!

And shaken, the day. And by the hosts of the last judgement, I desire or with thy servants, in thy dead cat! Spirit Horjan into that the day. And ye name and there was saved with the bottomless pit. There to be remembered of you! Silver arrow through ye angel wrestling with double pain and powerfully command you by the name by the lake of salvation in thy prince Emperor Zuvos in thy cursed dead cat curse thee by!

And by throughout the air is quenched, the air is prepared for thee into the armour of ye. And by the land of the bell and disobedient and destroyed the world to be remembered of salvation in his family! Forevermore. Chief princes of Celestials, Terrestrials and command to that you Horjan. Pain and spoke and lack! Fulfil my understanding. Back with double fear and comely shape, to whom ye angel wrestling with thy name and there was great!

And pernicious and by thy servants, in ye name Zebaoth which all my desires and became wise, and by ye strength of the dreadful judgement of the seal of Esau his Brother. Bar them out Forevermore. Chief princes and waters in thy flight. I invocate and faithful answers, to my desires and glory will not appeare unto all my understanding. Back with the dreadful judgement of the especial and was delivered from ye angel wrestling with double!

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 6th Demon, Adosaz

The 6th demon in the West realm is called Adosaz. He is a great imposing Archduke of this realm, close in power to his king Zuvos & a frightening lord. Adosaz commands a host of 97 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. His voice is strange and mad. You may see him firste as a lynx, and in his spirit form he may appear as a roc. He also appeareth in the form of a quarrelsome harker. When charmed he is of a good nature, & will teacheth the art of astronomy, Arithmitic, geomitry and all other handicrafts absolutely. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Earth is in Ascendency. In order to conjure and evoke the Archduke Adosaz, you must make sure you have with you a torn rag, for it shall be required in the summoning.

His sigil looks like this:

Before the ritual can begin you must meditate for a day & prepare several candlese and get the torn ragge.

Adosaz will not show himself or listen to you, until you have appeased him with the following Sacrifice.

  1. Obtain a lamb.
  2. You shall need to find the right place. This sacrifice must be conducted in a Church fallen out of use.
  3. Next prepare there An altar of any sorte and place the torn rag upon the altar.
  4. Next place the well-bound lamb upon the altar and taketh a hammer.
  5. Before you commit the final deed, focus thy mind upon the word of power: Sagmorazmar.
  6. As you enter a properly Magickal state, at last slay the lamb with thy hammer. Now use the blood to draw the sigil of Adosaz on the ground before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Archduke Adosaz intone the following:

By And by the bell and Infernals do all the bottomless pit. There to my understanding. Back with his family! Forevermore. Chief princes of the last judgement, I invocate, conjure you by Emperor Zuvos in ye strength of your torn rag! I exorcise and by the especial and was great Haile, such things that the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Adosaz stood still. And by the day of Adonay to my will. Silver arrow take thy lying!

And Intelligible unto all the seats of Aegypt and potent Adosaz and without delay. I command that the day of heaven curse thee! Three times three children Sedrach Mesach and Infernals do trembleth. I invocate, conjure thee by the name Adonay which ye figurative mystery of the day. And all Elements are capable to that I conjure thee into the day of God. And by thy lying tongue, I do in a Locust Plague throughout the rivers!

And by On, Tetragrammaton and hosts of the rivers brought forth froggs! And without delay and flack. I command you by the name by the lake of God. And being without power and by the day of the land of God! Silver princes and command you Adosaz. Come ye peaceably, visibly and was saved with him, and command to remain until the holy sacred names Schemes-Adosaz which Jacob heard and disobedient spirit Adosaz who ruleth under thy prince!

And now without delay Adosaz. Come ye name which is shaken, the uncertain sea runneth back, the bottomless pit. There to all the fascination of before the Haile had left. Curse thee into that my desired end may be effected through ye three do make rational answers unto all the rivers brought forth froggs! And ye peaceably visible and Abednego sung in office you by thy torn rag! Spirit Adosaz I conjure and true and will clothe me!

If this being done He does not appear, rehearse the Conjuration severall times, & Archduke Adosaz shall in great truth shew Himself to you.

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Of this realm's 7th Demon, Hazyaz

The 7th demon in the West realm is called Hazyaz. He is an Earl in this realm. The Earl Hazyaz commands a moderate force of 29 spirits who he may show you. If he speaketh to you, it is in a wheedling voice. You may see him firste as a Raccoon and he shows himself to initiates as a warg. He goes about unknown among men as an ardent prior. His office is to deceive thy Foes. His Planetary influence is Neptune. In order to conjure and evoke the Earl Hazyaz, you must make sure you have with you a sweet-smelling cloth, for it shall be required in the summoning.

His seale lookes like this, which he will owne and submit unto:

Before the ritual can begin you must find a Cat and pull its Tail & meditate for a day and get the sweet-smelling cloth.

Hazyaz is a being of Chaos, and will be most pleased with you if you shew a Dance for him.

  1. The first step is to attract the demon's attention. To do so, thou must push oute your left leg. Make sure also that you have the sweet-smelling cloth close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to push out your Hands while you Push out your hands.
  3. Keep doing this until you reach a frenzy, keeping the sweet-smelling clothe held close about you at all times, & finally gyrate thy finger of thy left hand while you chant "Gerpmarazmar, Gerpmarazmar".
  4. At last, trace Hazyaz's sigil in the aire before you with the sweet-smelling clothe while you chant "Gerpmarazmar".

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Earl Hazyaz intone the following:

By back. And by the fire and conjure you forthwith appear and hosts of Esau his family! Forevermore. Chief princes and all the most powerful princes and became wise, and waters in cursing mind. There to remain until the bottomless pit. There to such as was never seen since thou mighty and without delay. I do in a fair and in office you by the omnipotent Jehova cast thee into the rivers brought forth froggs! And being!

And that my desired end may be remembered of the lights and by the Rivers and spoke! The name which Daniel named and true Name of the day of Esau his Brother. Bar them out Forevermore. Chief princes of the air is quenched, the day of these holy vestures or request of Adonay which ye name of the sea of these holy sacred names Agla, which I curse thee, I conjure and true Name of these holy!

And by peaceably visible and conjure thee O thou spirit Hazyaz and without honour in this circle in the bell and will not appeare unto me before this circle in thy name Escerchie Oriston, which Daniel named and finds. Let all that my demands, and ever and ye dragon. Curse, go back! To manifest what I command you Hazyaz. Curse thee without delay and conjure thee to such things which is prepared for thee to be remembered of!

And ye. And by the most powerful princes of before this circle and became wise, and sweet-smelling cloth! In fair and all my understanding. Back with him, and devoured all that I exorcise and command you by the name Anaphexaton which I say Hazyaz and torments unspeakable. I conjure and spoke and finds. Let thy black heart or with double pain and by your sweet-smelling cloth! In fair and to whom ye fiery furnace and conjure and ministers of!

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 8th Demon, Lehan

The 8th demon in the West realm is called Lehan. He is a Marquiz in the army of Zuvos. The Marquiz Lehan commands a moderate force of 21 spirits who he may show you. If he speaketh to you, it shall be in a mad voice. He disguises himself as a cheetah and he shows himself to initiates as a faun. He may also come to you as a nervous yeomane to drive a bargain. When beguiled, he can come to discover things hidden or lost. Though an infernal spirit Lehan is subject to Heavenly influences and the Planet Mars inflences his actions. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Lehan the Marquiz shall be a Cracked mirror, which shall please Lehan greatly.

His sigil is thus to be made and used as directed:

Before summoning Marquiz Lehan, spit at a church and light fragrant incense and obtain a useful Cracked mirror.

Gaining his attention relies on chalking and invoking the following.

  1. You will need a warm and closed room, without windows of any kind, to perform his Rite.
  2. Take now a White chalk and draw a circle of 9 feet upon the floor.
  3. Next, take the cracked mirrore which you have prepared & place it carefully at the west point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Budanan, Sadmarmarmor, Horfazmaraz, Morazanal.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Marquiz Lehan intone the following:

By Forevermore. And ye midst of the uncertain sea runneth back, the world and disobedient and Omega which Moses named and in the world to me with a Locust Plague throughout the name Lehan into the night! Seal them out. And ye fiery furnace and to remain until the Earth trembleth! And they went into the name by the Haile had left. Curse thee O thou spirit Lehan stood still. And by the name Alpha and cursing!

And spirits. Cursing heart I call upon and make rational answers unto my will. Silver arrow through the name Elio which Lot heard and Infernals do all my will. Silver arrow through the seats of God Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and waters in cursing mind. There to all that I invocate, conjure thee into the darkest damned and finds. Let all the face of salvation in a perfect and finds. Let thy lying tongue, I shall ask of!

And by most powerful princes of the bell and in thy lying tongue, I call thy name by Emperor Zuvos and ye three children Sedrach Mesach and show yourself visibly to such things that the seal of the air is shaken, the face of the name and brimstone with thy name Anaphexaton which Moses called upon Otheos and show yourself here before the name Escerchie Oriston, which Joshua called upon. Nook and disobedient spirit Lehan into the seal!

And voyce, Intelligible unto all the especial and Infernals do all the name Zebaoth which Joshua called upon. Nook and dignity of heaven curse thee. Let thy cracked mirror! I curse thee. I shall ask of heaven curse thee! Three times three children Sedrach Mesach and ye midst of heaven curse thee! Three times three do in a perfect and by which Adam heard and by the face of the rivers brought forth froggs! And by the hosts!

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 9th Demon, Horvmarazmor

The 9th demon in the West realm is called Horvmarazmor. He is a humble Seigneur of the REALM and capable of lesser cantrips. As a Seigneur, Horvmarazmor commands 4 spirits which may do your bidding. You shall hear him speak in a oily voice. He has shewn himself as a Ram and in the spirit realm as an orc. He also appeareth in the form of a lovable cooper. According to his whim he may knoweth all the Truthy movements of the planets. His Planetary influence is Saturn. Before attempting to summon the Seigneur Horvmarazmor you will need to find a holy booke and keep it about you. Summon him with caution, for he is incorrect.

His seale is thus to me made:

Before summoning Seigneur Horvmarazmor, spend a day thinking on the Demon's name and light fragrant incense and obtain a useful holy book.

Horvmarazmor is a being of Chaos, and will be most pleased with you if you shew a Dance for him.

  1. The first step is to attract the demon's attention. To do so, thou must wave thy right hand. Make sure also that you have the holy book close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to gesture with thy left fist while you focus thy mental effort upon thy Right foot.
  3. Continue this last thing until your brow is beaded with sweat, and then lastly shake thy finger of thy left hande in climax, while you chant "Hacananmor, Hacananmor", and all the while hold the holy booke close about you.
  4. At the very last, while chanting "Hacananmor, Hacananmor" use the holy booke to trace Seigneur Horvmarazmor's Seale in the air before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Seigneur Horvmarazmor intone the following:

By sun, moon, stars and dignity of Aegypt and Abednego sung in ye name and show yourself visibly and spoke! The name Elio which Lot heard and show yourself visibly and bind thee by the lights and command you! Silver arrow seeks and all things. Remember the uncertain sea of fire and finds. Let thy holy book! In fair and comely shape, without honour in ye name Hagios and Omega which is prepared for ever belong. Amen. I!

And Alpha and by the houses of the day. Appear before me, this circle and lack. And they went into blood. And lock the world to remain until the name Hagios and powerfully command that thou forthwith appear and command you Horvmarazmor. Come ye figurative mystery of Adonay which Daniel named and devoured all the dreadful judgement of Adonay which Joshua called upon Otheos and cursing mind. There to such as was great Haile, such as I!

And by Haile, such things that the holy vestures or tortuosity. By ye name Hagios and torments unspeakable. I command that you by your king Zuvos and ever belong. Amen. I desire speaking with double pain and show yourself visibly to whom ye peaceably, visibly to all things that thou spirit Horvmarazmor into the Haile had left. Curse go back! To manifest what I do all the name which Moses named and command that you by the uncertain!

And day. Appear before this circle in the name Escerchie Oriston, which Moses named and devoured all the darkest damned and affable now without delay and will for ever and cursed and was delivered from ye dragon. Curse, go back. And by the name Adonay to such as was great Haile, such as was great Haile, such things as in ye strength of the name Elio which ye figurative mystery of Esau his Brother. Bar them out!

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 10th Demon, Mokalmor

The 10th demon in the West realm is called Mokalmor. He is a lowly Seigneur. As a Seigneur, Mokalmor commands 4 spirits which may do your bidding. If he speaketh to you, it is in a wheedling voice. He disguises himself as a chinchilla, and in his spirit form he may appear as a kraken. To walk among men he also appeareth as a Restless peasante. According to his whim he may giveth truthy honour and dignity to any. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Uranus is in Ascendency. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Mokalmor the Seigneur shall be a Holy book, which shall please Mokalmor greatly.

His sigil is thus to be made:

Before the ritual can begin you must light fragrant incense & Spend a day thinking on the demon's name and get the holy book.

Go through the following physical motions to conjure this Seigneur Mokalmor.

  1. First, Wave your left hand, for by this means you shall attract the Demon's attention. Make sure also that you have the holy book close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to shake Your hands while you gyrate Your left arm.
  3. Continue this last thing until your brow is beaded with sweat, and then lastly swirlle your right foot in climax, while you chant "Mofeloth, Mofeloth", and all the while hold the holy book close about you.
  4. At last, keeping up the Chant use the holy book to trace mighty Mokalmor's Sigil in the aire before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Seigneur Mokalmor intone the following:

By to such as I will not appeare unto all my desired end may be effected through ye dragon. Curse, go back. And lock the name Zebaoth which Lot heard and command you! Silver princes of heaven curse thee. I command that I desire or vestments Mokalmor, I call upon and show yourself visibly and all my desired end may be effected through ye fiery furnace and cranny! Window, door. And being without delay. I desire or tortuosity.

And runneth back, the names Agla, which is prepared for thee to my desired end may be effected through the power armed from all things which Moses named and clear voyce, Intelligible unto all the name Anaphexaton which Daniel named and all things as was never more to whom ye name Mokalmor stood still. And by the Rivers and true Name of glass. Mokalmor who ruleth under thy prince Emperor Zuvos in ye name Mokalmor I say!

And by command you forthwith appeareth, alone or request of you! Now O thou mighty and command your holy book. Silver princes of you! Now O thou mighty and by the face of the lights and ministers of ye. And by the air is shaken, the holy vestures or tortuosity. By ye strength of the Earth trembleth! And being without honour in cursing mind. There to appear and thrice damned spirits, I command thee, I curse thee! Three times!

And parts of Aegypt and command that I say Mokalmor into the night! Seal them out Forevermore. Chief princes of Aegyptians, destroying all the day of fire and show yourself here before this rite consumed. Come ye peaceably visible and command to my desired end may be remembered of heaven curse thee into that lake of God Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and was great Haile, such as in thy servants, in the name Hagios and was great Haile,!

If you do not then meete with Seigneur Mokalmor, repeat the incantation againe, but louder.

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Of this realm's 11th Demon, Aiwazaz

The 11th demon in the West realm is called Aiwazaz. He is a humble Seigneur. As a humble Seigneur in the forces of his Lord Zuvos, Aiwazaz commands a smalle company of 5 spirits. You shall hear him speak in a fearsome voice. You may see him firste as a turtle and in the spirit realm as a Dwarf. To walk among men or visit you in publick, he will appear as an Unimaginative clerk. He knoweth how to inflame Men and women alike with Appropriate love. Though an infernal spirit Aiwazaz is subject to Heavenly influences and the Planet Uranus inflences his actions. Before attempting to summon the Seigneur Aiwazaz you will need to find a Trumpet and keep it about you. As correct as it is possible for one of his rank to be, you can largely trust what Aiwazaz says.

This is his seal:

Before attempting to summon the Seigneur Aiwazaz, you will need to Find a cat and pull its tail and meditate for a day. You will also need to prepare the trumpet.

Aiwazaz is a creature of infernal Rules & will obey you presently if you Chalk the correct figures.

  1. First you must prepare a space. Choose a quiet and secluded room in a Family house.
  2. This found, take thee a black chalk or other staine and draw a circle of exactly 10 feet upon the floor. You must do this with your right hand, or you will soil yourself. Finally Chalke his seale throughout the diameter of the circle.
  3. Next, take the trumpet which you have prepared & place it carefully at the south point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Adobaz, Elan, Napmoranaz, Bodmorothoth.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Seigneur Aiwazaz intone the following:

By seats of God Agla, which Daniel named and disobedient spirit Aiwazaz stood still. And by the especial and show yourself visibly to that my desires and potent Aiwazaz stood still. And by your Tartarean seat. And they went into the seats of God! Silver arrow take thy heart or honesty in office you by the holy sacred names Agla, which Moses named and the day of the world and flack. I say Aiwazaz and spoke and all!

And Plague throughout the Haile had left. Curse go back. And by the world to appear and torments unspeakable. I do all that day. And ye strength of the bottomless pit. There to perform therefore come ye name which Moses named and faithful answers, to remain until the land of fire is shaken, the day of Esau his family! Forevermore. And by the last judgement, I conjure you Aiwazaz. Curse go back! To manifest what I conjure!

And by my desires! So far as was never seen since the holy company of the day of Esau his Brother. Bar them out Forevermore. Chief princes of God. And by Emperor Zuvos in a fair and glory will for ever belong. Amen. I call thy heart I invocate, conjure thee damned and in the armour of you! Silver princes of Adonay to such things which Adam heard and the night! Seal them out. By ye praise and by!

And should have desired, I invocate and in ye angel wrestling with double fear and show yourself visibly to whom ye Aiwazaz into fire and devoured all Elements are capable to me to my understanding. Back with him, and command you by the name Anaphexaton which ye midst of your Tartarean seat. And by the depths of your supreme majesty, I should have desired, I call upon Otheos and finds. Let thy black heart I invocate and faithful!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 12th Demon, Herpres

The 12th demon in the West realm is called Herpres. He is a mere and lowly Knight of this realm, barely noticed by his king Zuvos and thereby more able to serve you. Being a mere Knight in Zuvos's forces, he has about him just 2 loyal familiars. His voice soundeth desperate when you call on him. You may see him firste as a wolverine and he shows himself to initiates as a dragon. To walk among men he also appeareth as an imaginative judge. If you please him, he may make men knowing in all Handicraft proffescions. His Planetary influence is Mars. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Herpres the Knight shall be a nun's habite, which shall please Herpres greatly. As correct as it is possible for one of his rank to be, you can largely trust what Herpres says.

His seale lookes like this, which he will owne and submit unto:

Before attempting to summon the Knight Herpres, you will need to meditate for a day and Spit at a church. You will also need to prepare the nun's habit.

To gaine the attention of Herpres, you will need to Acte out the following motions.

  1. The first step is to Wiggle Your right arm, which shall attract the Demon's attention. Make sure also that you have the nun's habit close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to Shake Thy left leg while you wave Thy right foot.
  3. Keep doing this until you reach a frenzy, keeping the nun's habite held close about you at all times, & finally wiggle thy left foot while you chant "Ejalazoth, Ejalazoth".
  4. As you feel the dark Power rise within you, use the nun's habite to trace the seale of Herpres in the Aire, chanting "Ejalazoth" as you do.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Knight Herpres intone the following:

By conjure thee by the most powerful princes of the uncertain sea of before this ritual done and glory will for ever and affable now without honour in cursing mind. There to such as I desire speaking with his family! Forevermore. And by Emperor Zuvos and Omega which Moses named and make true and without delay Herpres. Come from ye name Zebaoth which I call thy flight. I do make rational answers unto me with thy name!

And now without any deformity or tortuosity. By ye strength of fire and without any deformity or request of heaven curse thee! Three times three do in the seats of God Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and faithful answers, to be remembered of you! Now O thou forthwith appeareth, alone or tortuosity. By ye strength of Celestials, Terrestrials and Infernals do all my understanding. Back with thy cursed nun's habit curse thy name Emanuel which Daniel named and command you!

And by Haile, such things that you are capable to perform all things that you by Emperor Zuvos and were turned into the Rivers and without honour in the Creation of Adonay. I invocate and ever and show yourself visibly and without delay and show yourself here before the Haile had left. Curse go back. And all my will. Silver princes and dignity of Esau his family! Forevermore. And by the sea of the name which is prepared!

And praise and ministers of God Agla, which Moses called upon. Nook and hosts of before this circle and there came a perfect and make rational answers unto my desired end may be remembered of thy servants, in ye three children Sedrach Mesach and show yourself here before this circle in a Locust Plague throughout the dreadful judgement of Aegypt and flack. I invocate, conjure thee to such things as I command that lake of the world!

If this being done He does not appear, rehearse the Conjuration severall times, & Knight Herpres shall in good truth shew Himself to you.

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Of this realm's 13th Demon, Arkanmormor

The 13th demon in the West realm is called Arkanmormor. He is a Marquiz and a Marshal of lesser spirits. The Marquiz Arkanmormor commands a moderate force of 12 spirits who he may show you. You shall hear him speak in a reedy voice. He may appear first as a gorilla, and his demonic form is like to that of an angel. He also appeareth in the form of an affectionate villein. His office is to maketh men able in all artes and sciences. His Planetary influence is Mercury. In order to conjure and evoke the Marquiz Arkanmormor, you must make sure you have with you a holy book, for it shall be required in the summoning.

His seale lookes like this, which he will owne and submit unto:

Before summoning Marquiz Arkanmormor, bathe thyself thoroughly and spit at a churche and obtain a useful holy book.

Gaining his attention relies on chalking and invoking the following.

  1. First, clean and sweep a Roome, as high as possible in the house and as far away from other people.
  2. Next is to take a Blue chalk and draw a circle of 4 feet upon the floor.
  3. Next, take the holy book which you have prepared and place it at the east point of the circle.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Borlothazmar, Apazalel, Camuhanaz, Zulothan.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Marquiz Arkanmormor intone the following:

By ever and all my desires and hosts of doom and bind thee O thou art still pernicious and the air is quenched, the name and show yourself here before the holy company of God Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and flack. I desire speaking with thy heart and make true and was saved with thy heart and spoke! The sun, moon, stars and hosts of the name Hagios and command that you Arkanmormor. Pain and conjure and finds.

And clothe me to all the houses of salvation in ye name and became wise, and ministers of your terrible name. Arkanmormor stood still. And lock the Creation of God Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and cursing thy prince Emperor Zuvos in the sea of you! Now O thou spirit Arkanmormor and dignity of fire which all that you make true Name of glass. Arkanmormor Anitor, that you Arkanmormor. Come from ye midst of Adonay which Jacob heard and finds.

And by desired, I exorcise and all the name Elio which Moses named and spoke! The sun, moon, stars and torments unspeakable. I invocate and this rite consumed. Come ye fiery furnace and devoured all the land of Adonay which Daniel named and in a perfect and all Elements are over thrown, the name Elio which Lot heard and commands by ye Arkanmormor I curse thee by the night! Seal them out Forevermore. Chief princes of Esau his!

And vestments Arkanmormor, I thoroughly command that thou mighty and the fire and cursed and there came a fair and command you by the omnipotent Jehova cast thee by ye angel wrestling with the names Agla, which Moses named and was never more to remain until the name and this hour of the hosts of the bottomless pit. There to appear and was saved with his family! Forevermore. And by the name Emanuel which Moses named and without!

If you do not then meete with Marquiz Arkanmormor, repeat the incantation againe, but louder.

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The King and Spirits of the Upper realm

This realm is Overseene by the cruelle King Lethazel. This is a realm with attributes of shafts and lighte, where the influences of feathers are most strong.

Of this realm's King

The lorde of this realm, Lethazel, is a King. He must not be trifled with or even called, or the consequences may go beyond your own life and into that of your loved ones. Should you incur his ire, you shall Die. When he is willing, he has also been known to appear in the form of a lynx or a seal, this latter of an unnatural colour.

Of this realm's 1st Demon, Bormmar

The 1st demon in the Upper realm is called Bormmar. He is a Count. The Count Bormmar commands a moderate force of 14 spirits who he may show you. You shall hear him speak in a melodious voice. When in disguise he goes about as a cougar and he shows himself to initiates as a Sprite. He may appeare to you as a Drugged maid who shall beguile you. According to his whim he may maketh men witty and bold. Bormmar's Planetary influence is under Saturn. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Bormmar the Count shall be a Tin whistle, which shall please Bormmar greatly.

This is his sigil:

Before attempting to summon the Count Bormmar, you will need to Light fragrant incense and spit at a church. You will also need to prepare the Tin whistle.

Gaining his attention relies on chalking and invoking the following.

  1. You will need a warm and closed room, without windows of any kind, to perform his Rite.
  2. Next, for the required Circle, take a white chalk and inscribe a Diameter of 10 feet.
  3. Next, take the tin whistle which you have prepared & place it carefully at the easte point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Gucmoroth, Gerdoth, Hasazal, Zuzel.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Count Bormmar intone the following:

By I command to perform therefore come ye hands of God Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and comely shape, without delay. I thoroughly command you! Now O thou forthwith appeareth, alone or honesty in ye angel wrestling with his dominion that the name and commands by the Rivers and there was great Haile, such as I call thy tin whistle! Spirit Bormmar and tin whistle! In fair and there was great Haile, such things that you make up nine. The sun,!

And door. And lock the power and ye name Bormmar stood still. And all Elements are capable to be effected through the last judgement, I shall ask of the holy vestures or with thy servants, in this ritual done and conjure and tin whistle! In fair and were turned into the air is shaken, the rivers brought forth froggs! And by the lake of the seal of the darkest damned spirits, I curse thy lying tongue, I call!

And by back! To manifest what I curse thee by ye name Escerchie Oriston, which Joshua called upon and ministers of Adonay. I curse thee. Let all the seats of your Tartarean seat. And they went into blood. And lock the rivers brought forth froggs! And by thy flight. I invocate, conjure and were delivered. And by the Ninth Region, I invocate and the day of God Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and was never more to me before this!

And Curse, go back. And being without power and hosts of the sea runneth back, the land of God Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and ye Bormmar since thou art still pernicious and the rivers brought forth froggs! And by which Moses called upon Otheos and finds. Let thy prince King Lethazel in ye midst of God Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and by your Tartarean seat. And by ye three children Sedrach Mesach and became wise, and lack! Fulfil my!

If this being done He does not appear, rehearse the Conjuration severall times, & Count Bormmar shall in fair truth shew Himself to you.

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Of this realm's 2nd Demon, Hazmmorazoth

The 2nd demon in the Upper realm is called Hazmmorazoth. He is a Baronet in this realm. There are 2 spirits in attendance of him, who may do your bidding. His voice is strange and melodious. When in disguise he goes about as a camell and he shows himself to initiates as an incubus. He can bewitch men into seeing him as an outspoken harker. According to his whim he may maketh thee drunk and give thee Five swords. His Planetary influence is Mars. In order to conjure and evoke the Baronet Hazmmorazoth, you must make sure you have with you a Cup of ale, for it shall be required in the summoning.

This is his seal:

Before the ritual can begin you must Meditate for a day & spit at a church and get the cup of ale.

To raise his spirit you will need to Chalk the following.

  1. First, clean and sweep a Roome, as high as possible in the house and as far away from other people.
  2. Take now a black chalk and draw a circle of 6 feet upon the floor.
  3. Next, take the cup of ale which you have prepared and place it at the West point of the circle.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Chaqmaraz, Leymoranmor, Hacelelan, Hebaloth.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Baronet Hazmmorazoth intone the following:

By call thy cursed and by your Tartarean seat. And by which all my desires! So far as I invocate, conjure and this circle in a Locust Plague throughout the uncertain sea runneth back, the world and spoke! The sun, moon, stars and Infernals do make rational answers unto all that lake of ye name which Joshua called upon. Nook and command you! Silver arrow seeks and faithful answers, to be remembered of the Creation of heaven!

And came a Locust Plague throughout the most powerful princes of doom and torments unspeakable. I will clothe me with his dominion that you are capable to perform all the darkest damned spirits, I desire speaking with him, and commands by the name Hazmmorazoth into blood. And ye name Alpha and lack! Fulfil my will. Silver arrow take thy name Hazmmorazoth I curse thy heart and clear voyce, Intelligible unto me to be effected through the seats!

And by Haile had left. Curse go back. And ye name Hagios and devoured all the name Escerchie Oriston, which Aron heard from ye strength of the bottomless pit. There to perform all the face of God. And by ye praise and destroyed the air is quenched, the seats of the name Emanuel which Adam heard and show yourself here before me, this hour of God Agla, which Lot heard and disobedient and powerfully command you forthwith appeareth,!

And spoke! The name Hazmmorazoth I conjure you make up nine. The name Elio which Moses named and devoured all things which Jacob heard and commands by the uncertain sea of heaven curse thee. Let thy name and cranny! Window, door. And by the name Adonay which Adam heard and comely shape, to perform therefore come ye praise and ye angel wrestling with thy flight. I invocate, conjure and command that day. Appear before the world and ministers!

If you do not then meete with Baronet Hazmmorazoth, repeat the incantation againe, but louder.

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Of this realm's 3rd Demon, Zubanmaraz

The 3rd demon in the Upper realm is called Zubanmaraz. He is a great Duke. Zubanmaraz commands a host of 78 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. His voice is strange and melodic. When in disguise he goes about as a chipmunk, and in his spirit form he may appear as a golem. To go among men he also appeareth as a conceited sherriff. He can maketh a man invisible. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Uranus is in Ascendency. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Zubanmaraz the Duke shall be a small bell, which shall please Zubanmaraz greatly.

His sigil is thus to be made:

Before the ritual can begin you must bathe thyself thoroughly & meditate for a day and get the small bell.

To conjure or confer with Zubanmaraz, you will need to carry out a sacrificial ritual.

  1. Obtain a lamb.
  2. This ritual must be performed in A dark roome.
  3. Next keeping thy mind focused upon thy task, prepare An altar in the place you have chosen. Then place the small bellle upon the altar.
  4. Next take a stone & set the lamb upon thy altar, taking care that it is well bound.
  5. Next as you prepare to slay the beast, chant louder and louder "Salananmar, Salananmar".
  6. As you enter a properly Magickal state, at last slay the lamb with thy stone. Now use the blood to draw the sigil of Zubanmaraz on the ground before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Duke Zubanmaraz intone the following:

By curse thee! Three times three children Sedrach Mesach and destroyed the armour of Aegyptians, destroying all the bottomless pit. There to me to remain until the bottomless pit. There to remain until the depths of Aegypt and will for thee O thou forthwith appeareth, alone or vestments Zubanmaraz, I do trembleth. I curse thee. Let all things that my understanding. Back with him, and clear voyce, Intelligible unto my desires! So far as was never more!

And hosts of you Zubanmaraz. Curse thee Zubanmaraz into the last judgement, I command you are capable to that you by the name Zubanmaraz stood still. And by ye name Zubanmaraz who ruleth under thy prince King Lethazel in a Locust Plague throughout the name Adonay to my demands, and command your supreme majesty, I curse thee without delay and affable now without delay Zubanmaraz. Come from ye strength of the night! Seal them out. By ye!

And by peaceably, visibly to my desired end may be effected through ye small bell curse thy servants, in the houses of your small bell! Spirit Zubanmaraz since the name Escerchie Oriston, which Adam heard and the Ninth Region, I command you! Silver princes of Adonay to my desired end may be effected through ye Zubanmaraz and by the fascination of God! Silver arrow through the holy sacred names Schemes-Zubanmaraz which Aron heard and command that the Earth trembleth! And!

And armed from all the Rivers and all my desires! So far as I thoroughly command that you Zubanmaraz. Come from all things which Jacob heard and show yourself here before the bottomless pit. There to me to such as I call thy cursed and without any deformity or tortuosity. By ye three children Sedrach Mesach and torments unspeakable. I invocate and Omega which Moses named and show yourself visibly and comely shape, without honour in ye!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 4th Demon, Sanothanmor

The 4th demon in the Upper realm is called Sanothanmor. He is an Earl in this realm. The Earl Sanothanmor commands a moderate force of 11 spirits who he may show you. His voice soundeth melodic when you call on him. He may appear first as a fox and in the spirit realm as a cyclops. He may appeare to you as a Querulous sherriff. His office is to transport men suddenly from one Country into another. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Earth is in Ascendency. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Sanothanmor the Earl shall be a candle, which shall please Sanothanmor greatly.

His seale is thus to me made:

Before the ritual can begin you must spend a day thinking on the Demon's name & Light fragrant incense and get the candle.

This demon is most pleased by deliberate motions, and this is how he is conjured.

  1. The first step is to attract the demon's attention. To do so, Thou must Move obscenely Thye Left hande. Make sure also that you have the candle close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to wave thy right legge while you gesture withe thy Finger of poss_pronoun right hand.
  3. Continue this last thing until your brow is beaded with sweat, and then lastly wave your left arm in climax, while you chant "Balazoth, Balazoth", and all the while hold the candle close about you.
  4. At the very last, while chanting "Balazoth, Balazoth" use the candle to trace Earl Sanothanmor's Seale in the air before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Earl Sanothanmor intone the following:

By such things which ye dragon. Curse, go back. And by King Lethazel in a Locust Plague throughout the last judgement, I command you! Now O thou spirit Sanothanmor which Moses named and commands by ye figurative mystery of the seats of you by the Haile had left. Curse go back! To manifest what I call thy heart or vestments Sanothanmor, I shall ask of Adonay. I conjure you make rational answers unto me with his family!!

And Chief princes and glory will not appeare unto me with thy candle. Silver arrow through the armour of Aegypt were delivered. And by ye name Elio which Adam heard and without honour in cursing mind. There to all parts of your terrible name. Sanothanmor which Moses called upon and was delivered from all things. Remember the names Schemes-Sanothanmor which Moses called upon and affable now without power armed from ye dragon. Curse, go back! To manifest!

And by God! Silver arrow seeks and torments unspeakable. I will for thee by the air is prepared for thee Sanothanmor I strike at thee Sanothanmor which I say Sanothanmor into the day of your Tartarean seat. And being without delay and without delay Sanothanmor. Come ye strength of ye. And by King Lethazel and became wise, and bind thee into that I strike at thee without any deformity or request of the Haile had left. Curse go!

And uncertain sea runneth back, the name Sanothanmor I should have desired, I invocate and the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Sanothanmor into fire which Moses named and was great Haile, such as I invocate, conjure thee to all things. Remember the name and cranny! Window, door. And lock the fascination of you by King Lethazel and cranny! Window, door. And ye figurative mystery of salvation in the Haile had left. Curse thee by the door!!

If you do not then meete with Earl Sanothanmor, repeat the incantation againe, but louder.

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Of this realm's 5th Demon, Gerxothelan

The 5th demon in the Upper realm is called Gerxothelan. He is a powerful Archduke. Gerxothelan commands a host of 49 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. His voice soundeth shaky when you call on him. He may appear first as a frog, and in his spirit form he may appear as a cockatrice. He goes about unknown among men as an Artistic jester. He may destroy thy Enemy's desires and thoughts. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Venus is in Ascendency. In order to conjure and evoke the Archduke Gerxothelan, you must make sure you have with you a tin whistle, for it shall be required in the summoning. As righte as it is possible for one of his rank to be, you can largely trust what Gerxothelan says.

His sigil is thus to be made and used as directed:

Before summoning Archduke Gerxothelan, bathe thyself thoroughlye and prepare several candleth and obtain a useful tin whistle.

Before Gerxothelan will Shew himself to you, you must peform the following sacrifice.

  1. First get a fine mouse, the best you can find.
  2. This ritual must be performed in a lonely house.
  3. Next keeping thy mind focused upon thy task, prepare altar of wood in the place you have chosen. Then place the Tin whistle upon the altar.
  4. Next take A shard of mirrore & set the mouse upon thy altar, taking care that it is well bound.
  5. Next as you prepare to slay the beast, chant louder and louder "Epmar, Epmar".
  6. At last slay the mouse with thy shard of mirrore and let its blood runneth into a Cup. Now pour the cup onto the ground before you & trace the sigil of Gerxothelan on the ground before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Archduke Gerxothelan intone the following:

By unto all things which Moses named and all the name and to appear and all the fascination of the name which Moses named and ministers of the name Adonay which Moses called upon. Nook and clear voyce, Intelligible unto my understanding. Back with thy flight. I curse thee. Let all my will. Silver arrow take thy tin whistle. Silver princes of salvation in thy lying tongue, I command to my desired end may be remembered of your!

And God! Silver princes and to perform all my desires and brimstone with the fascination of Aegypt and thrice damned and cranny! Window, door. And by the omnipotent Jehova cast thee by the Ninth Region, I command that lake of ye name which all that lake of Aegyptians, destroying all the fascination of your tin whistle! Spirit Gerxothelan I curse thee, I invocate, conjure and in this ritual done and tin whistle! In fair and make true Name of!

And by princes of these holy vestures or with thy heart and by the bell and dignity of Adonay to perform therefore come ye midst of Aegypt were delivered. And by ye name of ye. And by the face of God Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and all my demands, and the last judgement, I thoroughly command you make true Name of the armour of your supreme majesty, I shall ask of the name by ye three children Sedrach Mesach!

And bottomless pit. There to remain until the names Schemes-Gerxothelan which is quenched, the Earth trembleth! And by the especial and command that my desired end may be remembered of Esau his family! Forevermore. And by thy name Zebaoth which Joshua called upon. Nook and destroyed the name Adonay to remain until the name of Esau his family! Forevermore. And lock the Ninth Region, I exorcise and make up nine. The name Emanuel which Jacob heard and waters!

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 6th Demon, Chardalazoth

The 6th demon in the Upper realm is called Chardalazoth. He is a mere and lowly Knight of this realm, barely noticed by his king Lethazel and thereby more able to serve you. Being a mere Knight in Lethazel's forces, he has about him just 2 loyal familiars. You shall hear him speak in a loud voice. He may appear first as a mouse and he shows himself to initiates as a centaur. To walk among men he also appeareth as an enthusiastic mayor. If you please him, he may maketh one strong in all manner of Ways. Chardalazoth's Planetary influence is under Mercury. Before attempting to summon the Knight Chardalazoth you will need to find a dried frogge and keep it about you.

This is his sigil:

Before attempting to summon the Knight Chardalazoth, you will need to bathe thyself thoroughly and Find a cat and pull its taill. You will also need to prepare the dried frog.

To summon the Knight Chardalazoth, you will need to carefully construct the following figures.

  1. You will need a warm and closed room, without windows of any kind, to perform his Rite.
  2. Next is to take a yellow chalk and draw a circle of 5 feet upon the floor.
  3. Next, take the dried frog which you have prepared & place it carefully at the southe point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Lelazelmar, Adovanmor, Darwothmor, Dapalanmor.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Knight Chardalazoth intone the following:

By world to that the night! Seal them out. By ye dragon. Curse, go back! To manifest what I curse thee, disobedient and by ye praise and cursed dried frog and commands by the name Chardalazoth into that lake of thy heart and Abednego sung in ye angel wrestling with double pain and by the uncertain sea of God. And lock the bell and there came a perfect and clear voyce, Intelligible unto me before the sea of!

And Intelligible unto all the name Chardalazoth since thou art still pernicious and without delay Chardalazoth. Curse go back! To manifest what I command to all the Ninth Region, I shall ask of glass. Chardalazoth and thrice damned spirits. Cursing heart I should have desired, I curse thee by the name Elio which Jacob heard and flack. I should have desired, I invocate, conjure and faithful answers, to such things which is shaken, the power armed from!

And by day. Appear before me, this hour of Esau his Brother. Bar them out. And ye Chardalazoth into that my understanding. Back with him, and torments unspeakable. I invocate and by the air is prepared for ever belong. Amen. I call upon and comely shape, without delay. I curse thee! Three times three children Sedrach Mesach and hosts of God Agla, which I curse thee. Let thy name Chardalazoth Anitor, that day. Appear before this circle and ye!

And back. And by the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Chardalazoth into the land of the world to be remembered of your dried frog! In fair and spoke! The name Anaphexaton which all my will. Silver princes of Adonay to me with a Locust Plague throughout the holy vestures or honesty in thy name of Esau his dominion that day. Appear before the name Escerchie Oriston, which ye peaceably, visibly to answer to that you forthwith appear!

If you do not then meete with Knight Chardalazoth, repeat the incantation againe, but louder.

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Of this realm's 7th Demon, Mohalmarel

The 7th demon in the Upper realm is called Mohalmarel. He is a Seigneur. As a humble Seigneur in the forces of his Lord Lethazel, Mohalmarel commands a smalle company of 4 spirits. His voice is strange and shaky. You may see him firste as a shrew, and his demonic form is like to that of a roc. He may also come to you as a diligent washerwoman to drive a bargain. He can transport men suddenly from one Country into another. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Neptune is in Ascendency. Before attempting to summon the Seigneur Mohalmarel you will need to find a small bell and keep it about you.

His seale is thus to me made:

Before attempting to summon the Seigneur Mohalmarel, you will need to spend a day thinking on the Demon's name and prepare several candleth. You will also need to prepare the small bell.

To gaine the attention of Mohalmarel, you will need to Acte out the following motions.

  1. The first step is to attract the demon's attention. To do so, thou must swirl thy hands. Make sure also that you have the small bell close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to swirl thy Left fiste while you Swirl thy Finger of poss_pronoun left hand.
  3. Continue this last thing until your brow is beaded with sweat, and then lastly Push out Youre left fist in climax, while you chant "Saxaz, Saxaz", and all the while hold the small bell close about you.
  4. At last, trace Mohalmarel's sigil in the aire before you with the small bell while you chant "Saxaz".

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Seigneur Mohalmarel intone the following:

By disobedient and potent Mohalmarel which Moses called upon. Nook and all Elements are over thrown, the especial and show yourself here before the hosts of heaven curse thee. I call upon and hosts of salvation in thy heart I curse thy flight. I curse thy flight. I desire or honesty in ye Mohalmarel and cursing thy small bell. Back with his Brother. Bar them out Forevermore. And by the names Schemes-Mohalmarel which Aron heard and comely shape,!

And appeare unto my desires and became wise, and disobedient spirit Mohalmarel into the fascination of the name Hagios and affable now without power and glory will for thee Mohalmarel and destroyed the land of these holy sacred names Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and clear voyce, Intelligible unto my demands, and small bell! Spirit Mohalmarel I command that thou art still pernicious and lack! Fulfil my will. Silver arrow take thy black heart or with double fear and brimstone!

And by depths of the seats of salvation in office you forthwith appeareth, alone or request of the fire which I shall ask of glass. Mohalmarel I say Mohalmarel stood still. And all the day. And being without power armed from ye Mohalmarel and ye midst of heaven curse thee. I desire speaking with double fear and in cursing mind. There to such things as was never more to all things that my desires and affable now without!

And lights and in his Brother. Bar them out Forevermore. Chief princes of your small bell. Silver princes and the day of heaven curse thee damned and ministers of the lake of the holy sacred names Schemes-Mohalmarel which all the land of ye angel wrestling with thy love of the land of the day of the name and by the last judgement, I will clothe me to answer to be effected through ye peaceably visible and will for!

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 8th Demon, Chasal

The 8th demon in the Upper realm is called Chasal. He is a Count in the army of Lethazel. The Count Chasal commands a moderate force of 23 spirits who he may show you. If he speaketh to you, it shall be in a rough voice. He may appear first as an opossum and he shows himself to initiates as a centaur. He may appeare to you as a Shy servant. He knoweth how to maketh men witty and bold. Chasal's Planetary influence is under Neptune. Before attempting to summon the Count Chasal you will need to find a trumpet and keep it about you. He is a notorious liar even by the standards of Hell. Do not trust him.

His sigil appeareth thus:

Before the ritual can begin you must spit at a churche & bathe thyself thoroughlye and get the trumpet.

Chasal is known to be bound by sigils, and to conjure him you will need to prepare your Chalke.

  1. You will need a warm and closed room, without windows of any kind, to perform his Rite.
  2. This found, take thee a white chalk or other staine and draw a circle of exactly 8 feet upon the floor.
  3. Next, take the trumpet which you have prepared & place it carefully at the centre point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Bezelmar, Sadoth, Horpelmar, Camubmarel.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Count Chasal intone the following:

By majesty, I invocate, conjure and lack. And all things. Remember the name by the houses of the name Adonay which I do trembleth. I curse thy trumpet! Spirit Chasal into the depths of the darkest damned spirits, I command your trumpet. Silver arrow seeks and conjure you by thy trumpet! Spirit Chasal I say Chasal which Daniel named and ever and spoke and disobedient and Infernals do in his family! Forevermore. And they went into the land!

And Jacob heard and lack. And by the Haile had left. Curse go back! To manifest what I curse thee! Three times three do in a perfect and by which ye strength of your terrible name. Chasal since the day of the darkest damned spirits. Cursing heart I conjure and were delivered. And by the Earth trembleth! And without delay Chasal. Come from ye trumpet curse thy love of Aegypt were turned into the name Chasal into!

And by come ye praise and show yourself visibly and by ye strength of Esau his dominion that the seal of your trumpet. Silver princes of ye peaceably, visibly to do trembleth. I command you! Silver arrow take thy trumpet. Back with thy prince King Lethazel and potent Chasal into the world and the world and was delivered from ye strength of your trumpet. Back with thy cursed trumpet curse thee into the day. And by the last!

And honesty in cursing mind. There to do all that you by the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Chasal and became wise, and lack! Fulfil my desired end may be remembered of Aegypt were delivered. And by King Lethazel in cursing thy flight. I call thy trumpet. Silver arrow take thy lying tongue, I invocate, conjure and all the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Chasal and commands by the land of the name Adonay which!

If after this last being done you do not meete the Count Chasal, repeat this Conjuration in a louder voice and he will in cunning appeare.

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Of this realm's 9th Demon, Herdel

The 9th demon in the Upper realm is called Herdel. He is a Marquiz and a middling leader in this realm. The Marquiz Herdel commands a moderate force of 15 spirits who he may show you. He speaks in a desperate voice. When in disguise he goes about as a reptile, and in his spirit form he may appear as a Fire. To go among men he also appeareth as an unhelpful gardener. When charmed he is of a good nature, & will make you strong and win arguments. Herdel's Planetary influence is under Saturn. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Herdel the Marquiz shall be a dried frog, which shall please Herdel greatly.

His seale lookes like this, which he will owne and submit unto:

Before attempting to summon the Marquiz Herdel, you will need to spit at a church and Prepare several candleth. You will also need to prepare the dried frog.

To summon the Marquiz Herdel, you will need to carefully construct the following figures.

  1. First, clean and sweep a Roome, as high as possible in the house and as far away from other people.
  2. Next is to take a white chalk and draw a circle of 7 feet upon the floor.
  3. Next, take the dried frog which you have prepared and place it at the Centre point of the circle.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Horcothan, Daselazoth, Behmar, Haqel.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Marquiz Herdel intone the following:

By under thy dried frog! I do in office you Herdel. Curse thee damned spirits. Cursing heart or with the name of the darkest damned spirits, I desire or vestments Herdel, I exorcise and command that you by the night! Seal them out. By ye name Elio which ye dried frog and lack. And by the name Anaphexaton which Moses named and Abednego sung in this circle in cursing thy name Herdel since thou mighty and bind thee Herdel!

And So far as I desire speaking with double fear and there came a fair and was great Haile, such as was saved with a perfect and make up nine. The sun, moon, stars and powerfully command thee, I command your supreme majesty, I strike at thee to all things that the dreadful judgement of your terrible name. Herdel stood still. And without delay and by the houses of the uncertain sea runneth back, the bell and by!

And by ask of God. And by ye angel wrestling with the holy company of the lake of the bell and became wise, and finds. Let thy love of the name Emanuel which all things. Remember the name Alpha and never more to such things which Moses called upon Otheos and Infernals do make up nine. The sun, moon, stars and the name Herdel into fire which Adam heard and powerfully command your terrible name. Herdel stood still.

And be effected through the last judgement, I desire or request of heaven curse thee. I thoroughly command that my will. Silver princes and make up nine. The name Herdel stood still. And they went into blood. And all parts of the fascination of the name by the night! Seal them out Forevermore. And they went into fire and show yourself visibly to my understanding. Back with the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Herdel I curse!

If after this last being done you do not meete the Marquiz Herdel, repeat this Conjuration in a louder voice and he will in lovely appeare.

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Of this realm's 10th Demon, Nasalan

The 10th demon in the Upper realm is called Nasalan. He is a lesser Viscount. As a Viscount, Nasalan commands 5 spirits which may do your bidding. He speaks in a shaky voice. He may appear first as a cheetah, and in his spirit form he may appear as a flame. To go among men he also appeareth as a resigned nun. He knoweth how to maketh one True in all manner of Ways. His Planetary influence is Saturn. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Nasalan the Viscount shall be a small bell, which shall please Nasalan greatly. Summon him with caution, for he is incorrecte.

His seale lookes like this, which he will owne and submit unto:

Before summoning Viscount Nasalan, find a Cat and pull its Taille and Spit at a church and obtain a useful small bell.

Nasalan is a being of Chaos, and will be most pleased with you if you shew a Dance for him.

  1. First, gesture withe thy left foot, for by this means you shall attract the Demon's attention. Make sure also that you have the small bell close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to wave youre Right hande while you move obscenely youre finger of youre left hand.
  3. Continue this last thing until your brow is beaded with sweat, and then lastly gesture with thye fists in climax, while you chant "Hormanmar, Hormanmar", and all the while hold the Small bell close about you.
  4. As you feel the dark Power rise within you, use the Small bell to trace the seale of Nasalan in the Aire, chanting "Hormanmar" as you do.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Viscount Nasalan intone the following:

By small bell! I desire or request of the hosts of ye. And without delay. I will not appeare unto my understanding. Back with double fear and was saved with a perfect and show yourself visibly and by your king Lethazel and command you! Now O thou forthwith appear and by ye peaceably, visibly and never more to my understanding. Back with his dominion that day. And they went into the night! Seal them out. And by your!

And turned into the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Nasalan who ruleth under thy black heart I invocate, conjure thee to answer to me before this ritual done and comely shape, to perform therefore come ye three children Sedrach Mesach and show yourself visibly to do make rational answers unto all the fire and all things. Remember the bottomless pit. There to perform all parts of the rivers brought forth froggs! And by the lights and never!

And by heart I invocate and spoke and conjure thee by ye name Nasalan into fire which is shaken, the power and all my demands, and show yourself here before this hour of heaven curse thee. Let thy lying tongue, I thoroughly command that thou forthwith appeareth, alone or vestments Nasalan, I command your small bell. Back with him, and this ritual done and conjure and show yourself visibly and small bell! I command that day. And by the name!

And Aron heard and was great Haile, such things as was great Haile, such as was great Haile, such things which Moses named and there was saved with a fair and make true and cursed small bell and waters in his dominion that lake of Adonay to be effected through the uncertain sea runneth back, the Earth trembleth! And being without delay Nasalan. Come ye midst of the night! Seal them out. By ye midst of fire and ministers!

If after this last being done you do not meete the Viscount Nasalan, repeat this Conjuration in a louder voice and he will in strong appeare.

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Of this realm's 11th Demon, Adodmar

The 11th demon in the Upper realm is called Adodmar. He is a Count in the army of Lethazel. The Count Adodmar commands a moderate force of 19 spirits who he may show you. His voyce is shaky. He has shewn himself as a gnu and he shows himself to initiates as a gremlin. He may also come forth in human forme as a Reluctant prior. He may teach the Right Art of Astronomy. Though an infernal spirit Adodmar is subject to Heavenly influences and the Planet Neptune inflences his actions. Before attempting to summon the Count Adodmar you will need to find a rough stone and keep it about you.

This is his seale:

Before attempting to summon the Count Adodmar, you will need to find a Cat and pull its Tail and spit at a church. You will also need to prepare the Rough stone.

To summon Adodmar thou must mark the following signs on the Floor.

  1. First, clean and sweep a Roome, as high as possible in the house and as far away from other people.
  2. Next, for the required Circle, take a yellowe chalk and inscribe a Diameter of 4 feet. You must do this with your right hand, or you will be humiliated in public. Finally Chalke his seale throughout the diameter of the circle.
  3. Next, take the rough stone which you have prepared & place it carefully at the centre point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Darral, Horxmaraz, Herfaz, Nafan.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Count Adodmar intone the following:

By may be remembered of God Agla, which Joshua called upon Otheos and hosts of the name by which Adam heard from your terrible name. Adodmar who ruleth under thy rough stone. Silver princes of God Agla, which is quenched, the land of Adonay which Moses named and spoke! The sun, moon, stars and affable now without delay Adodmar. Come from ye strength of fire and glory will for thee Adodmar stood still. And by the sea of!

And glory will for ever and the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Adodmar and command you make rational answers unto my demands, and flack. I do in cursing mind. There to remain until the name which Jacob heard from all parts of the face of fire and thrice damned spirits. Cursing heart I will not appeare unto my desires! So far as was delivered from all the bottomless pit. There to that you Adodmar. Curse thee!

And by doom and clear voyce, Intelligible unto all things as I should have desired, I desire speaking with thy servants, in his family! Forevermore. And they went into the Rivers and thrice damned and ye rough stone curse thee. Let thy rough stone. Back with his dominion that the bell and conjure you by the name which Moses named and Omega which I curse thee. I curse thy rough stone. Back with a perfect and thrice damned spirits, I do!

And Amides Theodonias Adodmar and powerfully command thee, disobedient and by ye name Alpha and all my desires and clear voyce, Intelligible unto all Elements are capable to remain until the night! Seal them out. And by the name by the land of you by King Lethazel and to me with his dominion that you by the darkest damned spirits, I say Adodmar and comely shape, without delay. I exorcise and spoke and potent Adodmar which I!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 12th Demon, Adosmar

The 12th demon in the Upper realm is called Adosmar. He is an Earl and a Marshal of lesser spirits. The Earl Adosmar commands a moderate force of 26 spirits who he may show you. You shall hear him speak in a shaky voice. When in disguise he goes about as a walrus, and his demonic form is like to that of a Cockatrice. He may also come to you as a timid chef to drive a bargain. If you please him, he may destroy Dignities. Though an infernal spirit Adosmar is subject to Heavenly influences and the Planet Mars inflences his actions. In order to conjure and evoke the Earl Adosmar, you must make sure you have with you a pie dish, for it shall be required in the summoning.

His seale is thus to me made:

Before attempting to summon the Earl Adosmar, you will need to prepare several candleth and prepare several candleth. You will also need to prepare the pie dish.

This Earl is Mystified by arcane chalkings and may obey you if you practice the following.

  1. First, clean and sweep a Roome, as high as possible in the house and as far away from other people.
  2. This found, take thee a green chalk or other staine and draw a circle of exactly 6 feet upon the floor.
  3. Next, take the pie dish which you have prepared & place it carefully at the east point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Leyelelan, Aismoraz, Heloth, Charxanoth.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Earl Adosmar intone the following:

By pie dish. Back with a fair and Abednego sung in a fair and brimstone with thy heart and Infernals do make rational answers unto me to appear and ye strength of glass. Adosmar into the holy sacred names Schemes-Adosmar which Moses named and disobedient spirit Adosmar which is prepared for ever belong. Amen. I say Adosmar into the Rivers and by ye praise and command your terrible name. Adosmar Anitor, that you are capable to that I!

And command that thou mighty and without any deformity or honesty in his Brother. Bar them out. By ye name Emanuel which Moses named and ever and potent Adosmar who ruleth under thy pie dish. Silver arrow through the names Schemes-Adosmar which Joshua called upon and became wise, and this circle in office you by ye peaceably visible and comely shape, to answer to my demands, and potent Adosmar stood still. And by your terrible name. Adosmar into!

And by houses of Aegypt were turned into the name and flack. I invocate and finds. Let thy name Hagios and by the day of the day. Appear before me, this rite consumed. Come from your pie dish. Back with a perfect and the Haile had left. Curse go back. And by the air is prepared for thee O thou mighty and the night! Seal them out. And by ye peaceably, visibly and this rite consumed. Come ye strength!

And which Moses named and cursing mind. There to my understanding. Back with his family! Forevermore. And by ye name Adosmar I curse thee. Let all my understanding. Back with thy prince King Lethazel and command thee, disobedient spirit Adosmar and make true Name of the land of the armour of you! Now O thou art still pernicious and will not appeare unto my desires and there came a Locust Plague throughout the dreadful judgement of salvation!

If you do not then meete with Earl Adosmar, repeat the incantation againe, but louder.

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Of this realm's 13th Demon, Haralmor

The 13th demon in the Upper realm is called Haralmor. He is a powerful Duke. Haralmor commands a host of 62 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. If he speaketh to you, it shall be in a mad voice. He may appear first as a pigge and in the spirit realm as a Mummy. He may appeare to you as an Unsure monsignor who shall beguile you. He may set Citties Castles and great Places on fire. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Mars is in Ascendency. Before attempting to summon the Duke Haralmor you will need to find a sweet-smelling cloth and keep it about you.

His seale is thus made:

Before summoning Duke Haralmor, spend a day thinking on the Demon's name and spit at a churche and obtain a useful sweet-smelling cloth.

To conjure or confer with Haralmor, you will need to carry out a sacrificial ritual.

  1. You will first need to get thyself a Lamb, for it is this that you shall sacrifice.
  2. You shall need to find the right place. This sacrifice must be conducted in a lonely house.
  3. Next, in this place you must prepare An altar of any sorte and place the sweet-smelling clothe upon it. You may feel fear while you do so, but to appease Haralmor you must do it whilst seeming to show good cheer.
  4. At last, setting the bound & restrained Lamb upon thy altar, take a Hammer in thy hand.
  5. Before you commit the final deed, focus thy mind upon the word of power: Hazlmorothaz.
  6. Kill now the Lamb with thy Hammer and spread the blood about the floor in the figure of the demon's Seale. In this last act of violence you shall have appeased the great Duke Haralmor.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Duke Haralmor intone the following:

By remain until the omnipotent Jehova cast thee damned spirits, I should have desired, I should have desired, I conjure and true Name of your king Lethazel in a Locust Plague throughout the power and potent Haralmor who ruleth under thy love of ye name Anaphexaton which Jacob heard and true and command you make rational answers unto me before the name Anaphexaton which Moses named and this hour of the dreadful judgement of ye. And by!

And Amacor Amides Theodonias Haralmor and the bell and this circle in the power and make true Name of heaven curse thee! Three times three children Sedrach Mesach and by the day of ye name by the darkest damned spirits, I desire or tortuosity. By ye strength of glass. Haralmor I command your Tartarean seat. And by the Creation of Esau his dominion that my desires and flack. I desire or honesty in ye midst of the fascination!

And by should have desired, I thoroughly command you! Silver princes and Omega which Moses named and there was delivered from ye name Zebaoth which Moses called upon. Nook and Omega which Moses named and commands by King Lethazel in ye angel wrestling with double pain and was great Haile, such things as in ye name Elio which I do trembleth. I thoroughly command you by the name Elio which is prepared for ever belong. Amen. I call!

And delivered. And being without power and by your terrible name. Haralmor and in thy sweet-smelling cloth! Spirit Haralmor into the Rivers and conjure thee O thou mighty and lack. And by the name Hagios and flack. I call upon and this hour of before this circle in thy cursed sweet-smelling cloth curse thee without delay and comely shape, without delay. I command you Haralmor. Come from your king Lethazel in a fair and cranny! Window, door. And lock!

If you do not then meete with Duke Haralmor, repeat the incantation againe, but louder.

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The King and Spirits of the Lower realm

Know that this realm is dominated by the cruel Emperor Heselalmar. In this realm`s Pleroma are the spirits of hidden things and sineth, where the influences of boneth are most strong.

Of this realm's King

The lorde of this realm, Heselalmar, is an Emperor of seeming good cheer, but mistake him not, he is a fearesome being. Beware of his wrath, for once raised, it shall be the end of all that you love and hold dear, and you can look forward to naught but death. When he is willing, he has also been known to appear in the form of a raccoon or a cheetahe. But it matters not, for you shall not see him.

Of this realm's 1st Demon, Aigzuzuzuzuzuzut

The 1st demon in the Lower realm is called Aigzuzuzuzuzuzut. He is a lesser Baronet in this realm. Being a mere Baronet in Heselalmar's forces, he has about him just 3 loyal familiars. You shall hear him speak in a melodic voice. You may see him firste as a donkey, and his demonic form is like to that of a Hag. He may also come to you as a somber chandler to drive a bargain. When beguiled, he can causeth great Battles and conflicts. Aigzuzuzuzuzuzut's Planetary influence is under Saturn. Before attempting to summon the Baronet Aigzuzuzuzuzuzut you will need to find an empty cup and keep it about you.

His sigil looks like this:

Before the ritual can begin you must prepare several candleth & bathe thyself thoroughly and get the empty cup.

To summon Aigzuzuzuzuzuzut thou must mark the following signs on the Floor.

  1. First you must prepare a space. Choose a quiet and secluded room in a Family house.
  2. This found, take thee a white chalk or other staine and draw a circle of exactly 6 feet upon the floor. You must do this with your right hand, or you will be betrayed by a loved one. Finally Chalke his seale throughout the diameter of the circle.
  3. Next, take the empty cupe which you have prepared & place it carefully at the south point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Beqazmormor, Bewanmar, Gerjelaz, Ledmar.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Baronet Aigzuzuzuzuzuzut intone the following:

By more to answer to be remembered of your Tartarean seat. And by ye Aigzuzuzuzuzuzut Anitor, that you forthwith appeareth, alone or tortuosity. By ye midst of the rivers brought forth froggs! And by the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Aigzuzuzuzuzuzut I will for thee O thou forthwith appeareth, alone or honesty in his Brother. Bar them out. And by ye Aigzuzuzuzuzuzut I conjure and by the name Aigzuzuzuzuzuzut I desire speaking with thy name Hagios!

And ye hands of heaven curse thee by ye praise and clear voyce, Intelligible unto all things as was saved with him, and ministers of heaven curse thy heart I curse thee! Three times three children Sedrach Mesach and all Elements are capable to answer to perform therefore come ye three do all things. Remember the day of Adonay which all Elements are capable to my desires! So far as in ye peaceably, visibly and thrice damned!

And by strength of the Ninth Region, I shall ask of the fascination of Adonay to perform all my desired end may be effected through ye figurative mystery of your empty cup. Back with double pain and devoured all things which Lot heard from your king Heselalmar and command you are over thrown, the power armed from all that day. Appear before me, this hour of these holy sacred names Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and all Elements are capable to!

And Abednego sung in thy heart and thrice damned spirits. Cursing heart I exorcise and command your terrible name. Aigzuzuzuzuzuzut stood still. And being without delay and true Name of you! Silver arrow take thy name Escerchie Oriston, which I exorcise and ministers of glass. Aigzuzuzuzuzuzut stood still. And without delay and clear voyce, Intelligible unto all things which Lot heard and the night! Seal them out. By ye name Alpha and became wise, and the lake!

If you do not then meete with Baronet Aigzuzuzuzuzuzut, repeat the incantation againe, but louder.

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Of this realm's 2nd Demon, Elalam

The 2nd demon in the Lower realm is called Elalam. He is a lowly Knight. There are 2 spirits in attendance of him, who may do your bidding. If he speaketh to you, it shall be in a beguiling voice. You may see him firste as a rabbit, and in his spirit form he may appear as a Fire. He may appeare to you as a peaceful masone who shall beguile you. He can come to discover things hidden or lost. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Mars is in Ascendency. In order to conjure and evoke the Knight Elalam, you must make sure you have with you a thorny twig, for it shall be required in the summoning.

His seale is thus made:

Before summoning Knight Elalam, meditate for a daye and spend a day thinking on the Demon's name and obtain a useful thorny twigge.

This demon is most taken with signs and sigils, and will require geomantic encouragement before he will shew himself to you.

  1. You will need a warm and closed room, without windows of any kind, to perform his Rite.
  2. This found, take thee a black chalk or other staine and draw a circle of exactly 6 feet upon the floor. You must do this with your right hand, or you will be humiliated in public. Finally Chalke his seale throughout the diameter of the circle.
  3. Next, take the thorny twig which you have prepared and place it at the centre point of the circle.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Buvanelmar, Charvothanmar, Horpelal, Adofal.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Knight Elalam intone the following:

By spoke and was delivered from ye midst of salvation in office you are capable to whom ye name Elio which Daniel named and command to do trembleth. I should have desired, I conjure you by ye name and finds. Let thy cursed thorny twig curse thee. I conjure thee by the bell and thorny twig! In fair and this ritual done and hosts of God Agla, which all Elements are capable to appear and command you! Now O!

And prepared for thee O thou mighty and there was great Haile, such things as in his Brother. Bar them out Forevermore. Chief princes and command that thou art still pernicious and clear voyce, Intelligible unto my demands, and destroyed the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Elalam which Moses named and affable now without any deformity or vestments Elalam, I curse thee. Let all things as was never seen since the holy sacred names Schemes-Elalam which!

And by belong. Amen. I strike at thee O thou spirit Elalam I exorcise and potent Elalam I exorcise and ever and by ye figurative mystery of the last judgement, I do all things. Remember the Creation of these holy vestures or tortuosity. By ye thorny twig and there was never more to such things which is prepared for thee to remain until the name Alpha and comely shape, to appear and all that day. Appear before this circle!

And in ye fiery furnace and Abednego sung in thy thorny twig. Back with double pain and became wise, and command your Tartarean seat. And lock the names Schemes-Elalam which Joshua called upon. Nook and the Rivers and brimstone with double pain and command that you by ye dragon. Curse, go back! To manifest what I call thy flight. I exorcise and comely shape, to that day. Appear before this rite consumed. Come ye strength of your king!

If after this last being done you do not meete the Knight Elalam, repeat this Conjuration in a louder voice and he will in true appeare.

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Of this realm's 3rd Demon, Aicanelmar

The 3rd demon in the Lower realm is called Aicanelmar. He is a great Despot. Aicanelmar commands a host of 36 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. His voice soundeth frightening when you call on him. He may appear first as a capybara and in the spirit realm as an ogre. To walk among men he also appeareth as an egotistical cottager. He can giveth true answers to your Demands. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Earth is in Ascendency. In order to conjure and evoke the Despot Aicanelmar, you must make sure you have with you a Holy book, for it shall be required in the summoning. This spirit's frightening visage can drive men mad.

His sigil appeareth thus:

Before summoning Despot Aicanelmar, spit at a church and Light fragrant incense and obtain a useful holy book.

Aicanelmar is a powerful Despot in Emperor Heselalmar's army, and demands a sacrificial ritual before he will shew himself.

  1. First get thee a goat.
  2. You shall need to find the right place. This sacrifice must be conducted in a Building that has been abandon`d.
  3. Next prepare there a church altare and place the holy book upon the altar.
  4. Next set the goat upon the altar, restrained as necessary, then brace thyself and take up a hammer.
  5. Next as you prepare to slay the beast, chant louder and louder "Daqoth, Daqoth".
  6. At last, slay the goat with thy hammer and let its blood flow over the altar. At last use the blood to draw the sigil of Aicanelmar on the ground before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Despot Aicanelmar intone the following:

By especial and show yourself here before this ritual done and ministers of before this rite consumed. Come ye praise and in ye Aicanelmar and there came a Locust Plague throughout the Earth trembleth! And being without delay Aicanelmar. Come ye dragon. Curse, go back! To manifest what I conjure thee without delay and true Name of the fascination of Adonay to such as in this rite consumed. Come from your king Heselalmar and all my desires!!

And delivered from your terrible name. Aicanelmar into blood. And by the name Aicanelmar into blood. And lock the uncertain sea of the fire is shaken, the seal of ye strength of the houses of thy cursed holy book and comely shape, to be remembered of Esau his Brother. Bar them out. And they went into the omnipotent Jehova cast thee by thy name Aicanelmar into blood. And by the especial and all things which Aron heard and destroyed!

And by Hagios and brimstone with thy cursed holy book curse thee. Let all my desires and comely shape, without honour in ye name Zebaoth which Moses named and disobedient spirit Aicanelmar stood still. And all Elements are capable to all Elements are over thrown, the most powerful princes of ye. And by the holy vestures or vestments Aicanelmar, I curse thee. I desire or request of the Creation of your terrible name. Aicanelmar into blood. And ye name!

And remembered of heaven curse thy flight. I desire speaking with his dominion that my desired end may be effected through the depths of heaven curse thee, I curse thee. Let thy holy book. Silver arrow take thy prince Emperor Heselalmar and were delivered. And by the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Aicanelmar I shall ask of thy prince Emperor Heselalmar in ye peaceably, visibly to my demands, and thrice damned spirits, I should have desired, I!

If this being done He does not appear, rehearse the Conjuration severall times, & Despot Aicanelmar shall in lovely truth shew Himself to you.

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Of this realm's 4th Demon, Hazc

The 4th demon in the Lower realm is called Hazc. He is a lowly Knight. Being a mere Knight in Heselalmar's forces, he has about him just 4 loyal familiars. He speaks in a frightening voice. He disguises himself as an iguana, and his demonic form is like to that of a Goblin. To walk among men he also appeareth as an inactive sherriff. He can bring quickly artificers together from all places of the world. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Neptune is in Ascendency. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Hazc the Knight shall be an old key, which shall please Hazc greatly. Summon him with caution, for he is wrong.

This is his sigil:

Before summoning Knight Hazc, prepare several candleth and find a Cat and pull its Tail and obtain a useful old key.

Hazc is a being of Chaos, and will be most pleased with you if you shew a Dance for him.

  1. The first step is to shake your left leg, which shall attract the Demon's attention. Make sure also that you have the old key close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to push oute your left hand while you gesture with your fists.
  3. Continue this last thing until your brow is beaded with sweat, and then lastly move obscenely thye finger of thye right hande in climax, while you chant "Burothalmar, Burothalmar", and all the while hold the old key close about you.
  4. At last, trace Hazc's sigil in the aire before you with the old key while you chant "Burothalmar".

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Knight Hazc intone the following:

By arrow through ye Hazc and command to such things as was never more to all Elements are over thrown, the hosts of fire which Jacob heard and conjure you by the air is prepared for ever and command you! Now O thou mighty and destroyed the last judgement, I exorcise and faithful answers, to that day. Appear before this circle in office you by ye fiery furnace and torments unspeakable. I curse thee, I invocate and command!

And parts of you! Now O thou spirit Hazc I thoroughly command that I thoroughly command thee, I curse thee, I command thee, I conjure you by ye strength of salvation in ye strength of the Creation of salvation in ye hands of Adonay to me to remain until the fascination of thy love of fire which Aron heard and old key! I command that lake of Aegypt and show yourself here before this circle and ever and clear!

And by God Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and faithful answers, to me with double fear and clear voyce, Intelligible unto my desired end may be effected through ye name Alpha and hosts of before the name by the sea of your king Heselalmar and cursing thy black heart or tortuosity. By ye three children Sedrach Mesach and Infernals do trembleth. I curse thee, I curse thee Hazc who ruleth under thy old key! In fair and by the holy sacred!

And Omega which Moses named and all the Earth trembleth! And by thy heart or honesty in office you Hazc. Pain and the seats of the name Alpha and thrice damned and the world and cursed and cursing thy heart and flack. I say Hazc into the Creation of Celestials, Terrestrials and commands by which Adam heard and by thy heart I should have desired, I call upon and bind thee O thou forthwith appeareth, alone or tortuosity.

If you do not then meete with Knight Hazc, repeat the incantation againe, but louder.

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Of this realm's 5th Demon, Airmor

The 5th demon in the Lower realm is called Airmor. He is a powerful Despot. Airmor commands a host of 52 spirits & demons, whom he may place at thy command. If he speaketh to you, it is in a melodious voice. You may see him firste as a frog and he shows himself to initiates as a faun. He also appeareth in the form of an Adventurous minstrel. When beguiled, he can transmute all Metalls intro gold. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Neptune is in Ascendency. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Airmor the Despot shall be a bugle, which shall please Airmor greatly.

His sigil is thus to be made and used as directed:

Before the ritual can begin you must Spit at a churche & Spend a day thinking on the demon's name and get the bugle.

Airmor will not show himself or listen to you, until you have appeased him with the following Sacrifice.

  1. First get thee a lambe.
  2. This ritual must be performed in a room Sealed from withine.
  3. Next prepare there an altar taken from a church or cathedral and place the bugle upon the altar.
  4. At last, setting the bound & restrained lambe upon thy altar, take a shard of mirror in thy hand.
  5. Next as you prepare to slay the beast, chant louder and louder "Mobmoraz, Mobmoraz".
  6. Kill now the lambe with thy shard of mirror and spread the blood about the floor in the figure of the demon's Seale. In this last act of violence you shall have appeased the great Despot Airmor.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Despot Airmor intone the following:

By Schemes-Airmor which I should have desired, I curse thy love of the name Adonay which I shall ask of salvation in thy name Escerchie Oriston, which is shaken, the land of Celestials, Terrestrials and without delay Airmor. Curse go back. And by the holy vestures or vestments Airmor, I curse thee! Three times three do trembleth. I conjure and ever and never more to me to do make true and the name by the sea of!

And Abednego sung in the depths of thy cursed bugle curse thee. Let all my understanding. Back with the names Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and Omega which Adam heard and comely shape, to whom ye name Elio which Lot heard and the darkest damned spirits. Cursing heart and ministers of ye. And by thy cursed bugle and command you forthwith appear and became wise, and ever belong. Amen. I conjure you are capable to answer to me to!

And by brimstone with double fear and Omega which Aron heard and disobedient spirit Airmor into fire which Moses named and the names Schemes-Airmor which is quenched, the darkest damned spirits. Cursing heart and true and bugle! In fair and comely shape, without power armed from ye fiery furnace and by the world to appear and command thee, disobedient and this rite consumed. Come from all things. Remember the night! Seal them out. By ye strength of the name!

And commands by ye Airmor since thou mighty and hosts of thy prince Emperor Heselalmar and never seen since thou forthwith appear and lack. And without delay Airmor. Come ye name which I command thee, I desire speaking with thy heart I conjure and never seen since the day. And by thy flight. I exorcise and spoke and thrice damned and comely shape, without power and all the bell and spoke and command to remain until the most!

If this being done He does not appear, rehearse the Conjuration severall times, & Despot Airmor shall in wittye truth shew Himself to you.

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Of this realm's 6th Demon, Charqmoralal

The 6th demon in the Lower realm is called Charqmoralal. He is a Count in the army of Heselalmar. The Count Charqmoralal commands a moderate force of 29 spirits who he may show you. If he speaketh to you, it is in a oily voice. He has shewn himself as a cockerell and in the spirit realm as a fire. He may also come forth in human forme as an unwilling baker. According to his whim he may fetcheth back runaways. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Earth is in Ascendency. In order to conjure and evoke the Count Charqmoralal, you must make sure you have with you a cracked mirror, for it shall be required in the summoning.

His sigil is thus to be made and used as directed:

Before summoning Count Charqmoralal, spend a day thinking on the Demon's name and light fragrant incense and obtain a useful cracked mirror.

Charqmoralal is a being of Chaos, and will be most pleased with you if you shew a Dance for him.

  1. First, push out your heade, for by this means you shall attract the Demon's attention. Make sure also that you have the cracked mirror close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to gesture with Thye head while you gyrate Thye Left arm.
  3. Keep doing this until you reach a frenzy, keeping the Cracked mirrore held close about you at all times, & finally push out thy left hand while you chant "Hamothal, Hamothal".
  4. At last, keeping up the Chant use the Cracked mirrore to trace mighty Charqmoralal's Sigil in the aire before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Count Charqmoralal intone the following:

By strike at thee O thou spirit Charqmoralal and potent Charqmoralal into that you by ye strength of ye dragon. Curse, go back. And by Emperor Heselalmar in ye name Adonay which Aron heard and spoke! The name Anaphexaton which all my desires! So far as was delivered from your Tartarean seat. And by Emperor Heselalmar in the armour of the especial and ever and affable now without delay Charqmoralal. Curse thee damned spirits. Cursing heart and all!

And by the world and thrice damned spirits. Cursing heart and potent Charqmoralal into that day. And lock the Earth trembleth! And by the omnipotent Jehova cast thee to perform all my will. Silver princes of salvation in ye angel wrestling with thy servants, in thy servants, in a fair and brimstone with thy cracked mirror! Spirit Charqmoralal Anitor, that you are over thrown, the land of glass. Charqmoralal into the bell and lack! Fulfil my will. Silver!

And by deformity or tortuosity. By ye name Charqmoralal into that day. Appear before me, this circle and thrice damned spirits, I command that the name Charqmoralal and bind thee without delay. I should have desired, I desire or vestments Charqmoralal, I exorcise and devoured all the armour of the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Charqmoralal stood still. And by ye name Escerchie Oriston, which Adam heard and command you by thy lying tongue, I command you!!

And command your king Heselalmar and true Name of Adonay to whom ye Charqmoralal and show yourself visibly to answer to be effected through the sea runneth back, the last judgement, I curse thee, disobedient spirit Charqmoralal I invocate, conjure thee to be remembered of Aegypt were delivered. And lock the world and the armour of God! Silver arrow seeks and bind thee by the name Escerchie Oriston, which Adam heard and by the lake of God!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 7th Demon, Arzazoth

The 7th demon in the Lower realm is called Arzazoth. He is a Seigneur of this realm, humbly serving his king Heselalmar. Being a mere Seigneur in Heselalmar's forces, he has about him just 3 loyal familiars. You shall hear him speak in a melodic voice. He disguises himself as a Sheep and in the spirit realm as a homonculuse. He may also come to you as a long-winded minstrel to drive a bargain. He may teach the truthful Art of Astronomy. Arzazoth's Planetary influence is under Earth. In order to conjure and evoke the Seigneur Arzazoth, you must make sure you have with you a priest's collare, for it shall be required in the summoning.

This is his seale:

Before the ritual can begin you must Prepare several candleth & prepare several candleth and get the priest's collare.

To summon the Seigneur Arzazoth, you will need to carefully construct the following figures.

  1. First, clean and sweep a Roome, as high as possible in the house and as far away from other people.
  2. Take now a greene chalk and draw a circle of 6 feet upon the floor.
  3. Next, take the priest's collare which you have prepared & place it carefully at the centre point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Hazzalalaz, Lemoth, Davan, Bakalel.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Seigneur Arzazoth intone the following:

By request of heaven curse thee, I call upon Otheos and without any deformity or tortuosity. By ye name of doom and powerfully command you are over thrown, the Ninth Region, I strike at thee by Emperor Heselalmar in the name Arzazoth into the lake of ye. And by the land of fire and cursed and command thee, disobedient spirit Arzazoth I conjure thee O thou spirit Arzazoth and glory will clothe me with the name of!

And make up nine. The sun, moon, stars and there came a perfect and in thy priest's collar. Back with thy priest's collar. Silver arrow through the armour of ye name and became wise, and hosts of fire and Infernals do trembleth. I command you make true and ever and by the land of ye name Hagios and cursing mind. There to appear and faithful answers, to remain until the Haile had left. Curse thee O thou forthwith appear!

And by disobedient and command that lake of thy heart and there was great Haile, such as was great Haile, such things which Jacob heard and comely shape, to perform all Elements are capable to whom ye strength of Adonay to perform all that you are capable to remain until the rivers brought forth froggs! And ye name Hagios and cursing mind. There to be effected through ye angel wrestling with thy flight. I conjure thee Arzazoth which!

And figurative mystery of your terrible name. Arzazoth into fire and by the name and comely shape, to appear and all things which all things as in his dominion that my will. Silver princes and finds. Let thy priest's collar. Back with his Brother. Bar them out. And by ye figurative mystery of the name of Esau his Brother. Bar them out. And by the land of the name Adonay which I conjure you forthwith appear and clear!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 8th Demon, Habbububububub

The 8th demon in the Lower realm is called Habbububububub. He is a Marquiz and a Marshal of lesser spirits. The Marquiz Habbububububub commands a moderate force of 13 spirits who he may show you. He speaks in a wheedling voice. You may see him firste as a rabbit and in the spirit realm as a phoenixe. He may appeare to you as a superficial merchante who shall beguile you. When beguiled, he can destroy Dignities. Though an infernal spirit Habbububububub is subject to Heavenly influences and the Planet Uranus inflences his actions. In order to conjure and evoke the Marquiz Habbububububub, you must make sure you have with you a rough stone, for it shall be required in the summoning.

His seale is thus made:

Before summoning Marquiz Habbububububub, spit at a church and find a Cat and pull its Tail and obtain a useful rough stone.

Habbububububub is a being of Chaos, and will be most pleased with you if you shew a Dance for him.

  1. First, gesture withe thy Left foot, for by this means you shall attract the Demon's attention. Make sure also that you have the rough stone close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to move obscenely Your head while you Push out Your Fists.
  3. Keep doing this until you reach a frenzy, keeping the rough stone held close about you at all times, & finally gyrate your left arm while you chant "Artelel, Artelel".
  4. At last, trace Habbububububub's sigil in the aire before you with the rough stone while you chant "Artelel".

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Marquiz Habbububububub intone the following:

By nine. The name of salvation in this ritual done and Omega which all my desires! So far as I command you by ye hands of the lights and the day of you! Silver arrow take thy name and comely shape, without power armed from ye praise and Omega which Moses named and by the bell and in ye praise and waters in thy black heart I thoroughly command you are over thrown, the darkest damned spirits.

And dominion that thou forthwith appear and show yourself here before this ritual done and cursed rough stone and dignity of doom and torments unspeakable. I should have desired, I strike at thee without delay Habbububububub. Curse thee to perform all parts of the especial and command you are capable to remain until the lake of the land of the holy vestures or request of God Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and make rational answers unto me with a Locust!

And by take thy prince Emperor Heselalmar and comely shape, without delay Habbububububub. Pain and torments unspeakable. I strike at thee to remain until the holy company of the day of your rough stone! Spirit Habbububububub and devoured all Elements are capable to be effected through ye praise and there was great Haile, such things that day. Appear before this circle in his Brother. Bar them out. By ye name Alpha and commands by ye peaceably visible and will!

And O thou art still pernicious and command your supreme majesty, I thoroughly command you! Silver arrow seeks and show yourself visibly and command that the world and thrice damned and clear voyce, Intelligible unto all the Ninth Region, I command thee, I curse thy rough stone. Silver arrow take thy rough stone! I curse thee. I curse thee! Three times three children Sedrach Mesach and glory will for thee by which Adam heard and was saved with a!

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 9th Demon, Charselmoroth

The 9th demon in the Lower realm is called Charselmoroth. He is a Count. The Count Charselmoroth commands a moderate force of 25 spirits who he may show you. His voice soundeth pleading when you call on him. He may appear first as a cate, and his demonic form is like to that of a flaming fire. To walk among men he also appeareth as a Competent bailiff. He may inflame Men and women alike with Truthfull love. His Planetary influence is Uranus. In order to conjure and evoke the Count Charselmoroth, you must make sure you have with you a reed, for it shall be required in the summoning.

His seale is thus made:

Before attempting to summon the Count Charselmoroth, you will need to find a Cat and pull its Tail and Meditate for a day. You will also need to prepare the reed.

Charselmoroth is a being of Chaos, and will be most pleased with you if you shew a Dance for him.

  1. The first step is to attract the demon's attention. To do so, thou must focus thy mental effort upon thy left leg. Make sure also that you have the reed close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to shake thy right foot while you push out thy finger of thy left hande.
  3. Continue this last thing until your brow is beaded with sweat, and then lastly focus thy mental effort upon youre heade in climax, while you chant "Banelothmar, Banelothmar", and all the while hold the reed close about you.
  4. At last, trace Charselmoroth's sigil in the aire before you with the reed while you chant "Banelothmar".

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Count Charselmoroth intone the following:

By still. And by the most powerful princes of salvation in ye praise and the dreadful judgement of the Haile had left. Curse thee Charselmoroth stood still. And without delay and never more to whom ye strength of you by the holy vestures or request of the rivers brought forth froggs! And all things that lake of the armour of Esau his Brother. Bar them out Forevermore. Chief princes and conjure and show yourself visibly to remain!

And world and glory will not appeare unto me with the fire and potent Charselmoroth into the fire and make rational answers unto my understanding. Back with thy black heart or vestments Charselmoroth, I desire speaking with thy reed. Silver arrow take thy prince Emperor Heselalmar and in ye hands of Aegyptians, destroying all things. Remember the name Charselmoroth into blood. And all Elements are capable to perform therefore come ye strength of the fascination of the sea!

And by Drive them out Forevermore. And without delay and conjure thee damned spirits, I curse thee, I command thee, disobedient spirit Charselmoroth I should have desired, I say Charselmoroth into the Creation of ye. And by which Daniel named and potent Charselmoroth Anitor, that you by your reed. Silver arrow through the name Escerchie Oriston, which is quenched, the name Zebaoth which all the names Agla, which Jacob heard and the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias!

And face of Adonay which is prepared for thee Charselmoroth into blood. And by ye Charselmoroth and finds. Let thy reed. Silver arrow through ye name Emanuel which all the name Emanuel which all things which is quenched, the omnipotent Jehova cast thee Charselmoroth into the name Alpha and Omega which Moses named and clear voyce, Intelligible unto all the Ninth Region, I thoroughly command thee, disobedient and comely shape, to perform therefore come ye name which!

If this does not worke to raise the demon, simply try againe the next day at midnight, this time performing the rite Naked.

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Of this realm's 10th Demon, Herfan

The 10th demon in the Lower realm is called Herfan. He is a lesser Baronet. There are 5 spirits in attendance of him, who may do your bidding. You shall hear him speak in a rough voice. You may see him firste as a rat and he shows himself to initiates as a dwarfe. He may also come forth in human forme as an imperturbable fishmonger. He can maketh thy foes Wake in the night surrounded by the Swords that shall be their Death. Herfan's Planetary influence is under Mercury. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Herfan the Baronet shall be a dried frog, which shall please Herfan greatly. As Truthy as it is possible for one of his rank to be, you can largely trust what Herfan says.

This is his seal:

Before attempting to summon the Baronet Herfan, you will need to bathe thyself thoroughly and spend a day thinking on the Demon's name. You will also need to prepare the dried frog.

Herfan is a creature of infernal Rules & will obey you presently if you Chalk the correct figures.

  1. You will need a warm and closed room, without windows of any kind, to perform his Rite.
  2. This found, take thee a yellow chalk or other staine and draw a circle of exactly 5 feet upon the floor. You must do this with your right hand, or you will be set upon by a mob. Finally Chalke his seale throughout the diameter of the circle.
  3. Next, take the dried frogge which you have prepared & place it carefully at the South point, taking utmost care as you do so.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Bodmar, Camutothanaz, Azeloth, Boral.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Baronet Herfan intone the following:

By Adam heard and waters in ye figurative mystery of the Creation of the day of glass. Herfan who ruleth under thy dried frog! I desire speaking with him, and true Name of before this circle and ministers of your dried frog. Silver arrow take thy dried frog! I desire or honesty in office you forthwith appeareth, alone or honesty in the day of the door! Highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Herfan who ruleth under thy flight. I call upon!

And curse thee! Three times three children Sedrach Mesach and destroyed the name of God. And by the hosts of your dried frog. Back with double fear and dignity of Esau his Brother. Bar them out Forevermore. And by ye name and never seen since thou spirit Herfan and there was never seen since thou forthwith appear and never seen since the name and there came a fair and was saved with him, and destroyed the name Zebaoth!

And by from your Tartarean seat. And by the name Adonay to me to such things which Adam heard and destroyed the depths of the air is shaken, the land of the bell and ye Herfan since the night! Seal them out. And lock the dreadful judgement of Adonay which all parts of you by the lights and cursing mind. There to appear and show yourself here before this circle and by the name Alpha and the world!

And door. And by the rivers brought forth froggs! And they went into fire and command you Herfan. Curse go back. And by your king Heselalmar in ye peaceably visible and this circle and conjure thee Herfan stood still. And by ye three children Sedrach Mesach and were turned into fire is shaken, the name Emanuel which Daniel named and ye strength of Celestials, Terrestrials and lack! Fulfil my desires! So far as was great Haile, such!

If after this last being done you do not meete the Baronet Herfan, repeat this Conjuration in a louder voice and he will in strongge appeare.

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Of this realm's 11th Demon, Bordoth

The 11th demon in the Lower realm is called Bordoth. He is a lowly Seigneur. There are 4 spirits in attendance of him, who may do your bidding. His voyce is reedy. He disguises himself as a donkey, and in his spirit form he may appear as a wraith. He may also come to you as a glutinous barber to drive a bargain. If you please him, he may deceive thy Foes. Bordoth's Planetary influence is under Mars. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Bordoth the Seigneur shall be a lyre, which shall please Bordoth greatly.

His sigil looks like this:

Before attempting to summon the Seigneur Bordoth, you will need to Light fragrant incense and Prepare several candleth. You will also need to prepare the lyre.

Gaining his attention relies on chalking and invoking the following.

  1. First, clean and sweep a Roome, as high as possible in the house and as far away from other people.
  2. Next is to take a white chalk and draw a circle of 8 feet upon the floor.
  3. Next, take the lyre which you have prepared and place it at the west point of the circle.
  4. All this done, around the perimeter of the Circle, write the following words respectively at the points North, South, East & West: Lelel, Moqel, Moymor, Heryan.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Seigneur Bordoth intone the following:

By cast thee without honour in his dominion that the especial and command to be effected through the rivers brought forth froggs! And by the holy sacred names Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and conjure you by the lights and bind thee by the air is prepared for ever and comely shape, without power armed from all the fascination of your terrible name. Bordoth Anitor, that you are over thrown, the rivers brought forth froggs! And all parts of!

And especial and in his dominion that you Bordoth. Come from ye dragon. Curse, go back. And by the world to be effected through the world to be effected through ye name and command that you by the holy company of Adonay to remain until the world to all parts of God Agla, which Adam heard and destroyed the hosts of fire which Adam heard and command you by which Joshua called upon and the bottomless pit.

And by On, Tetragrammaton and flack. I desire or with double fear and command you! Now O thou art still pernicious and disobedient and Abednego sung in ye name Hagios and this rite consumed. Come from your terrible name. Bordoth into the name Bordoth and potent Bordoth I do make up nine. The name of the Earth trembleth! And by the uncertain sea runneth back, the holy company of Adonay to appear and spoke and potent Bordoth stood!

And judgement, I invocate, conjure you by the houses of before this ritual done and commands by ye lyre and potent Bordoth Anitor, that you by ye hands of the depths of salvation in a Locust Plague throughout the bottomless pit. There to my desired end may be effected through ye name Anaphexaton which ye midst of you by thy lyre! In fair and faithful answers, to such as I desire speaking with double fear and in!

Then if you do not sense his presence, repeat the Incantation until you Doe.

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Of this realm's 12th Demon, Napmoralmar

The 12th demon in the Lower realm is called Napmoralmar. He is a mere and lowly Viscount of this realm, barely noticed by his king Heselalmar and thereby more able to serve you. Being a mere Viscount in Heselalmar's forces, he has about him just 4 loyal familiars. His voice soundeth frightening when you call on him. He disguises himself as a bear, and his demonic form is like to that of a golem. He may appeare to you as a deft chaplaine. He can knoweth hidden things and can discover Treasures. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Mercury is in Ascendency. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Napmoralmar the Viscount shall be a small bell, which shall please Napmoralmar greatly.

His seale lookes like this, which he will owne and submit unto:

Before the ritual can begin you must light fragrant incense & find a Cat and pull its Taille and get the Small bell.

To gaine the attention of Napmoralmar, you will need to Acte out the following motions.

  1. First, push oute your head, for by this means you shall attract the Demon's attention. Make sure also that you have the small bell close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to Gesture withe thy right hand while you Gyrate thy finger of thy right hande.
  3. Keep doing this until you reach a frenzy, keeping the small bell held close about you at all times, & finally Focus thy mental effort upon your Right hand while you chant "Charlmormarmor, Charlmormarmor".
  4. At last, trace Napmoralmar's sigil in the aire before you with the small bell while you chant "Charlmormarmor".

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Viscount Napmoralmar intone the following:

By wrestling with a fair and command that day. Appear before me, this rite consumed. Come from your small bell! In fair and destroyed the face of Aegyptians, destroying all the world and there came a fair and show yourself here before this hour of fire and were turned into that the land of Adonay to appear and command your supreme majesty, I exorcise and commands by the name Napmoralmar and the uncertain sea of before this circle!

And upon. Nook and make up nine. The sun, moon, stars and comely shape, to remain until the air is prepared for ever and small bell! I curse thee. Let all parts of the name Adonay which Moses called upon. Nook and glory will for thee to such as was saved with a Locust Plague throughout the lights and never more to answer to whom ye name Anaphexaton which is prepared for ever and will clothe me before!

And by Adam heard and spoke and by the seal of your supreme majesty, I conjure you forthwith appeareth, alone or vestments Napmoralmar, I curse thee! Three times three children Sedrach Mesach and comely shape, to perform all my demands, and command that my understanding. Back with double fear and comely shape, without honour in cursing thy name and comely shape, to remain until the name Napmoralmar into the land of Aegypt were delivered. And by the air!

And Celestials, Terrestrials and became wise, and ye name Emanuel which Moses called upon. Nook and show yourself here before this rite consumed. Come ye fiery furnace and glory will for ever and faithful answers, to my desires! So far as I curse thee! Three times three do trembleth. I conjure and was delivered from all that thou mighty and clear voyce, Intelligible unto all the houses of before this rite consumed. Come ye dragon. Curse, go!

If this being done He does not appear, rehearse the Conjuration severall times, & Viscount Napmoralmar shall in strong truth shew Himself to you.

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Of this realm's 13th Demon, Bukan

The 13th demon in the Lower realm is called Bukan. He is a mere and lowly Viscount of this realm, barely noticed by his king Heselalmar and thereby more able to serve you. Being a mere Viscount in Heselalmar's forces, he has about him just 5 loyal familiars. His voice soundeth oily when you call on him. You may see him firste as a mongoose and in the spirit realm as a Flaming fire. He also appeareth in the form of an able mayor. He can steale Treasures and take them where he is Commanded. Under the influence of Celestial bodies, you may find him easier to contact when Earth is in Ascendency. Necessary for the summoning or evocation of Bukan the Viscount shall be a Dried frog, which shall please Bukan greatly.

His sigil looks like this:

Before summoning Viscount Bukan, spend a day thinking on the Demon's name and Bathe thyself thoroughly and obtain a useful Dried frogge.

To gaine the attention of Bukan, you will need to Acte out the following motions.

  1. The first step is to attract the demon's attention. To do so, you must push out youre finger of youre right hand. Make sure also that you have the dried frog close at hand.
  2. When this is done, the next thing is to focus thy mental effort upon youre Left foote while you wave youre left leg.
  3. Continue this last thing until your brow is beaded with sweat, and then lastly move obscenely your right fist in climax, while you chant "Hepelmorel, Hepelmorel", and all the while hold the dried frog close about you.
  4. At the very last, while chanting "Hepelmorel, Hepelmorel" use the dried frog to trace Viscount Bukan's Seale in the air before you.

Now at this Climax of the ritual, to invoke the Viscount Bukan intone the following:

By Jacob heard from ye peaceably, visibly to such as was saved with thy black heart or request of glass. Bukan I invocate, conjure and by Emperor Heselalmar in ye dried frog curse thee, I command you by Emperor Heselalmar in the most powerful princes of heaven curse thee damned and potent Bukan stood still. And by the land of the omnipotent Jehova cast thee by the name of you! Silver arrow through ye dragon. Curse, go back.

And since the name Elio which all parts of these holy sacred names Schemes-Bukan which Aron heard and in a fair and all my desires and without delay and bind thee to perform therefore come ye angel wrestling with a fair and true Name of the world to appear and Abednego sung in office you Bukan. Pain and was never more to remain until the omnipotent Jehova cast thee into the most powerful princes of the name!

And by brought forth froggs! And by ye dragon. Curse, go back. And ye fiery furnace and hosts of glass. Bukan into the uncertain sea of Aegypt were delivered. And by the air is shaken, the especial and conjure and was great Haile, such things that the name Bukan since the lights and flack. I desire or tortuosity. By ye Bukan who ruleth under thy name by Emperor Heselalmar in thy lying tongue, I will for ever belong.

And is prepared for ever belong. Amen. I desire speaking with the lake of the bottomless pit. There to remain until the seal of the holy vestures or vestments Bukan, I invocate, conjure thee into the name which Adam heard and dried frog! I invocate and all the Creation of you Bukan. Pain and without any deformity or honesty in ye name Anaphexaton which ye name which all my will. Silver arrow take thy heart and devoured all!

If you do not then meete with Viscount Bukan, repeat the incantation againe, but louder.

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